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    Silent #1
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  1. Just a few more weeks. :D

  2. Welcome back! Seems like a reunion, lol. Lots of us coming back at the same time. Anyways, see you on the server!
  3. Long time no see! I hope you still remember me. Glad you came back too. I'm considering a come back as well but won't play as much as before. I gotta set up the game and see how it goes. Can't wait to kick your a** one more time after a good few years of inactivity lol.
  4. The Division is really nice and while playing the beta for three days on PS4 I haven't noticed any bugs or things that might have put me off the game. The graphics are awesome (especially when the blizzard hits the city at night), missions and activities are good as well and you can choose to do them alone or with a group of four people which is cool. Exploring the city together is much better so I recommend doing it rather than playing solo. Upgrading the main base gives you more skills to use so you can create a perfect agent that suits your game style. @10Tacle, teamplay differs a lot in PvE and PvP. In the first one it's more about fun. As you explore the city in the PvE area it's very easy to survive but it gets a bit boring if you have no one to talk to and you just stare at the screen and shoot the enemies. It's much easier to level up with a bunch of other players as you can repeat the same missions on different difficulties so you can get a better loot (weapons, attachments, clothing parts etc.). As I said it's more about fun in this part of the game but yeah... some people prefer to play solo which is not a problem in PvE environment. When it comes to the PvP area (the Dark Zone) it changes dramatically. The chances of surviving while playing solo are very low. The AI enemies are difficult to defeat and they always gang up on you (at least 4 enemies, once I encountered a group of 8). Whenever they kill you, you lose all the loot that you collect in the Dark Zone. The only way to save the loot is to extract it in on of the extraction points but again if you're playing solo the other agents will try to steal it from you and as a solo agent the chances of survival are very low. Even when you go rogue the only way to survive is to run around the map like a headless chicken because every single player will try to hunt you down. A group of rogues though has a better chance of surviving. The Dark Zone is the best way to find some good loot with one of the best stats in the game so if you really want to get your hands on it, make sure you form a group (at least 3 in total can make a good team with good chances of survival). In the beta everything looked very promising and I really had a lot of fun playing it. The Dark Zone area was very small though so I got a bit bored but yeah... I can't wait for the 8th of March to see the complete game and I'm sure I'll spend a lot of time playing it until I get bored. My score for the beta? 9/10.
  5. Hello everybody! I came back after a veeeeery long break. Most of you probably don't remember me as I stopped playing Enemy Territory quite a while ago but maybe you recall the nickname H3LLB0Y! So... yeah, it's nice to be back and see some of the people I still remember when I used to play on Jay4 server. I hope to play again with some of you guys! Sadly I no longer play ET but you can find me active on PS4 under a different nickname Mr_Sh0z which was actually one of my first nicknames in ET and other games such as RuneScape (long before I joined Fearless Assassins). I'm looking forward to see you guys on PSN... the Division is coming out next month so maybe some co-op action? Cheers!
  6. Happy Birthday H3LLB0Y!

  7. no links in status updates sorry :)

  8. Happy Birthday H3LLB0Y!

  9. So sick, awesome... -.-

  10. IMO this is the best Bond ever made. The theme song fits the movie perfectly. I have a feeling that the new Bond looks like The Dark Knight - the ex-agent with whom Bond has to fight reminds me of a Joker a lot. To sum up, I appreciated every second spent in the cinema and if I could I would go there again but all the tickets are sold out.
  11. Almost one week until the premiere here. Can't wait to see it.
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