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    COD4 #1
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  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, camping, four wheeling, walking, bowling, driving, swimming, hanging out, COD4, beer pong, air horns, megaphones..
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  1. Mines rather cheesy. My ex got me hooked to this game and his name was the_man so i made mine the_girl. lol.. and i thought about changing it and nothing seems to fit or sound good like this one. so i kept it..
  2. The girl
  3. My first time streaking was with my cousin when I was like 12...
  4. Every time I go to log on it is empty!!!! Does anyone else have this problem?? Is there a certain when people are on this server??
  5. I didnt even know this was here until now!!! Holy crap I'm slow!

    1. convertor


      lol thats what happens when you hang out with Grinch

    2. CountryGirl



  6. "Commitment is a verb, not a noun"
  7. I almost have more friends on here than facebook... LMAO!

  8. funny you posted this... i had a dream like last thursday about running from zombies.... I NO LIKE them... hahhahaha.. so I was terrified.. I do believe some sh*t like this will happen!
  9. What did you do if you don't mind me asking?
  10. come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. On another note, thank you all for responding and not getting your panties in a bunch! I just met Amber who started playing in Abner with us. For as long as I've been a member, I was the only girl who played Abner that I knew of. Like I said it was a simple question that you did or didn't have to respond to... Another member posted more offensive links to some of the posts that have been posted... I don't see how mine is even close... Again thank you all who got a kick out of it! Most of the comments were awesome!
  12. Wow.. was that towards me??? Hella f*cking rude!!!! It tells you why I had asked in my post... Because when I play some people are surprised to see my screen name... and it got me thinking how many girls actually play. Sorry for the curiosity! Most of the post in the lounge have no significant importance either. I wasn't separating men from women. It was a simple question. If you didn't feel comfortable responding then don't respond... It's not like I'm making everyone respond. Get off your high horse... seriously!
  13. Happy Mother's Day!

    1. CountryGirl


      i just now seen this.. thank you!

  14. People are stalking me !!!

    1. ecLipse~


      If I tried to count the amount of stalkers I have, I would need to use my fingers and toes, and that person's fingers and toes and so on.


      get used to it

    2. ajnl
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