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    Hardcore ET
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  1. Happy Birthday clarity!

  2. clarity

    The Fam

  3. yeah, and maybe lessen the rejoin time after a Team damage auto-kick is issued would be good too, only time it happened to me it as a while before i could join again, idk how long it is exactly but yeah. also, whats the opinion on some CTF maps, when i get a computer that can handle et again I'd love to jump on SW server and do some ctf lol however it seems by the majority of responses ive read, not too many people are down for ctf
  4. if were on that topic.. http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefront.com/file/Blackops_House_of_Pain;97733 http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefront.com/file/King_of_the_Hell;65691
  5. hopefully, ill reinstall then lol
  6. in order or preference, thompson, colt, mortar, garand, sten.
  7. makes me miss having a good computer even more
  8. played that before on bba's server before they banned me approximately 12 times, no this was on LZ's jaymod server a few years ago :/ i doubt stryder would remember at this point. hes kinda old lol :-P
  9. ok so basically the votes of many fall under the opinions of few? im fairly certain even you said that it was voted. that kinda sums it up. and goldrush, sw version or not, long ass map. thats why. ive been playing on fa servers since about 2008-2009 or somewhere in there, so i think im fairly safe to say ive kinda earned the right to play on whichever server i choose
  10. as if you do either death lol no way, purefrag is awesome, oasis is still on there, goldrush is still on there, theres quite a few people who would rather see those maps disappear. point is, purefrag is a fun map, fun, something people like to have lots of. and map after map after map of heavy obj play, gets tiring, so its nice to throw in a little not so serious map, theres plenty out there, some cool ctf maps even, i like Fata Morgana, if stryder can remember the name of the map that they put on an old dead clans server that would be an epic map, guaranteed to make people happy, its very, gothic, draculas castle feel, but a 2 sided complex multilevel ctf arena, and its absolutely awesome, running across roofs, down into basements, stairs, blind corners, omg. by far one of the, if not THE best capture the flag map for ET there is. just sayin. but anyway. i say purefrag stays and we need to add more fun maps for BREAKS, idk maybe setup the map rotation to let those maps be available for voting on once every 4-5 maps or whatever seems reasonable to whoever decides the end result. IMO.
  11. no for me its more of a net lag my fps was fine when i played, idk its a feel thing and it feels bad. so i'm just gonna stick with HC not sure what makes it feel right, but it does.
  12. idk it just hits weird, im dead on the headbox and no hs, move a little infront or behind and it hits, same ping as hc and silent, but feels doubled somehow.. idk i know that i hit different on each server irrelevant side note, idk what it is.
  13. where is the headbox? did it get lost in creation? i cant get a hs for shit on there and im not the only one ive seen a couple people complain about it as well. it feels different, weird different...
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