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    Beginners #2
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    Baseball Searching for agates if you dont know what they are look it up or ask me:)

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  1. GetServed


    How can I connect to the csgo game server?
  2. plz delete and pm me
  3. GetServed


    i feel for you bro my brother got caught using an aimbot on hardcore a couple of months ago over my wifi so it ip banned all connected with my wifi. which sucks
  4. happy birthday! save me some cake.xD
  5. GetServed


    hello and welcome to forums nana i have seen you ingame quite a bit!
  6. Hello welcoem to forums enjoy
  7. hello welcome to forums! enjoy
  8. Thank you! F|A Community, For Being so helpful to me! :D

  9. Welcome enjoy masood
  10. Welcome henry glad to see you
  11. my dad fixed it thanks for the help daredevil was right my little brother downloaded something copyrighted and he go in trouble on my dads pc so they locked my internet that was the problem there was a virus in the network /solved
  12. my computer says ip adress conflict then a note Someone is using the same ip adress as you.contact support for more information.
  13. Wow d..x and platonic are two really awesome people im glad to see this
  14. Welcome i guarntee you will love it here
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