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jumping far without using stamina ?


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ive seen players Flyyyy across maps and i always wonder how in the world are they doing that ???


like i spec'd them and they're stamina (green bar) doesn't go down or it does barely .. when i sprint and jump i'm not nearly as fast as what i see <_<


how is this possible ?? '

Edited by xBeastie*
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Pretty much ^


Knowing what surfaces and slopes to hit at the right time can build you momentum which can makes you move fast without using up your stamina. You can also use it to get to areas you normally can't get to which single or double jump.


Check youtube videos of trickjumping on popular maps (like oasis, goldrush etc) to see some of the more common spots.


This is old school arena type play you'd find in games like Doom, Quake etc.

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  • Clan Friend

First of all, as far as I can remember, in demos and when speccing players you can't see how much stamina they have. I can be wrong because I can't check it right now. But if I'm correct, then you *think* they use no stamina, while in reality they do.


Second, if you sprint the moment you jump, you will still have sprint speed in the air, so don't hold the sprint button like a noob :) because it's just a waste. You need to tap it together with jump, then release.


Third, while you are in the air you need to strafejump. Strafejumping involves holding certain keys and moving your mouse in a specific way. If you just press W and you don't move your mouse correctly you will be much slower than a player who holds the right buttons (usually W+A or W+D, but you can use 'halfbeat', e.g. W+A and D or A and W+D, look at some gammajumping video on Youtube). If you don't do it correctly, you can try to 'ape' the mouse movements from other players, but you won't get much speed. You need to learn how to gammajump.

But you may have noticed how players look left and right and rotate, instead of just aiming straight.


Fourth, if you go down a slope you can 'bunnyhop' (i.e. bounce and keep your speed)


If there is doublejump, you can bunnyhop all the time, and also you will stay in the air for a longer time, so if you are good with keyboard + mouse you can gain more speed.

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You can also try to spec etpro players like sqzz or WuT. They are titans at jumping but they don't play at jaymod or silent servers. In general Sunlight said true. One more notice: Always at first step before you make jump move slightly mouse to right or left side but not far.

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