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  1. Post your Xbox live accounts here !!!!! Mine is Ajatz (as you can see from my signature). I am really into Castle Crashers right nowww. If anyone wants to play anything just add me, xfire or post on my profile
  2. First of all, a little bit of warning. I usually don't follow a patern when I write a review since I do it on steam. I'll try to keep up with what you guys need/want to see and still give you my version of what I think about a game. Second. An important thing I believe that I will remind probably everytime : Do not follow the man of one book. It's a quote from a monk...talking about a famous book...ya know...the Bible. Here to say : If you like my review, don't stick ONLY to this one. Go search either on steam or on the internet other reviews so that you can get your opinion from yourself more than from others. Third. Do not hesitate to tell me what you think of my review, or even just if I've made fault. I'm not a native english speaker and this is the first time I translate one of my reviews ! Now I can start ! First I did not play the previous Insurgency, I can only judge Insurgency Sandstorm compare to other game of it's genre : FPS. I also only played against the A.I of the game (more than 1000 hours to play against them...that makes quite a few hours blowing up some A.I !) As usual, I'm not known for being short in my reviews so if you're impatient, scroll down ! Insurgency Sandstorm : What's that ? Many consider Insurgency Sandstorm as a simulation. Nope. Not in my book. A fps that is a simulation, it's ARMA for example : There you struggle, there the balistic is a nightmare, there the game wants you dead... Sandstorm is more Hybrid to my taste, not to tought, not to soft ! To clarify that, I will deconstruct point by point. The Balistic : The balistic is not realist, it is comfortable I'd say. We have recoil and dispersion of a weapon, but not the loss of velocity if you shoot an enemy at more than 200m...the bullet will go straight to be clear. Not a curve or whatever. The moves : We keep going with the crossing, depending on the mode Normal or Hardcore there is some various thought ! But. The game allow us to go above obstacles, do slides, crouch and lay down. So a bit far from a simulation where usually : you forget the slides. (I think again of Arma) After that...nope, no wall run (Hell'oo Titanfall ?). No power jump. (Hell'oo Doom ?) Oh and you don't kill anybody by jumping...because...you can't shoot while jumping. (Except when you jump above an obstacle but you just have one shot so you tend to forget about it.) (Side note : I always laugh a lot thinking of someone trying to shoot mid air with a shootgun like I do in CS:GO with my Sawed Off...>.>") The necessary tactics : That's the point that allow me to say it's not a simulation. Yes, you can deploy all the advanced tactics to devastate the AI. It's even recommanded as in all FPS. BUT. It's not mandatory depending on wich server you play. Neither depending on how well you know the map. In regular games be it Normal or Hardcore, the tactic, I do without it. In a game with 50 to 60 bots, there...I think twice or even three times before thinking about, maybe, eventually, do a step to my left. The A.I : The big positive point of the game, wich makes that I don't go in PvP see if the community is more or less toxic then in other games. There we have a simulation AI, that has nothing to envy ARMA, and allow us to make the game an Hybrid as I said. Depending on how you tune it, the AI will hear, see, feel and especilly HITS you, from more or less distance. It will also be more or less intelligent : full front assault, flanking you, go in your back, all side assault...you get the point. A true pleasure and a true mess on the field ! Where we hit really in the simulation, it's in our health bar. We don't have one. One to Three bullets to die. Yes that's low. Yes that's good. What makes it a game as close as the simulation is then not how the game is made, but how people play it. Wich leads me to: The community ! The community of this game is mature : salt, cancer, toxicity insults , it's rare, really rare ! And it breaks my heart everytime I see people wich enter in the above cases, because for me, it makes the stain of coffee on the CV you have to give to your potential futur boss the same day. I do not pass. At all. Here, people are here to play either serious, or chilled out. Pseudo Hardcore Gamer : Forget about them. Pseudo Pro Gamer : Forget about them. Cheaters ? You named it : Forget about them. It's just a pleasure on 98% of the games. Community servers are in numbers, and various enough to do the job. Gameplay In depth : The game is cut in 8 Classes wich I will go through so you can have an idea of what you can encounter in your games : Commander : You give orders with your binoculars to bombard, strafe, gaz or send helicopter on your ennemies. You are the messenger of hell on Earth. And you love it. Observer : You relay the order of your commander. You follow him or lead him throught battle. You protect him. You protect YOURSELF when you relay the order because dying while not having finished your sentence is bad, and the standard is a bit too dumb to understand you when you're drowning in your blood. You are the voice of hell on Earth. And you love it. Rifleman : You are the basic soldier. The standard infantry. You have a good choice of riffle, but not of explosives. You're basically the canon flesh, the one that fills the hole, the one that didn't had the time to chose the class he love. But you fill your role. And you love it. Breacher : You are the destructor of objectives. You have a choice of Shootguns and PMs. You're made to move fast, move close, be lethal and quick. You have access to C-4, you're one true love when you have to blow up a cache of weapons. And you love C-4. Gunner : You are Armageddon. Bullets ? You make them rain on your ennemis like the flood. You have access to the Galils, and the LMG wich compensate their heavy recoil and low magazine capacity, by BIG magazines (Between 50 and 200 bullets depending on the weapon), a heavy rate of fire, battle cries like Rambo if you stay tense on your mouse. And you love Rambo. Because it is not their war. Demolition : You are also Armageddon but in a less sophisticated way. You have the same weapons as the Rifleman with a little more punch : the possibility to had a grenade launcher. You have also access to rocket launcher and C-4. You love blowing stuff up ? You will love being Demolition. Advisor : You are the Arsenal. You have access to a large scale of guns, more or less exotics from M18 to Vector, so you deal in everything that shoot, and shoot everything that wants to deal with you. And you love it. Marksman : You're the Overwatch. You have access to precision rifle, with lever, semi auto, or...anti tank ?! And you love it. Now that being said : The game in COOP have three games modes. Checkpoint : you have to move forward on a map capturing points from your ennemies, holding them sometimes. Survival : You have to move forward on random points on a map, with only your gun at the begining, and a random weapon at each point captured. Outpost : You have to defend a point from waves of ennemies. The map are big and beautyfull ! And the sound design is a big success too ! Now I can sum it up : Insurgency Sandstorm is => A FPS. You aim, you shoot, you kill or you die. +Sound +Graphism +The Community +The choice of weapons +The maps. - The bugs that can be present sometimes. ( I only had a few wich were not game breaking, but still, I prefer put that warning.) 9/10 ! In conclusion This game is a pearl, a diamond even. I loved CS:GO once a time. I loved Titanfall. I loved Overwatch and Paladins. But all those games are either ruin by their community, or lack of community. Here we have the best of two worlds : casual fps , and hardcore fps, and it works. The game currently cost 30€ on steam but is frequently on promotion !
  3. I have never been very into the Resident Evil franchise but after my brother bought this game for me on my birthday and insisting I play it, I joined the long running hype train of this franchise. If anyone has played through previous RE games and has not yet played this one I would highly recommend it. Gameplay reminded me a lot of the Last of Us/Last of Us 2, but I enjoyed the story in Village more than I did in either of those games actually thanks to some well placed collectibles that you find along the way further explaining the backstory of what is going on, some pretty terrifying monsters as well as an emphasis on ammo conservation and making your shots count. Only complaint I have to offer is that the story was not as long as some other AAA titles (about 10-20 hours depending on the player) but if you are looking for a horror game with a good story this may be the one for you 😁
  4. Fatal

    Xbox One PUBG Xbox

    Recently been and brought my self an xbox for the specific reason to play PUBG on it, so if anyone else is currently playing it and fancies teaming up let me know, already had 3 WWCD's in the space of a week so would definitely be an asset to your team haha! Tag: FurryFetusMan
  5. It's now May 1, which means Xbox Live Gold members can pick up more free Xbox games. On Xbox One, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Director's Cut is now free, while Xbox 360 users can grab the backwards-compatible Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II for the low, low price of free. Additionally, Telltale's The Walking Dead: Season Two continues to be free on Xbox One until May 15. You can see the complete Games With Gold lineup for May 2017 below. In other Xbox Live news, there will be a fresh set of weekly deals coming online soon. We'll report back with more details on the specific deals as they're announced. May 2017 Games With Gold Lineup Xbox One Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Director's Cut (May 1-31) Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (May 16-June 15) The Walking Dead: Season Two (April 16-May 15) Xbox 360 Star Wars: The Force Unleased II (May 1-15) Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (May 16-31) Source https://www.gamespot.com/articles/more-free-xbox-one-and-xbox-360-games-now-availabl/1100-6449689/
  6. Against all odds, this year has turned out to be an exciting one for the industry when it comes to hardware launches- though the last major round of console and handheld launches was less than three years ago, it seems we are already primed for major new hardware this year. This includes the three new VR headsets that launched this year, of course – the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR are all major new game platforms for the industry that launched, or will launch, in 2016 – but it seems we are also getting new consoles this year. One of them, at the very least, was expected- Nintendo’s NX, which is primed to be the successor to the disappointing Wii U, has long been marked as a 2016 launch. However, what was unexpected was the rumblings of new hardware launches from Sony and Microsoft, too- both of whom look to be launching new PlayStation and Xbox systems. Effectively, then, the launch of new consoles by all three companies leads to a mid generation reset– an all new generation, so to speak. What Microsoft is planning is as yet unknown- they were among the first companies to raise the idea of iterative consoles, but they went back on that notion shortly afterwards. Nevertheless, enough indications exist that we know they are working on something new, and Xbox head Phil Spencer himself has hinted at an announcement of something beyond the Xbox One coming soon. What that something is, however, is as yet unknown. "Xbox head Phil Spencer himself has hinted at an announcement of something beyond the Xbox One coming soon." On the other hand, the PS4K and the Nintendo NX, while both equally enigmatic and unannounced, are far clearer to us- the PS4K appears to be a highly incremental revision of the PS4, enhancing the base console’s specs somewhat to lead to better performing and looking games. The Nintendo NX is Nintendo’s brand new console, and is, according to the consensus found in most rumors and leaks, pegged to be at least a bit more powerful than the current PS4 (where it would stand with respect to the PS4K is unknown for now). So we have two new consoles coming this year that could conceivably lay claim to being the most powerful console ever released. The question is, will that be enough to sell them to the masses? Remember, the current console generation is only now hitting its stride after almost three years of wallowing in the shadow of the previous generation. Most customers have, within the last year or so, spent a few hundred dollars on new hardware- why would they buy either the NX or the PS4K? Both the NX and the PS4K will have to make a compelling case for their existence- however, equally important to their ultimate appeal to the mass market will be their value proposition. In other words, how much the machines cost could single handedly make or break their fortunes on the market. Sony must surely realize that- the reason the PS4 has done as well as it has is because of its consumer friendly pricing. When Sony announced the price of the system, it was just $399- a full $100 cheaper than the Xbox One, and it delivered on this cheaper price while being a more powerful and capable console as well. This good pricing for the PS4 is just the most notable incidence of good pricing moves by Sony in the last few years, which have all lent them a measure of success- the PS Vita was similarly well priced at $249, and the PlayStation VR is priced at an extremely low and attractive $399. Sony, it seems, understands the value of pricing their hardware just right. "Sony, it seems, understands the value of pricing their hardware just right." How much, then, should the PS4K be priced at? This is an interesting question that needs to be approached with the full context of the picture in mind: the PS4K, while a new and more powerful machine, is not meant to replace the current PS4 model. Rather, all indications are that the two models will exist side by side on the market- much like how Nintendo sells multiple variants of its handhelds at the same time. Given, then, that the PS4K is not meant to replace the current PS4, but simply complement it, Sony have a lot more breathing room with how they can price the system. Since the PS4K will not be the primary PS4 SKU on the market, but just a premium, high end addition to the PS4 line, Sony can conceivably price it higher than they would have been able to a regular mid cycle refresh, while keeping the regular PS4 model as their cheaper entry into the PlayStation ecosystem. All of which is to say, the PS4K could be pricy- it will at the very least be $399, a full $50 more expensive than the PS4 currently is (though that difference could go as high as $100, if Sony drops the price of the current PS4 to $299 permanently- as they should), but we could conceivably see it go as high as $449 as well. It would be a high margin SKU sold at the higher end of the market, to those that are willing to spend a little extra money to get the very best that their money can buy. At the same time, Sony will not risk alienating their mass market base either, since the current PS4 will continue to be sold at a lower price. They get to, essentially, have their cake and eat it too. With that said, a $449 price for the PS4K honestly seems unlikely- $399 seems to be what Sony will target, as that seems to be the magic price point for them. If they drop the price of the base SKU to $299 in this period, then they have a healthy price difference- if not, however, then Sony can make a compelling, implicit case for all would be buyers of the base PS4 SKU to spend just $50 more and get the best PS4 SKU on the market. Given all of these competing factors, we would argue that Sony will end up pricing the PS4K at $399- with the price for the base PS4 SKU probably being kept as is at $349. "Nintendo’s strongest market, traditionally, has been the family market- the family market is not looking at spending a lot of money." Nintendo is a far more interesting case to argue. Like Sony, they, too, have learned the importance of price- but because of the opposite reasons. The Nintendo 3DS and Wii U both launched at historic high prices of $249 and $349 respectively- and both did poorly on the market, until Nintendo dropped their prices, and managed to reverse their performance somewhat. Generally, in the past, Nintendo have done the best when they have kept their prices low- appealing to the mass market with their products, as it were. This is particularly important, because Nintendo’s strongest market, traditionally, has been the family market- the family market is not looking at spending a lot of money. But any discussion on the failure of the 3DS and Wii U at higher price points must be tempered with the realization that Nintendo were essentially trying to sell what was outdated tech at premium prices- while yes, the 3DS and the Wii U had state of the art autostereoscopy and low latency streaming tech to them respectively, they were essentially half a decade old tech being sold at shockingly high prices. The market did not perceive them to be good value at those price points, and it responded appropriately. The NX, by all accounts, appears to be different- while Nintendo is likely to skip out on the extraneous media functionality that both the Xbox One and the PS4 seem to espouse, it is rumored to be a capable machine- at the very least more powerful than the PS4, and, depending on how it ultimately pans out, possibly more powerful than the PS4K too- at the very least, it would be in the same general vicinity of hardware power as the PS4K. Then, too, is the fact that Nintendo has now understood the value of selling their systems at a loss should the need for it come- they did it with both, the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U when it was necessary. Nintendo will probably not balk at selling the NX for a loss upfront as much as they would have done before. "Any discussion on the failure of the 3DS and Wii U at higher price points must be tempered with the realization that Nintendo were essentially trying to sell what was outdated tech at premium prices." Given all of this, then, how much should the NX be priced at? If we assume that Nintendo will still want to appeal to their traditional family market, but that the NX is a capable, powerful machine, somewhere between the PS4 and the PS4K in terms of power, meaning that it will not be perceived to be outdated, out of value tech, and that they are willing to take a loss on their systems now, then the best price point for Nintendo to sell the NX at will probably be $349- at that price point, the NX will appear to be good value to most families, and avoid the ‘premium’ pricing label associated with prices $399 and above, they will be able to make a good value proposition (a very powerful machine being sold at a cheaper price than the PS4K’s projected $399), and probably not make enough of a loss for it to put a serious dent in their balance books- in fact, depending on how the NX is designed, they may even break even or make a small, tidy profit for themselves. Of course, these are all just predictions and projections- the final pricing may vary. Sony may decide to be competitive and go in for the kill with the PS4K’s pricing, and try to undercut Nintendo, a strategy they have tried with the competition in the past with the PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR. Nintendo may decide to change their strategy, and rebrand and reposition themselves as a ‘premium’ alternative for the console market. The Xbox One Elite may throw a wrench in Sony and Nintendo’s plans by being a far more powerful machine than either, sold at just $299- right now, it is naturally impossible to know. But given what we do know right now, or think we know, at any rate, we feel comfortable with predicting the price points for the two systems that we have predicted above. Whether or not Nintendo and Sony go for these prices remains to be seen- and that, among other reasons, is why we are so excited for E3 this year, when the gauntlet for the next round of the console wars will probably be thrown into the ring in earnest. Source http://gamingbolt.com/how-much-should-the-ps4k-neo-and-nintendo-nx-cost#HRUP6s2o3fdpztmS.99
  7. It's a new week, which means Microsoft has rolled out a fresh set of deals on Xbox Live for Xbox One and Xbox 360. There aren't a ton of games discounted this week, but still some good deals to be had. As rounded up on Major Nelson's blog, some of the Xbox One offers this week include Dying Light: The Following Enhanced Edition ($24), Mortal Kombat XL ($20), Octodad: Dadliest Catch ($3.75), and Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition ($15). In terms of Xbox 360 deals, The Amazing Spider-Man ($10) and its sequel ($12) are marked down, while TMNT games Out of the Shadows ($5) and Mutants in Manhattan ($15) are discounted; Transformers: Fall of Cybertron is being offered for $15. You can see a complete roundup of this week's offers, divided by platform, at the bottom of this post. All the deals are good through December 19. In addition to these deals, Xbox Live Gold members can pick up the first of December's free Games With Gold titles right now for Xbox One and Xbox 360. Xbox One Weekly Deals (Through December 19): Battle Worlds: Kronos -- $8 Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition -- $15 Dogos -- $8 Dying Light: The Following Enhanced Edition -- $24 Farming Simulator 15 -- $13.20 Letter Quest Grimm's Journey/Three Fourths Home Extended Edition Bundle --$7.50 Mortal Kombat XL -- $20 Octodad: Dadliest Catch -- $3.75 Prominence Poker Boss of all Bosses Bundle -- $60 Saturday Morning RPG -- $8 TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan -- $20 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 -- $19.80 These offers are only valid for Xbox Live Gold members. Xbox 360 Weekly Deals (Through December 19): Alien Rage -- $3 Dogfight 1942 -- $2 Enemy Front -- $8 Farming Simulator 15 -- $10 Spider-Man Dimensions -- $10 TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan -- $15 TMNT: Out of the Shadows -- $5 The Amazing Spider-Man -- $10 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 -- $12 Transformers: Fall of Cybertron -- $15 These offers are only valid for Xbox Live Gold members. S: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/this-weeks-xbox-one-and-xbox-360-deals-with-gold-r/1100-6446212/
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  8. It's a new week, which means there is now a fresh set of deals available on Xbox Live. As announced by Microsoft's Major Nelson, this week's lineup of deals is fairly limited, though there are some solid offers to be had across Xbox One and Xbox 360. On Xbox One, DmC: Devil May Cry Definitive Edition is marked down to $9.90, while Resident Evil Revelations 2's Deluxe Edition ($12) and season pass ($8) are also on sale. Rock Band fans who enjoy classic rock may also be happy to learn that the Rock Band 4 Iron Maiden Pack 01 is also discounted. Switching to Xbox 360, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (which is playable on Xbox One via backwards compatibility) is 50 percent off, while Darksiders II is discounted by 80 percent. Dirt 3 and Dirt Showdown are also on sale. Check out all of this week's Xbox One and Xbox 360 deals below; all offers are good through November 14. Xbox Live Gold members can also pick up some of November 2016's free Games With Gold titles, including Super Dungeon Bros. and The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition. Xbox One Weekly Deals (Through November 14) Adam's Venture: Origins --$25 Baila Latino* -- $12.50 Cannon Brawl -- $6.70 Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition Demon Hunter Bundle -- $18 DmC Devil May Cry Definitive Edition -- $9.90 Lichdom: Battlemage -- $16.50 NBA 2K17 35,000 virtual currency -- $8 NBA 2K17 75,000 virtual currency -- $15 Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition -- $12 Resident Evil Revelations 2 Season Pass -- $8 Reus -- $18.74 Rock Band 4 Fueled By Ramen Pack 01 -- $7 Rock Band 4 Iron Maiden Pack 01 -- $14 The Swindle -- $3.75 The Techromancer -- $30 Tiny Troopers Joint Ops -- $3.30 *These offers are valid for all Xbox Live members. Xbox 360 Weekly Deals (Through November 14) Counter-Strike: Global Offensive -- $7.50 Darksiders II -- $4 Darksiders II Season Pass -- $4.24 Dirt 3 -- $6.24 Dirt Showdown -- $3.74 MX vs. ATV Supercross -- $7.50 Zombie Driver HD -- $2.50 These offers are only valid for Xbox Live Gold members. Source http://www.gamespot.com/articles/this-weeks-xbox-one-and-xbox-360-deals-with-gold-r/1100-6445228/
  9. It's now October, so Xbox Live Gold members have more free Xbox One and Xbox 360 games to pick up as part of the Games With Gold program. As announced previously, Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings is now free on Xbox One (just in time for the MLB playoffs), while I Am Alive is free on Xbox 360. That game is playable on Xbox One through backwards compatibility. Even if you don't have an Xbox One right now, you can download the game and install it if/when you pick up the system. One of September 2016's Games With Gold titles, Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China, will remain free through October 15. Super Mega Baseball and I Am Alive replace Earthlock: Festival of Magic (Xbox One) and Mirror's Edge (Xbox 360, but also playable on Xbox One), which were available free until September 30. October 2016 Games With Gold Lineup Xbox One Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings (October 1-31) The Escapists (October 16-November 15) Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China (September 16-October 15) Xbox 360 I Am Alive (October 1-15) MX vs. ATV Reflex (October 16-31) Source http://www.gamespot.com/articles/more-free-xbox-one-and-xbox-360-games-now-availabl/1100-6444104/
  10. Microsoft has announced July 2016's Games With Gold titles. These include The Banner Saga 2 and Tumblestone on Xbox One, while Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and Tron Evolution will be free on Xbox 360 during the month. Note that the Xbox 360 games are playable on Xbox One by way of backwards compatibility. While you wait for July2016's titles to arrive, be sure to grab the remaining June 2016 titles before it's too late. As for the other side of the fence, Sony has yet to announce June PlayStation Plus free game lineup, though that should be coming soon, considering the start of July is now just a few days away. July 2016 Games With Gold Lineup: Xbox One: The Crew (normally $30) -- June 16-July 15 The Banner Saga 2 (normally $20) -- July 1-31 Tumblestone (normally $20) -- July 16-August 15 Xbox 360: Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (normally $20) -- July 1-15 Tron Evolution (normally $15) -- July 16-31 Source http://www.gamespot.com/articles/free-xbox-one-and-xbox-360-games-with-gold-for-jul/1100-6441321/
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  11. Xbox marketing boss Aaron Greenberg has spoken up about the recently announced Xbox Scorpio console, calling it a "beast" when referring to its power. "We're building a beast," Greenberg said during Microsoft's own E3 2016 coverage, as reported by DualShockers. "It's gonna be the most powerful console ever made, and as a guy who was here when we built the original Xbox, that being such a powerful box, and we pioneered with Xbox Live, and some of those innovative games, it really feels like we're getting back to our roots." Greenberg went on to say that the Xbox team at Microsoft is "fired up" about Scorpio. "I think the team here, we're all gamers and we love what we do--and I've never seen the morale this high," he explained. "People are fired up about what we're delivering this year for our fans, and the vision of what we're doing with Project Scorpio. It's a pretty special time." Microsoft announced the Scorpio console during its E3 2016 briefing on Monday morning. Set to release in 2017, the new system will feature 8 cores, 320Gb memory bandwidth, and six teraflops of performance that will allow for true fully uncompressed 4K gaming. Previously, Xbox boss Phil Spencer said the Scorpio is four and a half times more powerful as the existing Xbox One. In addition to strides in the area of hardware, Microsoft is continuing to push on games. Greenberg mentioned that Microsoft will release more first-party games in the next year than it ever has in its history. "Of course the games is what it's all about, right?" he said. "This year we've shown that over the next year we'll launch more first-party games that we're developing with our internal studios and our partners that we've ever had in the history of Xbox." Source http://www.gamespot.com/articles/xbox-scorpio-its-gonna-be-the-most-powerful-consol/1100-6441009/
  12. Microsoft today announced June 2016's lineup of Games With Gold titles. As usual, four games are being offered to Xbox Live Gold members across Xbox One and Xbox 360. On Xbox One, subscribers can pick up Goat Simulator and The Crew, while Xbox 360 users will be able to grab Super Meat Boy and XCOM Enemy Unknown, both of which also play on Xbox One through backwards compatibility. While you wait for June 2016's titles to arrive, be sure to grab the remaining May 2016 titles before it's too late. As for the other side of the fence, Sony has yet to announce June PlayStation Plus free game lineup, though that should be coming soon, considering the start of June is now just days away. June 2016 Games With Gold Lineup: Xbox One: Costume Quest 2 (normally $15) -- May 16-June 15 Goat Simulator (normally $10) -- June 1-30 The Crew (normally $30) -- June 16-July 15 Xbox 360: Super Meat Boy (normally $15) -- June 1-15 XCOM: Enemy Unknown (normally $40) -- June 16-30 Source http://www.gamespot.com/articles/free-xbox-one-and-xbox-360-games-with-gold-for-jun/1100-6440121/
  13. Microsoft has announced May 2016's lineup of Games With Gold titles. As usual, Microsoft will offer four free games in all to Xbox Live Gold subscribers during the month, split between Xbox One and Xbox 360. The month's lineup includes Defense Grid 2 and Costume Quest 2 on Xbox One, while Xbox 360 users can grab Grid 2 and Peggle during May. Xbox One owners actually get four free games during the month, as the two Xbox 360 titles are playable on the console via backwards compatibility. Additionally, one of April 2016's Xbox One freebies--Sunset Overdrive--will remain free until May 15. While you wait for May 2016's titles to arrive, be sure to grab the remaining March 2016 titles before it's too late. As for the other side of the fence, Sony has yet to announce May's PlayStation Plus free game lineup, though that should be coming soon, considering there is less than a week left in April. May 2016 Games With Gold Lineup: Xbox One: Defense Grid 2 (normally $15) - May 1-31 Costume Quest 2 (normally $15 -- May 16-June 15 Sunset Overdrive (normally $20) -- April 16-May 15 Xbox 360: Grid 2 (normally $15) -- May 1-15 Peggle (normally $10) -- May 16-31 Source http://www.gamespot.com/articles/free-xbox-one-and-xbox-360-games-with-gold-for-may/1100-6439221/
  14. The next batch of free Xbox One and Xbox 360 games have arrived on Xbox Live for Gold members. Users with a subscription can now pick up Sunset Overdrive (Xbox One) and Saints Row IV (Xbox 360). Note that Saints Row IV is playable on Xbox One by way of backwards compatibility, .Sunset Overdrive and Saints Row IV replace Lords of the Fallen and Dead Space, which were free up until April 15. Below is the full Games With Gold lineup for April 2016. April 2016 Games With Gold Lineup: Xbox One: Lords of the Fallen -- March 16-April 15 The Wolf Among Us -- April 1-30 Sunset Overdrive -- April 16-May 15 Xbox 360: Dead Space - April 1-15 Saints Row IV -- April 16-30 Source http://www.gamespot.com/articles/more-free-xbox-one-and-xbox-360-games-now-availabl/1100-6438912/
  15. Following a closed beta test earlier this year, an open beta for id Software's new shooter Doom is now available across PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. PS4 (5.4 GB) Xbox One (8.57 GB) PC (22 GB minimum required space) Beta players will get to try Doom's team deathmatch and Warpath modes on the Heatwave and Infernal maps. You can learn more about these through GameSpot's previous coverage: maps, modes. Here is a full rundown of what's included in the Doom beta, as written by id Software: Maps: Heatwave and Infernal Game Modes: 6v6 Team Deathmatch and Warpath Demon: Revenant Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Plasma Rifle, Super Shotgun, Vortex Rifle, Static Rifle, Heavy Assault Rifle, and Lightning Gun Power Weapons: Gauss Cannon Equipment: Frag Grenade, Personal Teleporter, Siphon Grenade The trial period ends on April 17 across all platforms, though it's not clear exactly what time that day it will come to a close. Doom is slated for a May 13 release date. In other news about the game, Bethesda recently announced the game's post-launch DLC, which will include more maps, weapons, items, and customization options. Source http://www.gamespot.com/articles/psa-doom-open-beta-starts-today-on-ps4-xbox-one-pc/1100-6438884/
  16. Microsoft has a new adapter that lets Xbox One owners use their wireless controllers to play games on Windows 10 PCs and tablets. Available starting October 20, the adapter will sell for $25. The USB-based adapter plugs into a Windows 10 computer or tablet and connects with the Xbox One wireless controller. From there, you can use the wireless controller to play PC games and Xbox games that are streamed to a Windows 10 device. Sorry, Xbox 360 owners, the adapter supports only the Xbox One. The adapter is a small but crucial piece of Microsoft's goal to unite PCs, tablets and the Xbox One video game console under the banner of Windows 10. Officially released on July 29, Windows 10 is Microsoft's attempt to draw as many users as possible to its operating system. One way of doing that is to bridge the PC and gaming worlds. The Xbox app for Windows 10 lets you stream games from the console to other devices, which may convince some Xbox One gamers to run the new OS on their PCs and tablets. The Xbox One is also part of Microsoft's "universal apps" strategy, which lets developers create games and apps for one platform and then tweak them to run on another platform. For example, a developer could create a game once using core programming code and then easily modify it to run on a Windows 10 PC, a Windows 10 mobile device and on the Xbox One. The new adapter and the Xbox One controller will support games designed for Windows 10. To generate interest among gamers, Microsoft has released several games optimized just for Windows 10, including Minecraft, Gigantic, Killer Instinct and Gears of War. Source http://www.cnet.com/
  17. (do not read this and be like: "Why such a big essay!!!"... but I ain't forcing you to read this!) Ok, so this may sound nooby and stuff, but seriously how do you do it? I hope no ones like "OMG he has an Xbox but can't connect to the internet!!!" I've tried everything but it just doesn't work... I used to have a usb wifi of 9.3 mbps speed, the Xbox didn't connect to it.. Later on I changed internet to wired wifi and It still didn't work! The computer internet used to be super fast and all that stuff but it Broke later... FYI it was just 4mbps but faster... Now I have a Cloud wifi, you know the one that charges and can be used on the move... It is 36mbps and probably Pakistan's fastest internet but still does not connect to the Xbox! Downloading torrents is super fast but gaming is laggy... Can anyone tell me why that's happening? Please don't start a console war or force me to buy a ps3 or ps4 because I can't afford it.... I can't buy a Xbox One either... I'm stuck with this stuff... Every Xbox 360 game is pirated and costs like $1.3 or cheaper whereas others are expensive... The internet test on Xbox always gives an error while connecting to the internet but there's a green line between Xbox and network (see in the picture) If it matters, It is a Xbox 360 Go 250gb edition... Please ask me if any other info is required... And yeah I know most of this was unrelated stuff but my f'ing mind thought it would help! Thanks!
  18. Microsoft is breaking from the mold of past E3 showings and will try something different this year at the marquee industry event to be held this June in Los Angeles. We already knew that Microsoft was planning to focus more on first-party games this year, but now Head of Xbox boss Phil Spencer has teased even more ways in which the company plans to shake things up when all eyes on on the Xbox company. Spencer speaking at E3 2015 Responding to a fan's question on Twitter about Microsoft's plans for E3 this year, Spencer said Microsoft will have "some interesting changes this year for briefing and the week." "I like it when we test ourselves to do better each year." Spencer went on to say that Microsoft will talk about not only Xbox One games, but also titles for PC. "We'll have some of both," he explained. This is hardly surprising, as Microsoft's new Windows 10 operating system is due to launch this summer with a renewed focus on gaming. Windows 10 will feature a new and improved built-in Xbox app, cross-platform play support for games like Fable Legends, and even a game-streaming application. And if AMD is right, the new OS will launch at the end of July, not long after E3. Microsoft has not yet announced when it will hold its E3 press conference. But the likely bet would the Monday morning of E3 week. That would mean sometime on June 15, after Bethesda's the night earlier, and before Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, and Sony later in the day. Source:Gamespot
  19. Im trying to remember a video game title. Im pretty sure it hasn't been released it. The Video game also has a built in TV Series to it that plays out based on how you do the video game? I know it comes out mid 2015 Anyone know what im talking about?
  20. Xbox One’s November update will add the ability to use custom backgrounds, Twitter integration, and more, Microsoft has announced. Next month’s update (this month for Preview members) will allow each account on Xbox One to have a customized background. Users can choose a custom color or achievement art as the background, with plans to add more customization options in the future. As well as this, players will now be able to share their Xbox One game clips directly to Twitter. Improvements are also being made to live TV, The Xbox One Games Store, SmartGlass, and the Internet Explorer app. You can find a full list of changes below: Show Who You Are – Some of the most requested features being released this month include the ability to customize your Xbox One background and showcase and share some of your favorite achievements and game clips. Custom Backgrounds – The #1 fan-requested feature is making its initial debut for preview members. For the first time, each account on your Xbox One can have a customized background. You can choose a custom color or achievement art as your background on Xbox One, with more customization options coming down the road. Gamer Profile – You can now share your location and bio as part of your profile. You can set these options on your Xbox One console and use Xbox One SmartGlass to browse to other people’s profiles and check out their showcase items. Additionally, you can now select a set of showcase items that are displayed when other gamers look at your profile on an Xbox One console. You can use Xbox One SmartGlass or Xbox One console to add or remove up to six game clips or achievements that will be displayed in a carousel format. Tweet about your Favorite Game Clips – You can now share your favorite Xbox One game clips with your followers on Twitter. Use the Share button on any game clip you have created and select Twitter to compose the Tweet. A New Way to Watch TV – With new Live TV and Twitter integration, you can discover new shows to love and see what people are saying on Twitter about shows in real-time. Live TV Trending – Starting today for preview members in the U.S., Canada and the UK, a new tab will be available in OneGuide that displays the top 20 most watched TV shows, with the list filtered down to the shows that are currently available to you based on your OneGuide settings. The Live TV Trending list is updated by the minute, so you can easily discover shows that are popular with other viewers. The Trending tab in OneGuide is updated to display Twitter – Live TV trending first and Xbox – Live TV Trending second. You can tune to a specific show by pressing the A button. Twitter TV Trending – New this month in preview, you can see what Live TV is trending based on the highest number of tweets. Twitter TV Trending will initially be available to preview members in the U.S. Xbox TV Trending – The Trending tab in OneGuide is updated to display Twitter trending first and Xbox – Live TV Trending second. Xbox – Live TV Trending is based on the number of Xbox One owners currently watching that show in each country, pulled from anonymous data collected at a national level. Tweets in MiniGuide – See the actual tweets for the Live TV shows in real time and quickly find the Twitter #hashtag to join the conversation. Recents and Favorites in MiniGuide – MiniGuide has been updated to include your favorite TV channels in a combined Recents and Favorites area and MiniGuide can now be activated via voice by saying “Xbox Select – MiniGuide” while watching TV. Store improvements and SmartGlass updates – We are also excited to roll out these cool features: Store improvements – The Store pages on Xbox One have been improved to enable you to more quickly browse and find content. The navigation buttons were moved to the far left so you can find them easier. You can also more quickly find game add-ons, perform store specific searches and recommendations are more prominently displayed. Finally, store categories have been standardized so you can easily see the top items in each query at a glance. Friends’ Game Activity on SmartGlass – You can now see a list of your friends that have played a given game within the Xbox One SmartGlass experience. Games with Gold & Deals with Gold on SmartGlass – For gamers with an Xbox Live Gold subscription, you can browse “Free Games with Gold” and discounted content with Gold and initiate download of the content to your Xbox One console from your mobile device. SmartGlass Store Improvements – We added a new section for Apps to make it easier to find and download apps for your Xbox One, as well as adding a Coming Soon filter for Games and Add Ons to make it easier to see upcoming Xbox One releases sorted by anticipated release date. Internet Explorer updates – There are a few improvements Internet Explorer available this month: Snap IE – From the Address Bar in Internet Explorer, you can now easily snap from a full screen experience and move Internet Explorer into snap mode. Featured sites – Now, Internet Explorer will show a number when something is newly-added to featured sites. Newly-added sites will also display a badge until you launch them or seven days have passed since the site was added to the Featured list.
  21. If you've made the mistake of buying a console, you've probably spent time thinking about which console of the PS3 and the Xbox 360 has better controllers. They're very different and very similar at the same time. I made the mistake of buying both consoles, and if my opinion matters... I'd say the PS3 controllers are head-and-shoulders above the Xbox 360's controllers. A few reasons! A lot of people say that the PS3 controllers are too small, when in fact once you get used to them... they're the perfect size! They're also ergonomic and slim, where as the Xbox 360 controllers are big and bulky. I've spent hours and hours at a time gaming with both controllers, and the Playstation 3 Controllers are much better for the hands and wrists. A lot of people complain about batteries, because if you've made the mistake of buying rechargeable batteries like I have, you know that they don't last as long as you'd like them to. They're a pain in the ass! But with PS3, your controllers are charged directly into your console via USB to Mini-USB cable. You won't have to worry about buying cables for charging your controller, because these damn things are everywhere! I have 30+ USB to Mini-USB cables in my box of cables. Granted, while the Xbox 360 makes controllers both wired and wireless, with the Playstation 3, you can charge your controller while you're gaming. I personally am a fan of wireless controllers, but if you like the feel of wired controllers, just plug that motherf***er into the console! Problem solved! If you're like me, you like to feel vibrations when you're playing. It really captures the moment and gives you a bit of 4-dimensional entertainment. The Dualshock 3 controller for the Playstation 3's Accelerometer is stellar compared to the Xbox 360 Controller's Accelerometer. Matched with the slimness of the Dualshock 3 Controller, you really have a better grip on the vibrations. Coming from a gamer with both consoles, I'd say PS3 has the advantage when it comes to controllers. What do you guys think? ~Mr. Grimm
  22. The August Xbox One system update has begun its intrepid global rollout, Microsoft has announced, and this is a big 'un. The most significant addition is 3D Blu-ray support, something that the PS4 received in an update last month. It's taken far too long to arrive, but now you've got another excuse to crack out the Jurassic Park 3D Blu-ray. Another welcome new feature is mobile purchasing, which now allows you to buy games and DLC remotely so that - assuming you've told your console to download updates automatically - you should have everything waiting for you when you get home. The activity feed has also been given a scrub - you can now post status updates and comment on other people's posts. But it's the controller low battery notification that's really brought a joyful tear to our eye. No more getting caught by surprise when the gamepad runs out of juice. Source: http://www.techradar.com/news/gaming/consoles/biggest-xbox-one-update-yet-begins-its-rollout-adds-3d-blu-ray-support-1261778
  23. The longest time I've ever played a video game non-stop was probably for about 7 hours straight (excluding bathroom breaks) and the game I was playing was Skyrim. I slept like a log for like 16 hours when I finally hit the sack. Woke up, then went straight back to Skyrim. I have like 100+ hours on that game and still going strong!
  24. New Generation of Games: Xbox One’s Announced Line-Up At Xbox, we’re all about delivering gamers the best games. And one of the most-asked questions we get from gamers is “what games are coming to Xbox One?†The list of global developers working on Xbox One titles is diverse, and includes renowned studios 343 Industries, Access Games, Bungie, Capy Games, Crytek, DICE, EA Sports, Infinity Ward, Insomniac Games, Kojima Productions, PopCap Games, Respawn Entertainment, Turn 10 Studios, Ubisoft Montreal and many more. The list of announced games for the Xbox One: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (Ubisoft, Ubisoft) Battlefield 4 (DICE, Electronic Arts) Below (Capy Games, Microsoft Studios) Call of Duty: Ghosts (Infinity Ward, Activision) Crimson Dragon (Grounding/Land Ho!, Microsoft Studios) D4 (Access Games, Microsoft Studios) Dead Rising 3 (Capcom Vancouver, Microsoft Studios) Destiny (Bungie, Activision) Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved (Harmonix, Disney Interactive) Dragon Age: Inquisition (BioWare, Electronic Arts) Dying Light (Techland, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment) EA SPORTS UFC (EA SPORTS, Electronic Arts) FIFA 14 (EA SPORTS, Electronic Arts) Final Fantasy XV (Square Enix, Square Enix) Forza Motorsport 5 (Turn 10 Studios, Microsoft Studios) Halo Xbox One (343 Industries, Microsoft Studios) Just Dance 2014 (Ubisoft Paris, Ubisoft) Killer Instinct (Double Helix, Microsoft Studios) Kinect Sports Rivals (Rare, Microsoft Studios) Kingdom Hearts III (Square Enix 1st Production Department, Square Enix) LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (TT Games, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment) LocoCycle (Twisted Pixel, Microsoft Studios) Mad Max (Avalanche Studios, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment) Madden NFL 25 (EA SPORTS, Electronic Arts) Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Kojima Productions, Konami) Minecraft: Xbox One Edition (Mojang Studios, Microsoft Studios) Mirror's Edge 2 (DICE, Electronic Arts) NBA 2K14 (Visual Concepts, 2K Sports) NBA LIVE 14 (EA SPORTS, Electronic Arts) Need for Speed: Rivals (Ghost Games, Electronic Arts) Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (PopCap Games, Electronic Arts) Powerstar Golf (Zoe Mode, Microsoft Studios) Project Spark (Microsoft Studios) Quantum Break (Remedy, Microsoft Studios) Ryse: Son of Rome (Crytek, Microsoft Studios) Skylanders: Swap Force (Vicarious Visions, Activision) Star Wars Battlefront (DICE, Electronic Arts) Sunset Overdrive (Insomniac Games, Microsoft Studios) The Crew (Ivory Towers, Ubisoft) The Elder Scrolls Online (ZeniMax Online Studios, Bethesda Softworks) The Evil Within (Tango Gameworks, Bethesda Softworks) The LEGO Movie Videogame (TT Games, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (CD Projekt RED, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment – North America) Thief (Eidos Montreal, Square Enix) Titanfall (Respawn Entertainment, Electronic Arts Tom Clancy's The Division (Massive Entertainment, Ubisoft) Watch Dogs (Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft) Wolfenstein: The New Order (MachineGames, Bethesda Softworks) Zoo Tycoon (Frontier Developments Ltd., Microsoft Studios) Zumba Fitness: World Party (Zoë Mode, Majesco) Note: This list is current as of August 19, 2013. We will continue to update it with additional titles and experiences as they are announced, including upcoming announcements at this week’s gamescom. read more here
  25. I was scrolling through lots of articles related to the launch of the Xbox One and almost all the comments are negative - some people even wrote that hardcore Xbox fans are going to go after the PS4
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