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Hello. I know there is a topic called "Ingame Screenshots", however the name suggests it is rather not for in game recordings, that's why I decided to create completely new topic with all our recordings. First I will start with my "Wolf ET - Bloopers and unusual frags" compilation. It's amusing to see a compilation dedicated to random, weird and funny stuff and not only a frag showcase. I have a lot more bits of recordings and plan to create a series of these videos. Black textures or absurdly thick wires from trap mines are an effect of newer experimental renderer I struggled with. With old regular renderer everything looks normal. Please like and share 😄
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I have some thoughts on a few things that I think would be slight mods to existing settings. And forgive me for over analyzing. It's just how I am. Hopefully there are more ideas and less rebuttals. MAPS Remove Oasis - Legendary map, but I notice that Oasis has gotten to where almost every time I've played it recently, Allies have a very difficult time taking the CP. Axis has learned very well how to defend the 4 paths Allies have to the CP, making it very frustrating to be on the Allies team. Or change the player count to <40 players Change one rule on Gold Rush - Gold Rush, one of my favorite maps, but it's gotten back to the point that Axis is spending most of the map dodging the Mortar and Arty attacks, plus a lot of of Allied players spending more time spawn killing than trying for the objectives, which may be because the objectives are something Allies almost never complete. My suggestion is on that map, prohibit heavy weapon spawn killing; Arty, Mortar and Panzer. I see it on TM Legacy Server and it definitely makes the gameplay better. WEAPONS Rifle Grenades - I know, I talk about r_nades a lot but I offer a compromise; From 5 to 3 r_nades per team. Maybe only 1 for <17 players. Arty/Fire Support - Extend the refresh time between strikes ROTATION Instead of always talking about changing rotation, just add more maps to the existing rotation, to make it a bigger, longer rotation so the same maps don't come up as often. Seems like most of the time, when I join, it's Gold Rush, Kyrkyra, ET_Do or Riverport that's on, a longer rotation would obviously add more variety and less repetition.
Hello ET Fraggers im happy to announce another remake of one of my favorite enemy territory maps, THUD IN THE SAND --> THUD IN THE GRASS You all know thud in the sand—that dusty, chaotic clash where bullets flew and boots sank into dunes. well, its evolved! say hello to thud in the grass, where the terrain’s greener, the cover’s thicker, and the frags are just as sweet. ive poured some serious hours into tweaking this one—new sightlines, sneaky spots for ambushes, and a vibe that’ll make you feel right at home whether you’re sniping heads or spraying with the smg's 😄 some ingame screenshots : Download link: special thanks to @meli @phir0x @razjee @RendeL @Kurre @Chuuu @kemon @pinn @Hannu @Nolles @Cloudy @Element @White Raven Lets keep ET ALIVE 😄
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Caen is a good map. The current issue concerns the rules regarding the "final object." Most of the time, the axis player manages to sneak in and grab the "final objective", then double-jump towards the boat, and the map is over pretty fast after that. From what I understand 1) Cov-ops can grab the final object if 5mins has already passed. 2) Players of other classes of Axis can also grab the final obj, if 5mins. have passed, as no-double jump is needed, simply go to the adjacent building, use the stairs, and single jump to the roof of building with the object. Confusion:- Some admins feel, the tank needed to be escorted and the wall needed to be blown, and then only the axis can grab the final objective (As per "no skipping of any prior objective"). But after reading the rules, I understand it can only be not done via Double jump or any other malicious way. I will add Some pics later for more clear picture.
Hello everyone, i just want to ask a question. 11 of 15 official RTCW mp maps converted to ET, and we can play them with omnibots, it is nice but i have never seen converted-to-ET mp_castle map, in fact there is one but textures are broken. Is there any working converted mp_castle map for ET? I can play it on RTCW mp with omnibots but i want to play on ET nitmod offline with bots. Thanks Regards ***W!NY***
Hello guys , so christmas holidays are near, and capuzzo map is 10 years old (atleast the final version 😄) i decided to remake this map to fit christmas. map will be released hopefully on friday the 6th - planning to do before that, still needs some testing. this is my first map i work on since atleast 13 years, i wanted to bring back old mapping memories and make some modifications to one of the best maps i ever played. added "dark" textures and changed whole sand vibe to snow vibe with some modifications, along with christmas trees, decorations and xmas music. if anyone has an idea ill be glad to hear there are 2 secret rooms in the map with hidden walls, good luck finding them🫢 here are some screenshots ingame : download: Lets keep ET alive ! not to forget, big thanks to @phir0x @meli @razjee @Chuuu @Vice86 for helping me with testing and ideas. *Use ETLegacy for better experience. /com_hunkmegs 128
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It's impossible to play with that hat, deer antlers, snow grenades, etc... Why don't they just leave all that stuff for one single map so the rest can be played without all that nonsense? Anyway, I hope things are back to normal by February. Until then
Version Beta 1
||================================================================== ||Map name: Lays of Schwarzwald ||pk3 and its files names: lays_of_schwarzwald_b1 ||Author: -)A(-WuTang** ||Version: Beta 1 (B1) ||Released: 31st August ||================================================================== ||Contacts: || Email: || Discord: WuTangH#7270 || Websites: - user WuTangH || - user WuTangH ||================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================================================ About: Lays of Schwarzwald is a custom ET map situated in the middle of nice, famous region of Blackwood (schwarzwald..)forests. Story: Information about advanced progress of Axis in the Rocketbomb research were true. Allies are on a mission to ambush their Weapon factory in the middle of huge Schwarzwald forest and destroy everything whats worth. Objectives: Allies: Primary Objective: Escort the Tank through the Village and destroy the Tunnel Gate. Primary Objective: Escort the Tank through the tunnels to parmanently push Axis to the Rocket Base. Primary Objective: Bring all four Explosion Materials to the Rocket. Primary Objective: Build the Detonator to blow up the Rocket Base. Primary Objective: Blow up the Rocket Base using the constructed Detonator. Secondary Objective: Do not let Axis construct the Tank Barrier. Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post to take partial control over the tunnels. Axis: Primary Objective: Prevent Allies from completing their objective. Secondary Objective: Construct the Tank Barrier. Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post. ============================================================================================================ Programs used: GTKRadiant 1.5 Notepad++ Adobe Photoshop CC2017 Blender 2.79 MilkShape 3D Audacity ============================================================================================================ Credits & such: Textures: dirt_m03icmp_brown.tga - from ET:L texturepack made by Kemon. Missing images to original ET shaders were found in custom packs.. Other than that, textures were downloaded for free, or made by me. Websites: Models: Rocketbomb, trees and foliage models - made by me. Big dynamite - made by MLB guys. Sounds: Sounds included in pk3 are made out of ET original sounds. You can use all textures and models from this pack. Those downloaded are free, and those made by me are totally free too. Thanks to C from UJE Clan for their tank generator. Special thanks for help and feedback: Kemon, Mateos, Thunder, [UJE]Niek, Ray, Loffy, Macchute, ryven, Ensiform, Aranud, Aciz, hatcher, JoNny, Old-Owl and others. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks. You may not Redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author. This will change after map source file will be released to public. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lays_of_schwarzwald_b1.way lays_of_schwarzwald_b1 waypoints 0.9.rar -
@daredevil moved a number of USA-located ET, INS and DOI servers to a new machine last Tuesday, the 13th of November. He set up the new Domain Name Server IPs on Wednesday, the 14th. They are all running good today, Thursday. 😄 He actually copied the server software and records from the old machine to the new one. The old servers will continue running until the machine lease is up, in a few days. The old servers may still show up in ET Browsers until then. You should use the Domain Names to connect to the changed servers. I always use this method because while those names never change, but the IPs do sometimes. Jay#2 /connect Silent#1 /connect NQ#2 /connect CHANGED on 5 December: The new IP for Silent#1 was changed to , which has helped players and admins in BRazil to connect. Some had been having problems joining the server! /connect will now go to that new IP. In the 2.6b and the ETL Server Browsers, you may see duplicate FA names for some servers. The same-named servers often show different maps running, BUT both twins show the same population! That will make it hard for players to join the "new server" instead of the old one. Here is a copy of the old and new IPs for the affected servers, from Daredevil Below is an image of 'duplicate servers' captured by @madjimmie some 6 hours ago. The Silent#1 and "#2 XPSAVE" (Jay#2) "twins" show the same names, number of players and pings, but different maps. That 'same number of players' will be a problem for some joiners. This will all get back to normal when the old machine's lease expires, and the old servers disappear from the browsers.
Disappointed today to get pm instructing me to give up the panzer after one map. Admin said there were complaints I regularly change my name to violate the three map rule, which has never EVER happened. No mistake, when I get the panzer I enjoy it for three maps since I'm so bad at this game, but I don't cheat to keep it. Yes, Tipsy, I used it a fourth map last month when I gave it up after three maps, no one wanted it, and I resumed play with it halfway through the map. And when you objected, I gave it up (and it went unused). Offended by the accusation I'd cheat. You all know me better than that.
Hello. Been a while since I played and been thinking about whats going on on Enemy territory lately. Is there still servers to play on? Not sure anyone'd even remember me to be honest but it'd still be cool to try and come back again. Soon as I find a version of the game that can play on modern systems. Thanks for the replies, if any. lol
Hey, noticed today after upgrading to the latest version of ETL that some of the servers are showing up twice, this was especially interesting as some users were on both servers, IE we had Thompson Girl playing alone on one of the silent recruiting servers, and the other one had 20 players on it. Screenshot of the servers I'm seeing, only #2 XPSAVE FOREVER and Silent RECRUITING XPS @United Blood mentioned @daredevil had been working on the systems, so not sure if this is intended or not, just wanted to bring it up
Hey everybody, I miss another topic here with show your gaming gear. So I thought I'd make a new one. So show here your game setup / pc / console or even mancave space where your are playing your favorite games: It's just for fun 😄
I've gotten a few requests over the years to post some gameplay. I've been compiling clips lately and slowly trying to put together a montage but also full length gameplay. Tonight I've had the time to edit and put together a video for everyone to watch. Cheers
Could someone show , tell or direct me to find this script function? During game play sometimes, a player will change classes (example: player "name" will be an medic next) or switch weapons (player switching to Mp-40) i can see this on the screen when they do this. what the command in a script that does this.... i do not recall long ago. it was some thing like ..".ecco" any ideas?
Hello guys, Most of you have noticed that I wasn't playing as much as I would have wished. My life has changed a lot in every aspect since the beginning of the year. I'm slowly acknowledging that my routine will never be the same meaning I cannot play as much as before. I'm afraid it's a little good-bye but it doesn't mean I won't come back. Thank you all for the amazing games. It was lot of fun. And for everybody's wondering what is the best server, it is beg2 💯 Whether I should be set to inactive is up to the staff. See you soon
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does any1 know what mod they are playing? and how did he get the guns scale so small bc i think it looks cool
k guys.........simple question..... can alt codes be used to add to your alias? Thank You.
Someone created a waypoint for this wonderful map from Quake 3 a very nice map for fragging with people, even against bots as if there were no players on the server
I want to create a 3vs3 or 6v6 bo3 or bo2 tournament. Add me in discord FixFox#5992
Hi all, just an issue I ran into after installing windows 11 I noticed that condump .txt, screenshots, and demos would not generate in appropriate (ex silent/jaymod/nq) folders the other night and I frantically started trying everything to get demos screenshots and .txt files to show up in et folders. what I had found out was settings in ET that need to be enabled. Now, I did not need to do this in windows 10 but, I would assume if you have this issue in windows 10 you might need to enable the same settings since ET is an OLD game. first, right click on ET Icon and go to properties you will then be directed to the et Icon settings, click on compatibility and check mark and enable compatibility mode. once enabled, if you are still having issues, enable security permissions in the app. this may not be needed but i needed to enable it for everything to work to get .txt files and folders for screenshots and demos to show up in my silent folders, i'll hop on jaymod and see if this works as well and repost. Id think it should be fine ***jaymod now shows .txt files, screenshot and demo folders*** ***no quarter now shows .txt files, screenshot and demo folders*** click on security and click edit. enable allow all and click apply/ok Now that all has been configured, your demo and screenshot folders should generate in appropriate folders (ex silent/jaymod/nq) when you use console commands. it should also allow .txt files to be stored in said appropriate folders (ex silent/jaymod/nq) folders. I hope this helps and I hope no one else has this issue. I was ready to pull the little hair I have left outta my head. *****side note******** I am running 2.60b, if anyone is running legacy and doesn't have this issue I'd like to know, if not then it might just be this version
Hi guys.... Just for the record.... This is just for the sake of discussion... But for some of us, (like myself) with exceptionally high ping... surely there are ways to lower it a little more slightly. Some options i have heard from others are: 1. Get a better Internet service provider 2. Try a VPN proxy 3. Relocate altogether (something i cant do anytime soon) lol But if by chance any of you might know a thing or two or any other alternatives to lower the ping factor... Please join in on the conversation Thank You.
As always, happy to announce a new ET: Legacy update! After nearly a whole year, we've lived to see a round version number 2.82 Feel free to download at (remember to use 32 bit version if you also play on other mods than Legacy) Full change-log: Summary & gfx by @kemon:
Hi guys, sorry if this was asked before but I couldn't find anything. DO i just copy the ET folder over to the new PC and thats it?
About Us
We are glad you decided to stop by our website and servers. At Fearless Assassins Gaming Community (=F|A=) we strive to bring you the best gaming experience possible. With helpful admins, custom maps and good server regulars your gaming experience should be grand! We love to have fun by playing online games especially W:ET, Call of Duty Series, Counter Strike: Series, Minecraft, Insurgency, DOI, Sandstorm, RUST, Team Fortress Series & Battlefield Series and if you like to do same then join us! Here, you can make worldwide friends while enjoying the game. Anyone from any race and country speaking any language can join our Discord and gaming servers. We have clan members from US, Canada, Europe, Sri Lanka, India, Japan, Australia, Brazil, UK, Austria, Poland, Finland, Turkey, Russia, Germany and many other countries. It doesn't matter how much good you are in the game or how much good English you speak. We believe in making new friends from all over the world. If you want to have fun and want to make new friends join up our gaming servers and our VoIP servers any day and at any time. At =F|A= we are all players first and then admins when someone needs our help or support on server.