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  1. EA is saying 5 million in the first week. A bit pale in comparison to what mw3 managed to do. Cod is just getting old now: same old dx9 engine, same style of gameplay, and a game freaking every year. Bf3 seems so much better.
  2. Razer abyssus
  3. Haha awesome songs!
  4. Hail shumi!
  5. What you been upto mexi? Havnt seen you on servers for some time?
  6. lol similar situation in india. Sometimes we get to hear about the storm after it's over
  7. USA has very good weather tracking and alert systems. Stay safe guys.
  8. Really nice processor. You will definately get better performace in games. Sandy bridge has kickass memory controller and all the extra bandwidth really helps.
  9. /emoticons/default_tongue.png" alt=":P" data-emoticon="" srcset="/emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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  10. nice one dare!
  11. 1.6 play it rarely and mostly on home lan.
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