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F|A Beginers Jay3 Atmosphere changing


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I am not the most active poster, and I may not have many friends left inside F|A but this has to be said.


Having played this server since 2009/10 it makes me really sad to see how it is today. From the fun hangout it was where people could speak their minds rant a little, generally have fun, to this place where youre scared to say anything or you get muted for 90 days..




Rok1 Long term fun player long term muted..

Anarchy who never says anything currently muted, nicest guy, a real team player..maybe had a bad day and he has a long mute.

Kam!kaze again long term fun guy..crys some but maybe would learn from a 24 hour mute..I know I would.


VTR today and last few weeks has been a bit whiny while he gets used to new FPS. So for fun we named ourselves VTR Fan #1 /2 / 3 all in fun no offence meant. I kinda checked with him first to see he was OK with it. We are then threatened with PERM BAN...and called trolls and so on. I mean wtf, he is our friend we have all been playing for years. He knows we are joking and is flattered by our lil 24 hour fan club..haha (we are all back to normal names and it was never a perm plan, he often plays as Barb!e poking fun at my name which has never been an issue). Its this kind of taking the negative enforce some mis interpreted rules behaviour from admins, that is now the norm on your server. Fearful and unfriendly. Yes I will get all the go play somewhere else, if you dont like it and other attacks from F|A that probably dont even play the server, we are allowed to enforce whatever rules we want on our servers..yada yada..

I agree you pay so do what you want. However can I ask whats changed? Why has the F|A admin group become so hungry to mute and use admin on the little things that in the past were ignored? Warned? or just let slide with a quiet PM asking them to calm down. (before you question my experience as an admin. I had F|A trial tags on for 30 days of game time and thats just the last trial) SO I was the one having those quiet words with the player rather than muting.


The server is constantly spammed with player names and was muted...like every 3 minutes. When there are 3 or 4 muted guys playing it has a very negative impact on the feel of the server. It may even create a self fulfilling prophecy, negative feeling and lack of the old fun spirit through fear of mute, kick whatever. Then more feel it get negative, whine, complain and get muted.


Reading the rules and other things relating to F|A's projection of its self, the clan comes across as fun, game for a laugh and tolerant. Its not what I am seeing on the server I love and play daily, which is a real shame. So much so that I am posting this to ask whats changed, why so intolerant now guys? I will probably get banned muted myself or whatever, which is fine I can handle it. This needs to be said and I am not by a long way the only one noticing this.


Can I ask please that if you dont play Jay3/Beginers1 server very much that you dont post on this topic telling me to STFU or go play somewhere else. Thats not why I posted this, its not an attack on F|A its a bad feeling that needs to be aired. You guys all do a good job in the main and you give up your time so I can play an old game and have fun. I will always be grateful. I would just like the jump to conclusion of negative to change back to how F|A admins used to be. Chilled, relaxed and tolerant.


Thanks for listening,



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You won't get banned for saying what you think in a civil manner like you did just now.
For others with mutes I don't know what they've done, but r0k1 deserves his mute all the way.
Why are we sometimes intolerant it's because some players need babysitting all the time and sometimes we're not up to that or maybe we're having bad days too and when some jackass is trying to irritate us on purpose (which happens a lot), that's what he gets. I don't think it's ever without a reason, but if you catch an admin being abusive without a reason, please do take proof and report it.


Some of the people go way back as troublemakers and we know of them, so sometimes they get punishment more quickly, you feel me?

Anyway I didn't get that feeling you're getting about the atmosphere on J3 :/

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I understand the jobs not always easy. Yes some people get annoying..its more the length of the mutes.


Not only that the guys I play with the most and had the most fun  and banter with, in the main are the guys getting this heavy handed treatement that made me write this. I get why you mute people but why so long? Maybe a 3 strikes or something that eventually they understand and can calm themselves a bit.

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Noone won't be treating u bad for expressing your opinion, thats what everyone should do instead of being quiet and unhappy. The post u have done is good, as it explains your point of the view regardless of the fact that u arent member, u still count as an important regular for us.

As for the mute, the rules are there to follow, members learn the rules by reading the wiki and by going with what higher ups tell them to do, when someone is abusing the rules, i.e whining, spamming, complaining, bitching and so on, they will get a verbal warn and warn afterwards, if that does not help, normally they will recieve the short mute, if by then that wont help, it will go on with longer mute and so on, so basically at the end, player is in his own guilt if he's being muted for longer duration regardless the different offenses they do.

F|A have it's own set of rules and to keep server nice for every regular without anything annoying, we have to follow these rules and so do regulars, reason we punish those who breaks them, simple as that. We always begin with a warning and then short mute, u wont see anyone gaining a first mute for 30d if he just bitches a bit, but if that goes on for longer period, then he will gain that mute, or even longer.

We understand that some of those folks are your friends, but noone is excluded from following our rules, as for the admins, if u think someone is breaking the admin duties, there's a report topic at which u can report them and if found guilty of abusing admin powers they will be dealt accordingly, that goes for every FA admin.


Hope this answer helps and clear some questions for u.

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Ye its fine..I had to say it and I have.


Im not trying to plead individual cases, or justify their behaviour. I wasnt abused today so no report there, I was in a way threatened with a ban for having fun and changing my name, so I changed it back. It felt like bullying and that compounded it. However having a pop at an admin for doing what he thinks is right isnt going anywhere. I guess because I have been there so long and you guys have evolved processes as you grow, I am noticing the change.


Thanks for making me feel able to say it though.

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 maybe we're having bad days too


Not pointing at you or anyone else in particular, but generally speaking: If an admin is having a bad day and his/her actions are influenced by that then he/she needs to take the admin hat off for that day because in the end - their actions still represent F|A.

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I can only advice you this. If you really are concerned about jay3 and you truly think admins are going too far... Take proof and submit it. Systematically. It makes no sense submitting a story with no names about "the bad admins" on jay3. It only spreads negativity and it will solve nothing.


I have not seen any of these very intolerant admins on the servers where I play (all FA servers), so as long as I don't see any proof, we can consider this nothing more than an irrelevant ghost story. With all respect.


As you say, you're not very active on forum. If I do a little search I find that this are your last topics: http://fearless-assassins.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&search_app=forums&mid=6057&sid=6cbcaa11bdb182f0d6fd9f44e67c5586&search_app_filters[forums][searchInKey]=&userMode=title
The thing is... I do think you're a good fellow. I just can't see why the hell you can't...



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Ye its fine..I had to say it and I have.


Im not trying to plead individual cases, or justify their behaviour. I wasnt abused today so no report there, I was in a way threatened with a ban for having fun and changing my name, so I changed it back. It felt like bullying and that compounded it. However having a pop at an admin for doing what he thinks is right isnt going anywhere. I guess because I have been there so long and you guys have evolved processes as you grow, I am noticing the change.


Thanks for making me feel able to say it though.

You can name yourself almost anything you like, like almost anything, if it's not too insulting towards someone or a group of people or something.

That admin probably thought you're making bad atmosphere with annoying vtr or something, he/she just didn't get you're friends and the other guy is okay with that.

Next time, again try to be civil with the admin and explain there's nothing wrong with it. If you feel you are being abused, demo demo demo proof proof proof report report report.

Abusive admins are not tolerated.

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Not pointing at you or anyone else in particular, but generally speaking: If an admin is having a bad day and his/her actions are influenced by that then he/she needs to take the admin hat off for that day because in the end - their actions still represent F|A.

I may not have said this clearly, sorry for that. Not saying that we can be abusive if we're having a bad day lol.

Just that we're humans too and if someone's trying to annoy me or someone else on purpose just being a troll, I will give him a warn or a mute (if the warnshave  been given) - when some other day/time I would maybe ignore the same action. Nevertheless action's not without the reason.

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Thanks Platonic you made me laugh with the Vid link..cheers.


Its not aimed at any admin in particular just a general change in mood and atmosphere. As I said in my post if you dont play there regular please dont tell me whats going on there. I am there everyday so I know already...Your post is taking this down the defensive, im just a troll or ghost or whatever. So please dont do that. The rest of the FA servers I cannot comment on because I dont play there.

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I'm not saying you're a troll, neither am I saying you're a ghost. I'm just saying that you can't change the tide by making a discussion topic about it. You're allowed to do it, don't get me wrong. But if you're making a discussion topic about it I do suppose you want it to change. Well if you do, I'm affraid the only way to make it happen is by reporting those who ruin the atmosphere. Don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. When I went into FA there was one member who really abused his rights and after a while I made it a goal to get him to see what he was doing wrong, or to get him out. The latter happened in the end. I'm not happy about it but the atmosphere changed for the better.


We, individuals, can do a lot about the atmosphere. Leaders are concerned about that because bad atmosphere can ruin a server. But by making a story about "bad admins" or whatever you want to call them, no one can do anything about it.

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I'm what you could at least call a regular I guess Barn.. So here we go.


-Rok1 Long term fun player long term muted.. Rok1 is lucky to have seen a new feature added on our jaymod servers allowing longer mutes than usual basic 3mins mute. Otherwise he would be banned permanently again like he already was some months\years ago. Even there with this new feature he (with Too_Sexy) succeed to reach a mute we never had to use. No even need to go far and just look here in our complaint section for M0lly to get a sample of his behaviour during all these years spent playing on our servers. But I know you already saw these complaints since you were present on these topics reading them at these times.


-Anarchy who never says anything currently muted, nicest guy, a real team player..maybe had a bad day and he has a long mute.. Here, I'm not aware about his mute.. He tends to whine sometimes and got some warnings. So I'm sure his mute is not for long.


-Kam!kaze again long term fun guy..crys some but maybe would learn from a 24 hour mute..I know I would.. Muted for a short period for now because whining and constantly spamming vsays despite our\my numerous warnings to not do. Same here, muted for short period.


-VTR today and last few weeks has been a bit whiny.. A bit whiny today nad last few weeks?!? Hopefully it was a joke here.. He's one who got the most of our patience\tolerance lately and should have been muted since long time. He avoided it until now only because he was in the warning process and knows when to stop before getting a longer mute.



Btw, pretty weird, you did not mentionned Too_Sexy muted him too for same period than r0k1.. Maybe because you had to deal with him and his constant harassment (the same one than r0k1 does) towards players you too. Anyway, put aside Anarchy who might be an exeption between all these cases, all the rest are known as constant trouble makers. If you feel that the atmosphere changed, blame these regular players and not the admins doing their duty and sometimes forced to take much more than they should on their gaming time, simply to deal with such pains every minutes, every day and allow others to play peacefully. We could also talk about your unfairness actions as admin when you were trial member (2 times) yourself and some new beginner players potential regulars we probably lost with your actions. But this would be too long and I really don't have time for that. So please, don't come here to say how should admins relax and how to deal with trouble makers on server.. This is much more than tolerance from our admins to have these trolls still present after at least 4 years.



Sorry for the tone, but wow! Such a topic reversing the roles and coming from you to top it all.

Edited by Ann!b@l
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Thats the great thing about being regulars in that we can all see it from each others points of view.


As I said I am not pointing out any individual admins or even really saying its your fault. I guess I am saying long mutes in a game where communication can play a big part, is sad. If its the players themselves that lose their cool then admin is about helping them through that. Its not social work i get it, anyway I felt it was worthy of discussion.


VTR isnt muted, that was an example of how I had admins jumping down my throat because I had a little name fun. As I said its got defensive as I knew it would so lets just leave it there. Its the nature of the modern world I guess people think they can act however they want and others have lost tolerance in having to deal with them on a daily basis. They may have been trolls for years as you say but they are part of the furniture, their whining is part of the culture of the place. Long timed mutes were not needed then why are they now?


Wouldnt it make your lives easier if you just said b*** and whine as much as you want and we will ignore you as a whiner.. lol Why validate their behaviour with a reaction of any kind. Offending others and that kind of excuse is not really valid. If someone is playing ET they are big enough and ugly enough to take a bit of banter. I am here to help as I have said many times, I am a strong personality and not everyone likes that. Please be clear I am not trying to score points or start a fight. I wanted to share a point of view, which I am entitled to.

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Well now you're saying we should ignore when someone's misbehaving but if we'd do that pretty soon you'd see kind of an atmosphere created when everybody can say whatever they want and behave any way they want.

I'm sure it would be unbearable environment for every decent human being.

We are really just trying to create joyful and nice experience for our regulars, guests and of course ourselves.


Not being defensive Barnie, just -I can say- our point of view. Versus yours rn. :)

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I may not have said this clearly, sorry for that. Not saying that we can be abusive if we're having a bad day lol.

Just that we're humans too and if someone's trying to annoy me or someone else on purpose just being a troll, I will give him a warn or a mute (if the warnshave  been given) - when some other day/time I would maybe ignore the same action. Nevertheless action's not without the reason.


Thanks for clearing that up! I do appreciate the neutrality objectivity shown by you and Platonic, kudos for that!

Edited by w00tw00t
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