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god i miss ya'll

Line Out

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hello fellow hackers and gamers.  its been quite a while since my shadow has fallen on this part of the world. as some of you know...my wife is pregnant and....well, not having a good time of it.
it is difficult on her to say the least....and there have been a few complications that the marvels of modern medicine have been able to correct (thank god for that.)

i got promoted at work which has taken most of the rest of my attention away from my love of shooting motherf***ers in the head.....
we have sold our home and are in the process of building our dream-home in the countryside! oh yeah...and in the interim,  we are living in a shit-shack one bedroom apartment (not cool man...not cool at all)

so go big or go home, ya know!!!!

now that things have calmed down a bit, i have the time to start looking at the forums, maybe even play around a  bit........



but i did want to pop in and say hi......sooooooo, um....


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Congratz on everything good what happened in there, happy to hear that there is baby coming and you are building dream home to yourself and you got promo in job :) Wish your wife all the best and add some pics when baby born :) Good luck and happy to hear for u :)

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i was wondering where you went to, lineout. haven't seen ya for a while on HC.


good to know everything is ok, and don't forget to post some pics.


all the best!

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Hi Line!! Glad you are taking care of the real important stuff and those are going well! 

As I said when u told me about you waiting for the baby! ALL THE BEST FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!

we are always here! :)

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