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Rifle nade & mortar


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I have a little question about rifle nade, I know since a big moment we can use rifle nade as a mortar. Like in this video: 


 But does the rifle nade is exactly the same as mortar. I mean, if i shoot with the same angle than a mortar, my nade will go in the same place? So does the range is the same? If it's yes, that would be cool to try shoot a mortar enemy with rifle nade (need alot of practice...)  :P


And an other question (just for know). Do you know if with the same level skill (stars), we can shoot the same number of grenade (from rnade) than shoot the same mortar? (in the same time, like 1 minute).


Thanks and sorry for my english.

Edited by Dhmo
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  • Clan Friend

I don't remember the damage they deal, probably mortar does more damage but I'm not sure


Anyway, the angle is not the same, and in any case there isn't even a way to see the angle when you use a rnade. You have to learn where to stand and where to aim, and it takes much more time. You can't use the map like when you use the mortar. So you don't know where the grenade goes.


Many years ago me and my clanmates used to try rifle shots, like, one was in spectator mode and the other was shooting, and in teamspeak we said things like 'a bit lower' 'more to the left' etc.


Obviously you need to stand exactly there and aim exactly there in order to repeat the shot.


Some etpro players used to have a config where they moved their crosshair as a reference, but then they locked that cvar (to prevent this?), so you might need to use other parts of your hud as reference.


I know only a couple of trickshots, like goldrush from allied spawn to axis spawn, and oasis from allied spawn to the room with the ammo, I used to know how to hit snipers in fueldump but I forgot.


Anyway it's much harder than using a mortar.

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You just need to memorize each trickshot, and really it isnt that hard to guess where your rnade will land when you do one. There used to be some public cheats that had riflecam so you could start up an offline server and just practice using that, not sure if there are any out there anymore. Obviously don't use them on public servers :P 


On any other mod other than etpro rnade trickshots will rarely be one hit kills because of the rank 4 engys running around, so mortar is much easier to get kills with if you know how to use it

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You just need to memorize each trickshot, and really it isnt that hard to guess where your rnade will land when you do one. There used to be some public cheats that had riflecam so you could start up an offline server and just practice using that, not sure if there are any out there anymore. Obviously don't use them on public servers :P


On any other mod other than etpro rnade trickshots will rarely be one hit kills because of the rank 4 engys running around, so mortar is much easier to get kills with if you know how to use it

A player with cheats on his pc will eventually use them in crowed server.. dont advertise that  <_<



Anyway, as sunlight said already, mortar is easier then riflenade, alot.

Never knew to aim my nades so good from distance.. I am better with throw nades instead of riflenade  :lol

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Obviously mortar will have larger range and damage compared to rifle granades, as well as the angle of traveling is different, for rifle shots the best way is to practice it for a while from specific positions, so u can remember at what angle and distance to shoot to specific location, once u do that, u can have a lot of fun hitting some enemies like that and gaining potencial multi kills, works like a charm at supply from CP towards either west/east bunker doors of axis, where u can easily shoot over the wall and hit exactly at the entrance.

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Mortars are a lot more lethal and can even kill those inside buildings...


Rifle nades are more portable obviously and you don't sit in one spot the whole time...


With some practice, you can get a lot of cool and amazing kills with riflenades...


I just prefer the rifle because for one you can see the kill and there is a lot more action and laughs with it :P

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  • Clan Friend

A player with cheats on his pc will eventually use them in crowed server.. dont advertise that  <_>

Not necessarily... but yes, I was about to mention the 'alternative' method to learn rifle shots, then I decided not to for this reason :)


Anyway the difference with mortar is, with the mortar even if you don't know a map and you don't memorize anything, you can sit there while watching the map, for the first shot you guess the angle from the distance on the map (and the direction is easy), then after you see where it goes, you can adjust for the other shots.


With the rifle, there is no way for you to see where you are hitting, so you need to know beforehand where you need to stand and where to aim.

I just prefer the rifle because for one you can see the kill

in the case of 'trick' shots you don't see it

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As far as I remember you will find videos about rnade trickshoots on youtube: "random rifle" or "rifle noobs" for ex.

Mortar has larger demage than panzer even.

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