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Hi guys, have decided to join the forums :) I'm usually around on SILENT#1 on most days of the week.


I will try answer most of the questions from the template (but have deleted some :P).


First name: Tony

Any sort of Nickname?: N/A

Age: 21

What country are you from?: New Zealand

Are you a Parent?: No

How many siblings do you have?: 2 (younger brother and sister)

What's your shoe size?: 9

What do you do for a living?: Intern Pharmacist

First thing you look for in a new friend?: Honesty

What brought you to the Fearless Assassins servers/forum?: Server - Always people around. Forum - To donate and interact with people I see on the server.



Cat or Dog?: Dog

What are your hobbies?: Football (soccer), computers, ET

What kind of Sports do you like?: Football (soccer), rugby

What's your favorite color?: Blue

How about your favorite type of music?: Acoustic, alternative, etc.

Favorite Song?: Always changes, so I don't really have a favourite

What's your favorite TV show?: Suits

What kind of movies do you like? (Scary, comedy, drama etc): Action, comedy, indie

Favorite Movie?: Never Let Me Go

Favorite Book?: The Catcher in the Rye

What's your favorite beverage?: H2O

What you're favorite food/snack?: Steak, lamb, chips

Favorite season? Why?: Autumn - crisp mornings but still rather warm during the day

Favorite subject in school?: Mathematics

Favorite thing to learn about?: Drugs (medicines, that is)

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?: Iceland


What's your favorite internet site (That is not FA ;P): Google

Edited by C0R3
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Hello C0R3, and welcome to the forums. :welcome

Also if you want to apply to become a member, you can post an application here http://fearless-assassins.com/forum/184-applications-join-us/


Just be sure to fill out this when you post it, and again, welcome.


Ingame Name (Gaming Alias):
Your Past Gaming Alias:
Your Past clans if any:
Xfire :
Location :
How often do you play:
Have you submited your last 8 character of GUID in your profile:
Do you use TS3 ( Yes / No (If not why not?)):
=F|A= Server you play on most :
Your expertise ( Coding, moder, Photoshop, etc) :
Do you have VIP membership:
Have you donated:
Will you be able to help in recruiting?:
What you will be able to offer to community, if you join us:
Referral (Which member referred you):
Do you have 40,000 XP (Provide Ingame Screenshot)

Tell us about yourself:

Edited by Bow_In_Honor
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