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Jay1 maps


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How many maps are we allowed in rotation? I was thinking what if we set up a poll with a list of maps and the top chosen ones will become our new rotation? I would gladly setup a topic with the poll, that way we can get a list of maps that people want to play. It's definitely time for a new rotation since alot of the maps I know are favorites but they have been there well over a year.


You sound someone new to ET or new to internet. fk the poll , ppl are retarded when it comes to map, they all get excited about new maps and suggest every map they found awesome or have heard of,but as soon as their suggested map get on server.. a huge whine and cry starts of map being gay and server gets empty too.  So.. just put name of map , it will be tested and if fit good it be on server.

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You sound someone new to ET or new to internet. fk the poll , ppl are retarded when it comes to map, they all get excited about new maps and suggest every map they found awesome or have heard of,but as soon as their suggested map get on server.. a huge whine and cry starts of map being gay and server gets empty too.  So.. just put name of map , it will be tested and if fit good it be on server.

Well I'm definitely not new to either :P  But there's already a bunch of whiners on certain maps so whats the point I guess. Either way we're screwed...lol

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Yes i remember this map when i was trial-member, i didnt remember name of map and after we take that out from Jay1 i have looking that map, i really hope to see it again, i will come to Jay1 when i see that map is going there and play this map, i liked map a lot, and have a lot good memories on this map :)

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Few more suggests:


School http://et.trackbase.net/map/10/ Really cool map imo, played many times.

Wolfsrudel http://et.trackbase.net/map/168/ Nice map, but I guess it's too laggy at least with a lot of players.

Industry 2 http://et.trackbase.net/map/57/ Nice map also, long time no play though.

Bridges http://et.trackbase.net/map/343/ Fun map and big enough for full server.

Praetoria mission II http://et.trackbase.net/map/128/ Another big and nice map.


+Lighthouse and Capuzzo like I said before.

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Please don't forget about this map. I think it would be good since it allows the axis to attack and allies defend. That way we have a better mix of maps that switch up who gets to attack.

And how about swapping FuelDump with this summer version of it that switches allies to the defending team.



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Please don't forget about this map. I think it would be good since it allows the axis to attack and allies defend. That way we have a better mix of maps that switch up who gets to attack.

I like this idea as well.

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Just keep on mind that flame guards is the hardest offense map of all time.


I could make it little easier by decreasing spawn times for offense. Who plays offense on that map? Been a while i played that map.

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New rotation:


Lighthouse and flame I will add next week.

sw_oasis_b3, 0, 64,
supplydepot2, 0, 64,
railgun, 16, 26,
et_mor2_night_final, 16, 64,
goldrush-gals, 0, 64,
caen2, 0, 36,
mlb_temple, 26, 44,
bba0-beta2, 24, 64,
venice_ne4, 16, 64,
etdo6, 18, 64,
sp_delivery_te, 0, 38,
pirates, 0, 40,
haunted_mansion, 12, 45,
frostbite, 0, 44,
capuzzo, 20, 52,
et_beach, 0, 45, 
warbell, 20, 50,
bremen_final, 0, 36,
adlernest, 0, 34,
mlb_daybreak, 20, 36,
etdo1, 18, 64,
baserace, 20, 26,
braundorf_final, 0, 34,
castleattack_b5, 30, 64,
fueldump, 24, 64,
mml_minastirith_fp3, 30, 64,
teuthonia_final, 14, 44,
beerrun_b7a, 12, 30,
battery, 12, 32,
saberpeak_final, 12, 40,

OK so with summer coming up we all know there is gonna be more kids/people on to play ET. I think we are in desperate need of a new map rotation. With this I mean that the current rotation has been on here for some time now. I think it would be a good idea to add some not so used maps and possibly shuffle up the maps so people don't get bored or tired of the same ol stuff. I for 1 am tired of having Venice right after Goldrush and the same goes for some of the other maps.


I'm just throwing this idea out here so we can keep our server fresh. Personally IMO running the same map rotation gets a bit old real quick. Yea I understand some ppl like/love certain maps and are perfectly content with the way things are. But for me being a J1 regular I like to have a bit of variety.


So don't be shy people, let your voice be heard. Are any of you game for a new rotation? And if so what maps would you like to see added? I know of a few I can add in here. Let's see what you guys want.


I shuffled the rotation a bit.


How many maps are we allowed in rotation? I was thinking what if we set up a poll with a list of maps and the top chosen ones will become our new rotation? I would gladly setup a topic with the poll, that way we can get a list of maps that people want to play. It's definitely time for a new rotation since alot of the maps I know are favorites but they have been there well over a year.


32 maps including stock map.

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As long as Warbell is on there, Vix is happy.


I finally found someone who likes Warbell too!! Yay!

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I could make it little easier by decreasing spawn times for offense. Who plays offense on that map? Been a while i played that map.

If I remember correctly, allies are on offense.

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