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7 ET Questions all obj masters can answer


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If anyone can answer all 7 questions correctly, I will name and certify you as a fellow obj master.


1.) Do you like the objective? Does the objective like you?


2.) If the objective was lost in the forest, what words would it yell out?


3.) When you are thinking about the objective, what is the objective thinking about?


4.) What does the objective sound like when in pain? When joyous?


5.) What does the objective FEEL like?


6.) How do you calm the objective? How do you anger it?


7.) If you were an objective, would you want to be captured?


I look forward to hopefully naming a fellow obj master.



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1- not really, kind of.


3- about how cute I am

4- meooouuuww, meeeeeowwww

5- cat fur

6- let it pet me, bite it

7- no, stay free!

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1.)Maybe if I used my Bow / yeah she thinks I'm a sexy Elf.


2.)the Dwarves and the hobbit are lost and cannot find their way ...


3.)One Ring to rule them all,
   One Ring to find them,
   One Ring to bring them all,
   And in the darkness bind them.


4.) Ahhhhhh go away!!!!Precious! Gone!!!!  /   The rock and pool, is nice and cool, so juicy sweet. Our only wish, to catch a fish < singing


5.) My precious............


6.) Master betrayed us. Wicked. Tricksy, False!!!!   /  Yes, gollum. But perhaps we sits here and chats with it a bitsy, my precious. It likes riddles?


7.) NO!!!!!!!!!! The ring!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1. CTF, yes. and i always have it so yes again.

2. "Objective lost"

3. When is Achiyan coming to touch me?

4. it yells "Objective taken"

5. like a cold pole.

6. its easy, i capture it of course. and oh, it gets really angry when i drop it.

7. Hellz yeah i would. i'd be like "sexy sexy achi achi come n get me"


Objective Master? nah, im an ObjBeast! lol

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  • 4 weeks later...

Unfortunately, the objmaster cannot nominate a fellow objmaster, for not another soul has mastered the objective in the way that the objmaster requires.  However, Meow has been named honorary OBJMASTERAPPRENTICE, for the effort given in answering the questions.  One day, perhaps after much for study and thought, Meow may become a true objmaster.  The true answers to the questions are below:


1.) Do you like the objective? Does the objective like you?


 Like a link of chain, the affection between one and the objective must be mutual, yet confined. The objective likes as though there is nothing else, and you should like the objective in the same manner.  As the earth likes the wind, the wind does like the earth, and together they mingle.  In the end, yes to both.


2.) If the objective was lost in the forest, what words would it yell out?


The objective, not a lingual entity, speaks in no recognizable way.  It would yell, but would you hear it? No you would not.  Does not hearing the yell mean that the objective is not yelling? No, the obj is yelling through silence of pain.  You cannot hear it, but it is there. An in audible scream.  Keep the obj from screaming.  Keep it safe; keep it in your arms. 


3.) When you are thinking about the objective, what is the objective thinking about?


The objective is thinking about the water that flows throughout the earth.  Rivers, streams, oceans.  An ever-connected system of tranquility that passes around the souls of the earth.  The objective wants to be a part of this connectivity.  It wants to be fluid. It wants to be everywhere and connected to everything.


4.) What does the objective sound like when in pain? When joyous?


In pain, the objective makes the sound of a crying child’s tears hitting a wooden surface.  A soft plush and ever so slight liquid splash ring out.  Listen closely and it can be heard.  When joyous, the objective makes no noise.  The objective does not gloat or gleam for it knows that others are suffering.  The objective stays silent in solidarity during times of happiness, for happiness cannot be experienced by all.


5.) What does the objective FEEL like?


The objective feels like the morning frost on a grass field at sunrise.  The crunch of the objective can be felt when you step on it, and the cool, moist texture lingers on one’s fingers long after one’s grasp.


6.) How do you calm the objective? How do you anger it?


Calm the objective by placing it near an open fire.  Read to it the poems of Edgar Allen Poe, for poetry is a soothing medicine for the complex mind, and no mind is more complex than that of the objective. 


To anger the objective, leave it on a table in a dark room.  This will cause a wrath of fury the next meeting you have with the objective. Therefore, use this method with caution.



7.) If you were an objective, would you want to be captured?


The answer is no. The objective wants to be freed on its own. However, like an injured lion being healed and placed in a zoo.  It is grateful for the liberator, but the liberation was not a part of its desired plan.


Congratulations again to Meow, who is now an OBJMASTERAPPRENTICE



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I challenge you to an objective duel you impostor.

I was trained in the Siberian desert by the legendary player 

I have a PhD in team communications awarded by the speech expert Panzefasut. 
I survived the Keith trolling seasons and got awarded the purple admin welcome message.
I have 200 confirmed bans and longest !kick streak of all time.

and most important.......

I am the one that made axis win flame guards obj map for the first time  B)


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1.) Do you like the objective? Does the objective like you?


-No and No


2.) If the objective was lost in the forest, what words would it yell out?


-"I don't matter, just keep fragging for fun"


3.) When you are thinking about the objective, what is the objective thinking about?


-"I believe in you"


4.) What does the objective sound like when in pain? When joyous?


- Pain-"You've failed me"



5.) What does the objective FEEL like?


-A waste of time and effort.


6.) How do you calm the objective? How do you anger it?


-By putting it in it's rightful place. Anger it by keeping it with the enemies too long.


7.) If you were an objective, would you want to be captured?


-Yes, objectives have the need to be wanted.

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1.) Do you like the objective? Does the objective like you?

Sometimes, but sometimes it can be an a**h***. It does like me tho.


2.) If the objective was lost in the forest, what words would it yell out?

"Audrey please, you've always found the way to me, I mean we have our differences and I caused you so much pain and death but Audrey baby please!"


3.) When you are thinking about the objective, what is the objective thinking about?

"How interesting and mesmerizing I am. I want to be kept by her forever. If only.."


4.) What does the objective sound like when in pain? When joyous?

When in pain it's actually sad so like "I'm so sad, like I don't even have purpose in life"

When joyous "Oh yeeeah this my jam!"


5.) What does the objective FEEL like?

Emotional, unwanted, often abused and forgotten.


6.) How do you calm the objective? How do you anger it?

I calm it by stroking it's head (that's what she said) and humming to it.

I don't anger it. I never do.


7.) If you were an objective, would you want to be captured?

YES. I would want to be saved and treated like a princess it is.


I just wanted to say thank you for this opportunity Mr. ObjMaster, my only hope is to satisfy you with my answers, I've just always dreamt about being the ObjMaster. Thank you and I hope to hear from you.

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