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Beginners #2 maps

El indio

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Can you replace the following maps


Siwa oasis TE


Capuzzo airport


with these new maps


Seawall battery





asked before,but nothing came of it,so I'm asking again,ty.

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Also stop telling players on "our" servers ...


"Find a server with a lower ping"... One more stunt like this and you will be permanently muted. Plain and simple. 

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he said his ping is high..I only suggested it.. I would have suggested a server for him to play which would have been a better ping for him,but that would've been advertising,so I didn't,he had like 400 ping,I wouldn't play on a server if I had more than 100,I know a few servers that are full of people..but I have a ridiculous ping.


I don't see the problem,it was just a suggestion? If anything it was good advice..would you play with 400 ping? I don't say to everybody,he just said something like "My ping is really high.. "


but I won't say again,if anybody asks for help I won't bother..seems best just not to help anybody but yourself.


You make it seem as if I told him to F off.


Thanks for the map anyway.

Edited by El indio
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I don't see the problem,it was just a suggestion? If anything it was good advice..would you play with 400 ping? I don't say to everybody,he just said something like "My ping is really high.. "


but I won't say again,if anybody asks for help I won't bother..seems best just not to help anybody but yourself.


You make it seem as if I told him to F off.


Thanks for the map anyway.

I see the problem quite clearly. Cockiness towards other players or admins isn't acceptable here. As for playing with a 400ms ping, yes I have, and I would. Who cares about latency, as long as the connection is stable?


Next time, instead of giving a smarta$$ answer like "find another server to play on", why don't you try to help him with his connection? Changing max packets, rate, hunkmegs, timenudge and the like can make or break a connection.


And considering that I'll I've seen is whining about maps, players, and the server acting up- without giving a single thing back to =F|A=, I'm not surprised DD is at the end of his rope with you.

Hell, I'm asking for a specific server and I'm willing to pay for the hosting ($100 lump sum to start) and recruit for it- because it's not all about me, it's about the community.


/end rant

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I don't have the money to spare to donate,I owe corporations already..I don't know anything about max packets or hunkmegs,I only use the settings on esc-options,It wasn't a smartass comment .. he is brazilian,he could of joined your US servers for a better ping



As for whining about maps,I asked for some maps that others had already asked for and nothing changed,just people creating a problem out of nothing..how I "Hate" capuzzo and stuff like that..I never said I hated it,I said it doesn't get picked much,it was just another suggestion to replace it with a map that people might pick more often,I haven't whined about players,I had screenshots and they broke the rules,not me..the only other thing I said about players on that server,is that a guy named Edmond somehow got some ridiculously high level and gave almost everybody on that server level 7+,even giving me level 15 I think it was..And I asked could somebody put things right,and they did..I don't know what all the hostility is for,I'm not being cocky,I was defending myself.. you're implying that I'm being rude to people,even though I am not.


If I said you're a admin abuser,would you say nothing to defend yourself? (not saying you are just an example..)


the only time I can understand that I was wrong was with Nani,but I said sorry,and as far as I know I haven't been cocky to anybody since..i'm not whining about anybody..


Should I not say anything when the server packs up? because nobody else will,nobody on the server has an account except vikegirl
 and she is not on 24/7,recently she hasn't been on much at all..maybe an hour at midnight GMT.

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That phrase you said was not accurate at all... because on one hand, you're not helping the player but rather pushing him to leave the server and makes us disservice.


But it is true that u changed your attitude and reported in the forum on the issue was happening on the server with lvls. Even u kept me informed on players who had been wrongly placed, and we thank you what you've done.


I hope this will lead to a simple misunderstanding, and next time if something similar happens, you can redirect that person to our forum and we will help him here, or you can just stand on the sidelines and say nothing as u r not member of this clan and u have not obligation.

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You are getting it wrong. I give you warning in simple words. I talk straight. I have added all the maps which you request unless I know they are going to cause the issues. 


Rather then telling a player to find another sever with lower ping you could have done this:


1. Helped him if his ping is higher due to network issue. 

2. Tell him to go on forums and ask for help.

3. Should have asked him to post on forums so that we can guide him where his ping can be lowered based on the server locations. We run servers @ Netherland, Germany, NJ, Chicago. 


I don't expect you to help him but I do make sure that one player doesn't make another player leave.


When you report any issues they get fixed asap. When you ask for maps they get added asap. If and whenever you ask for help regarding ET other members on this forums help you out. We are not someone who would say players "no leave" We work with them and help them and that's what we are about. 


No hard feelings. Enjoy the weekend with new maps ;)

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