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words of wisdom that may bring a smile


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"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... This are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence."


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this is my last and best quote of Nixon:

obama at its finest, you spy the whole world even privates in their houses and everything is ok, you spy a political party and everybody loses their minds. Could someone explain this
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So here we are multicultural familly from all arround the world. I hope there won't be any here who will find this post offending. (due to acts and crimes against the humanity from the person on the picture). I myself do not find it offending couse there were many criminals/monsters wich had some good thinkings/quotes aside they were f***tards, but I'm telling you friendly you must be carefull what you post, just to avoid nonolesent situations :) peace

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So here we are multicultural familly from all arround the world. I hope there won't be any here who will find this post offending. (due to acts and crimes against the humanity from the person on the picture). I myself do not find it offending couse there were many criminals/monsters wich had some good thinkings/quotes aside they were f***tards, but I'm telling you friendly you must be carefull what you post, just to avoid nonolesent situations :) peace

for those who may be offended and since this is a thread of quotes, here is mine:

upvote if you agree that there is no reason to be offended by a quote of hitler or nixon (not their actions)
reply if you don't care or if you disagree, giving arguments for the latter (please, real arguments)
Edited by 0aporte
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Well I'm not offended I also have a quote from Hitler himself wich made me fight in difficuilt situations. For years. But that doesnt make me a neonazi or such crap lol.

And I see you gave yourself time to google search a proper reply quote on my post. Well done hh





"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."

Adolf Hitler


I was reffering to this quote. Sends a powerfull mssg. And ofc could be understood in many ways. But for me it gave me strenght in some hard times i was going thro.

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reply if you don't care or if you disagree, giving arguments for the latter (please, real arguments)


that's not really the point of this thread :D it is more just for small tidbits of wisdom perhaps worded such that most find humor such as.


"Abandon the search for Truth; settle for a good fantasy"

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I was actually surprised when I saw the quote from 0aporte, you can expect everything when you communicate something about the III Reich, we know not a lot of people stay calm after watchin a picture of Hitler with a clever idea of the art of publicity... anyway, I think he was really a sanguinary dictator, headed humanity towards the history we all know...

Nevertheless he was a good artist and a witty speaker... I have to read his book, Mein Kampf it will surely clear all my doubts of what kind of person he was.. :wacko:

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Well I'm not offended I also have a quote from Hitler himself wich made me fight in difficuilt situations. For years. But that doesnt make me a neonazi or such crap lol.

And I see you gave yourself time to google search a proper reply quote on my post. Well done hh





"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."

Adolf Hitler


I was reffering to this quote. Sends a powerfull mssg. And ofc could be understood in many ways. But for me it gave me strenght in some hard times i was going thro.

Quite a good quote, I like it, please don't stop sharing good quotes, for the solely reason that some people might find it offensive, remember freedom of expression(charlie hebdo is hold like a saint by many for openly insult a bunch of people. it wouldn't be reasonable that that same people were against you for using your freedom of expresion, quoting something that could cheer up many people[ fast deduction, some people are not reasonable at all (a lot of but not every liberal ....cough cough cough)])


that's not really the point of this thread :D it is more just for small tidbits of wisdom perhaps worded such that most find humor such as.


"Abandon the search for Truth; settle for a good fantasy"

it's not my intention to dilute your topic : (   sorry


I was actually surprised when I saw the quote from 0aporte, you can expect everything when you communicate something about the III Reich, we know not a lot of people stay calm after watchin a picture of Hitler with a clever idea of the art of publicity... anyway, I think he was really a sanguinary dictator, headed humanity towards the history we all know...

Nevertheless he was a good artist and a witty speaker... I have to read his book, Mein Kampf it will surely clear all my doubts of what kind of person he was.. :wacko:


I appreciate a lot the people like you, with the ability to look at the good part of the stuff and want to accquire the knowledge from the first source, like reading mein kampf, instead some sensacionalist reports.


one of my points is that one.


few brilliant people have been good (Einstein,leibniz) but many have been horrible evil( Hitler, Stalin and most of the US presidents after kennedy), if a guy state that we can not learn from someone because he is evil (having in account that a lot of people is "evil" relative term) he is implicating that we must reduce drastically our pool of knowledge to the one generated by some few people that probably no one(or really few people) may consider evil, like Jesus, Gandhi or Newton.


In my personal experience I have never know of someone who has made real contributions to the world or his country playing the "that's offensive " card, nor the "that's racist" card, nor the "that's impossible" card, even in extremely polemic topics excepting  some politics trying to get support from perhaps not the most clever people.


what do the people of this forum think?


and here is a quote to not distort this thread: Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning. the Bible, new international version

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I was actually surprised when I saw the quote from 0aporte, you can expect everything when you communicate something about the III Reich, we know not a lot of people stay calm after watchin a picture of Hitler with a clever idea of the art of publicity... anyway, I think he was really a sanguinary dictator, headed humanity towards the history we all know...

Nevertheless he was a good artist and a witty speaker... I have to read his book, Mein Kampf it will surely clear all my doubts of what kind of person he was.. :wacko:

I have actually red Mein Kampf, have it at home both in original German and in Croatian translation. I find it, well let's say amazed.. I have also read a diary of Anne Frank. My grandmother was a croatian literature proffesor so she pushed me reading all kind of books since i was a little boy. That's why i love this section, quotes. And people who are open-minded for expandimg their views. So Phobia please dont take this disccusionof ours in negative way :)

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I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives.

A good friend is like a bra: hard to find one you're comfortable with, always provides support, holds you tight and is always close to your heart.

I feel sorry for people who don't have dogs. I hear they have to pick up food they drop on the floor.

A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.

Life doesn't have any hands, but it can sure give you a slap sometimes.

Alcohol, what's that? It's not in my vodkabulary, but let me check in whiskypedia.

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