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CrapAholiC is back?


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idk if ppl know me anymore, I used to beast on cod BO and cod4 and bf3 with alot of you.


Well after a year of LoL i'm comming back to FPS and yeh cod 4 by all means.


Now i just put this on because some kid is telling me to take off my tags? HE HAS NO RIGHT :(


Someone change my admin status on cod 4 again since i have a new account (bye golden uzi/shotgun)


I'll post my GUID later.


And see you all ingame!


(i'm not really an active forum dude...)

Ppl who like trying new games give me a pm ^^




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1. you have not a Admin level on the server 

2. You're a inactive Member on the forums 

3. Make a new Apply on Forum 




Greetz , =F|A=Snipertje

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I think you are right there leichensammler I don't think inactive members who have applied and are just inactive due to RL and stuff. Welcome Back.

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Unless they actually resigned from the clan, then they're still classed as a member if I remember correctly. Quite a few old members have returned lately, after a break. So unless he said that he's 'leaving the clan' there's no need for him to reapply.


Welcome back, update your GUID then either post a request in the tracker, or contact Staff+, to get your admin levels back :)

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Yay so many positive reactions :D


I knew there wasn't gonna be an issue since i spent like 500+ hrs if not more playing with this clan!


I just went unactive cause the games i played weren't played by clanmembers such as Tribes, Flyff, LoL, Rift and TERA..

Now i just wanna come back and see what the community does when COD or BF4 come out!


My GUID in my profile is still the same as it used to be, tho I lost all my G's :(

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