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Wolfenstein: The New Order!


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ill just leave this here http://fearless-assassins.com/topic/47743-new-wolf-game-due-out-soon/?hl=wolf

and this one        http://fearless-assassins.com/topic/47774-wolfenstein-new-order/

and this one        http://fearless-assassins.com/topic/47778-wolfenstein-the-new-order-set-for-late-2013-release/

omg guys do a search before you post please 3 topics in 2 days on the exact same thing

can someone merge these please

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No multiplayer = suck just like the last one they tried to do. Honestly they need to cut the bs tailer selling single player out of the franchise and release multi players. The new free to play micro transactions are the real money makers of the business. Unless u can afford 20 years (10 prior and 10 post) and a billion in development like wow to charge monthly.


Great fps single players are rare and require something truly unique to be worthwhile. crysis for graphics, dead space and older resident evils for story and fear factor. Wolfenstein 3d was the only really good one for sp in its time because it was one of the first shooters that developed even then doom and quake were far better releasing 1 and 4 years later. I fail to see what all these game producers pick up the name and expect to achieve. It's expensive to make single players especially when they under sale like the last one. It's a waste of the developers time and the fans. It's hard to express the disappointment in the franchise as of late other than the words "f*** this". Another 4 years they could have worked on a good multi for far less money. FTP, charge for dedicated servers, competitive fees for entry, skins, allow custom modding selection like csgo and keep it simple arcade objective based. Games are becoming to complex and expensive to compete when a huge majority desire friendly competition at a simple casual level. It's one of league of legends strengths that I hope fps games will adopt instead of trying to pump up graphics and complexity with every new release.


Rant done....

Edited by Raider-
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My apologies D..X, however anxious to see that the franchise is still at least running strong ... even if it is pooping out somewhat cool looking Nazi robots (as influence in original RTCW), however, I could agree, looks as if they went a lil overboard and crazy with some of the ideas or should I say too many ideas. Others ideas seemed to somewhat pertain to the original theme, just in a 'new order' way. Overall i'm loving the art, story, graphics. Something to be noted to look into, which most other games can not say. You guys can go back to enjoying your Hello Kitty Island Adventure now!  :banned   Jks!

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Great fps single players are rare and require something truly unique to be worthwhile. crysis for graphics,


The thing I liked most about Crysis was the non-linear gameplay.  I can't even begin to count the number of hours I stalked mercs in the trees, or snuck up on objectives with stealth. 


I really loved that game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont understand why there is no multiplayer, its the death for any FPS game nowadays. If the kiddies cant play it on Xbox or PS with their mates then they wont buy it. Just look at how COD took off.

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