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Ok so I was wondering what you think about the "NQ Like" 9 skills levels ?


Personally, I think it's too much, if someone plays on a N!tmod server for the 1st time and has no XP, he will maybe playing against people that maxed out all their levels, and think "Bahh, too hard i'm not good enough".


Maybe we should use a 5 levels system like Jaymod does.


Higher levels give you more ammo, faster weapon switching, bomb, silent footsteps for cvops, impersonation for cvops, the possibility to see a bar that shows how much ammo the player has when u're fdops, dynamite timer when you aim at a dynamite, and other stuff...


These things could easily be added on lower levels, or simply enabled by a server cvar so if server admins don't want them they can disable them.


I have some ideas :


- FieldOps can ALWAYS see the ammo bar when poiting a player

- Engineers can ALWAYS see the dynamite timer

- No more battlefield rescusitation (pressing F above a dead, not gibbed, player to revive him in a few seconds), that's not really realistic...


That would also make the PK3 and the mod binaries smaller.


I seriously think we should either reduce the number of skills levels, maybe to 5 or 6. 9 is too much!


P.S.: I made mistakes in the votes... Please revote


I voted reduce to 4 like Pro and Pub, just cuz thats what Im really used to and like more than 5 lvls


Ok Ok :)


Keep voting everybody! I really need EVERYONE's opinion !


In my opinion, reducing it to 5 is the best, so we can still give an extra award for every skill. (Ex: Bomb for engies, Faster weapon switching for light weapon skills, etc...)


Anyway, I need at least 20/25 votes before officially changing anything.


So... Vote and tell EVERYONE to vote :D

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Before I cast my vote I would like to know what will each skill level give?



If we choose level 1 to 6 it will be this and if we choose level 1 to 9 it will be this. It will help people to understand what they are voting for and what is difference.


Yup you're right. I'll think about it tomorrow, try to see what is the most useful award for each skill.


I also noticed that some skill levels aren't every really rewarded at the moment, so it's totally useless to keep them...



"Improved Disguises",								// Shooting while in disguise uses charge to retain diguise

This is for level 5 cvops...

This isn't even used, I don't see any references to level 5 cvops in the code... (Something that NQ forgot, or didnt add in the revision i used to start N!tmod)


So, I'll check that tomorrow.

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I don't know what's the better solution, may be between to keep NQ work and delete useless things.

It can be nice for someone who like levels but useless for someone who play just for fun.


Personally I voted for reducing them to 5, mainly because when I played on NQ I saw that some levels don't give any new bonus in relation to previous level(s) (on Nitmod it showed the ***UNKNOWN*** as a gained skill), they just increase the level number. However if you thought of new features/skills that come with every level gained, then I'd say put as many levels you think you would need.


I said level 5 because isn't level 5 the level when engies get bombs?


You're right, we could also give bombs to engis when they reach lvl4, but I don't like the idea of rewarding too much in one shot.


Personally I voted for reducing them to 5, mainly because when I played on NQ I saw that some levels don't give any new bonus in relation to previous level(s) (on Nitmod it showed the ***UNKNOWN*** as a gained skill), they just increase the level number. However if you thought of new features/skills that come with every level gained, then I'd say put as many levels you think you would need.


True, some levels don't give anything.


Here is a list of my ideas (assuming we reduce levels to 5) :


Engi : Dynamite timer on crosshair (regardless of the skills level) and Bombs (lvl 5).

Medic : 1 bonus grenade + 1 bonus ammo clip in primary weapon.

Fdops : Ammo info bar on crosshair (regardless of the skills level), 1 bonus grenade and ammo packs contain more ammo (lvl 5).

Soldier : Can reload MG42 mid clip.

Cvops : Can reload scoped weapons without leaving scoped view.

Light weaps : Poison syringes (once level 4 is reached) and Faster weapon switching (once level 5 is reached).

Battle sense : Improved lung capacity (can stay underwater longer)


These could of course be disabled by server admins if they don't want to use them.


I think this is the best way, reduce levels to 5 and keep the awards above.


Analyse that and re-cast your vote if necessary. Also if you didn't vote yet, this is really the time to do it.


Thanks again for your opinion, it counts for us.

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I like the 5 skill level or may be 6. Gives some motive to play more and achieve the stars. It's kind of same in COD 4. Every rank you get new perk and all.


May be add some additional weapons on skill level 5?


I like the 5 skill level or may be 6. Gives some motive to play more and achieve the stars. It's kind of same in COD 4. Every rank you get new perk and all.


May be add some additional weapons on skill level 5?


I don't like the idea of giving new weapons to higher levels (even tho i made it for the bomb... lol), it's not really fair for people that didn't max their levels.


Also, new weapons = Models + Sounds + Textures + Code = Bigger mod


At the moment i'm trying to make it as light as possible. (latest revision pk3 isn't even 5mb :yahoo )


I still have some work to do on levels, i'm reducing them to 5 so a few adjustments are needed.


So if any of you wanna test N!tmod 1.0 RC2, I started my own test server that I update every one or two days -> (16 slots, ET multiversion, 100Mbps)

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I don't like the idea of giving new weapons to higher levels (even tho i made it for the bomb... lol), it's not really fair for people that didn't max their levels.


If they can't max out then they should play more perhaps?


In COD 4 each RANK gives your new weapon or perk or some benefits. It gives motive for player to get higher rank. ;) or higher XP people can say other way around that it's unfair to them to not get any addons when they have higher xp and regular on same server.


Don't know but for some reason I like COD4 system. I mean like special weapons give them at level 4 or 5 and all other general weapons from start. It's same thing even for molo's in jaymod. Level 2+ light weapons is needed I guess.


Also, is that IP will stay for long time? Then I will add it on our website and make it sticky so people can test it.


I may be alone on this one.. but I think is should actually be increased :unsure:

I know that for many of you the game is just about the frag. but sometimes that can really get boring.. so I think the pursuit of skill levels adds another dimensions to the game..

(going for levels is the only reason I go as cov ops.. which is refreshing form time to time)

and lets face it..they finish really fast.. so event if they don't give anything extra.. (and the main more useful features are given in the first 4 levels ).. I think that more levels

could be more fun to some players.. if you dont care, because they dont give you anything extra.. then just dont play for levels.. but others could enjoy the pursuit..


AND I just reminded that level are also a very useful idea, for team play.. when a player is trying to get levels they have to play the "role" of the class (engies plant, medics heal,.. )

so if we can delay the inevitable "got all levels, so now its just about the frag (prob as rambo medic)", that will also be usefull..


and as suggestion.. (prob only with mod)

1º task specific levels.. you only get level if complete certain specific tasks, ex: engies disarm 10 enemy bombs, covies stachel 10 enemy CP.. etc..

2º even if the levels dont add anything special. you could make them have to get all the levels for a supper mega power EX: on last level "40" you can choose any weapon on any class... (imagine the power on rambo medics with panzers :P)


to sum it up.. expand the game.. dont limit it ;)

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and as suggestion.. (prob only with mod)

1º task specific levels.. you only get level if complete certain specific tasks, ex: engies disarm 10 enemy bombs, covies stachel 10 enemy CP.. etc..

2º even if the levels dont add anything special. you could make them have to get all the levels for a supper mega power EX: on last level "40" you can choose any weapon on any class... (imagine the power on rambo medics with panzers :P)


Now that you mention it, I really like this idea. It's probably tough as hell to make this kind of thing, but those awards for various streaks would be awesome, something not easily obtained that people would like to get (whether it brings some not overpowered benefit, or just some fancy icon/thingy other people can see). Not xp based, but map, time, or life based, totally separated from normal xp awards/rank progression. Something like of a medal/award/achievements system.


Although it's not actually related to number of xp based levels/ranks, I'd say it would be an interesting addition to the game.

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