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Play the Objective or go for Kills?


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Curious how many people play the Objectives Maps but just go for kills?


For me, I don't worry so much about the number of kills but am focused on team points. Always trying to capture flags and destroy HQ's!


The only exception is when my team is way ahead on a Domination map, then I like to get into enemy territory and go for the kills.

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Thanks for your perspective Gewh. Unless it is TDM, the Team Score is recoreded and is what determines the win. Number of kills has nothing to do with the team score.

Is personal kills more important than team score?

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Normally I go for objectives, team score over personal score. But I have to admit, if I'm getting clobbered though, I will back off and go for kills for a bit out of frustration - LOL.

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I play with a specific game style,different from the ones I gonna describe (ie, I don't make a lot of kills but I don't help my team that much) or for the teams and for the kills (ie panzer and flamethrower at spawn ; enemies are killed before they can defend/attack : less deaths in my team, obj can be done more easily)

Basically, I think that a player who plays for the kills helps his team and supports other players, so in this logic he plays for obj, indirectly. Usually, team with a lot of good players playing for the kills wins the map.

To resume, imo, a player who plays for the kills plays for the obj. The only difference is that some players play for the kills and for the obj and some others only play for the obj, ie don't make a lot of kills.

And there is a 3rd kind of players, players who don't make a lot of kills but don't play for the obj neither, my case 30% of the time (it's one of my ways to have fun, some players have fun playing the 2 ways explained before)

Edited by Kat0n>
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It's good that people play with different styles but it's almost impossible to win a game when you're playing objectives on a team with all snipers.


I think the ideal team is about 40% guys focused on the objective, 30% hanging back sniping and 30% that set up in corridors to and from the objective to make life miserable for the other team.


What's your ideal team?

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I often find my K/D suffers huge when playing the objectives. I don't get nearly as many kills when I am camping under a bridge protecting a flag!

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Thanks for your perspective Gewh. Unless it is TDM, the Team Score is recoreded and is what determines the win. Number of kills has nothing to do with the team score.

Is personal kills more important than team score?


The win is only recorded during the intermission. The kills are logged against the profile. Since very little communication happens between the teams, the games are very much for personal glory rather than for the greater good. Don't get me wrong, I won't sit back and let the bad guys destroy the HQ, but I won't sacrifice myself to stop them, especially if we have the lead. Winning is still an objective, just not the primary one.

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Get kills while going for objective.


THIS ... it's not either or ... you CAN DO BOTH.

I agree with your point DAK that often I'm stuck on a team full of wannabe snipers that end up honestly doing NOTHING, because they neither get a high KDR nor do they help take the objectives.

Frankly I loath playing with those type of teammates. :) especially when where they are sniping from is standing in the middle of the doorway or stairs blocking everyone else from getting by them. :D

Those guys are the types that make me wish we allowed friendly fire so I could take care of them myself. ;)

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I always go for the objectives... It pisses me off when I see people walk RIGHT PAST an enemy objective without even stopping to capture it... they are selfish, not team players at all.

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I assign myself secondary objectives every time I respawn, like cut off the enemy from reaching a the objective, guarding the flag from enemies probing the area, and covering our flanks when we attack.

And if the time and place requires it, yes I go for the objective.

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OBJECTIVE !!!!!! grrrrrr Theo angry... when I see team mates running away from objective... you can win with out killing a single person if you do the objectives...


What angers me is I die SOOOO much more cause I am only one trying to get the objective done.... geeze thanks you got a heli and a nice kill streak but we are behind in points.... oh we lost thanks... glad your K/D ratio is cool...



Slap team mate.



My favorite... Creek HQ.... Gimme Milli and anyone else... we can win... yup I am saying 3 vs 8 we will do it... (auto team balance will help a bit)

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