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F|A 2 server issues.

Firstly the map called mp theriver 2nd is missing waypoints to bots, they just stay in one place

Secondly, im not sure if it's possible, but You should check whether it's possible to make teams even by bots, when i see bots on server they usually leave first axis then allies, is it possible to make them leaving equally like 1 from axis leaves then 1 from allies leaves, it would make teams for sure even.

here is the screenshot of bots in one team



Edited by Unknown*
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The problem with bots is that if axis has +1 player, then usually a player can only join allies - but with bots, the bot will jump onto allied team to even the teams.. Then someone can join axis again, and so on. So you end up with very unbalanced teams..

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i meant that when they were disconnecting, not connecting. i know that if bot comes it would join teams with one player less. I was just thinking if there is any way to fix problem when they leaving (first whole axis team, then allies team) to change into 1 from axis, 1 from allies, 1 from axis , 1 from allies....

Edited by Unknown*
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Ohhh right I see.. I'd never noticed that.. Although now you mention it, !listplayers does usually show slot 1-6 (bots) on one team, then slot 7-12 (bots) on the other.. That is a bad idea..

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It's a terrible problem, but I find it easy to solve as an admin. When bo.ts stack on one team, ask people to even up those teams. If there's a +1 player on the team it is supposed people must move to, makes ppl with no lvl impossible to balance the situation, so... I ask who wants to even up. If a volunteer says "me!" I !putteam that guy and other volunteers. If no one cooperates, I putteam them according to XP or skills (after asking many times and warning I'm gonna move some ppl) and bo.t stacking is solved.

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You have to deal with it.



Have fun !!

If you have nothing helpful to post, please don't post.




I have as well noticed that the bo.ts leave one team, then the other. It makes it a pain to attempt to keep teams fair as shown in the screenshot. If there is no other admin on, you can get on xfire and try and find somebody. The waypoints have been mentioned to be fixed, and will be fixed when they can get to it so no need to worry about that problem.

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It is actually a problem, that people don't want to even the teams themselves. I don't know why, but I see many people who enjoy having sick killings sprees rather than play against other players. What happens, when two people from axis move to spectator, making it 10-12, wouldn't bots even teams automatically? Problem is, that nobody wants to sit 10 seconds in spectator just to wait for teams to be evened, I usually can't even find volunteers that I can put..


This is help , Coz I do that everyday at night in Jay3. Come visit us and you will know what I'm talking about. Thanks, Have fun !!

Well, you have !putteam command, you can easily even teams. Ask for volunteers and if you can't find any, just put anyone.

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This is help , Coz I do that everyday at night in Jay3.


Come visit us and you will know what I'm talking about.



Have fun !!


You have the !putteam command. So what your saying is you would rather the team be uneven or stacked and to "deal with it"? Sorry, I am just confused about your statement probably.

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The bots don't have waypoints on The River and it has been reported on tracker.

Well i didn't know that it was reported on "tracker" how can i find this tracker, where is it?

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