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ETNAM new mode!


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Guns used in etnam mod were used in vietnam. Because of that i don't see any bad things with new weapons.



If we're talking about et... double jumps are et? Can't remember if germans or us soldiers was able to jump that high...


I think that ET need something new. There are less players that few years ago. If etnam can hold old players or bring new ones is that bad?


I think you should delete all mods from ET and than play. That would be real ET. You have all rights to don't like etnam, but talking like "shittiest mod ever" or something is lame. Buy a better pc. Maybe it'll help you to better understand etnam :]



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Its funny mod, but dare, Jorzs pc dont sux :P, the problems its, he live in Grecia, and he must to play in europe server no american, the connection interrup all the time, me too for example, i cant play in europe, (ping = 300 ) xD!

But this mod its good for me :D, i want to play it :D:wub:

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... there were 3 pistols and one of them was like on western movies i remenber this clearly.

You talk about Magnum 44. This revolver was used in Nam war, not in old western times. All weapons used in ETNam mod were used in Vietnam War, even KAR98, Colt,...



Another lame thing was the hit indicator,like in cs if i m not wrong,thats were i say thats not et.

You can disable it from menu.



On etnam when i played you had a list of weapons for medic like you have as a soldier

That's wrong. For medic there are just 2 hand pistols (pistol/revolver), 2 smg and 1 shotgun.

For soldier you have also mortar, MAC-10 machinepistol, M79 "Thumper" grenade Launcher, M60 mobile machinegun, flamer,M-72 "LAW" Rocket launcher...



will recheck so that i dont end up saying bs

Do it cause I saw some missunderstandings on this forum concerning to ETNam mod. Servers with pass, weaponbanks ammount, low fps, big size...



Please people, I request not talking with no knowledge, without reading the documentation, without checking the options menu. In example, server admins can disable second squad, then teams are easier to diferenciate (green/sepia uniforms instead of green/sepia/black/camo clothes).


I dont want to spam etnam mod and its features, just trying to correct some missunderstandings.



Edited by B0RG
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At present we don't. We might add in future but we have already enough server without admins and adding one more will just increase work overload on present admins.


I don't want my admins to get raped by server work over load .. because then few players start whining few admins don't do anything while they themselves whine half of the time rather then actually helping happily.


What qualifies as an "admin"? Someone with high enough level?

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Guns used in etnam mod were used in vietnam. Because of that i don't see any bad things with new weapons.



If we're talking about et... double jumps are et? Can't remember if germans or us soldiers was able to jump that high...


I think that ET need something new. There are less players that few years ago. If etnam can hold old players or bring new ones is that bad?


I think you should delete all mods from ET and than play. That would be real ET. You have all rights to don't like etnam, but talking like "shittiest mod ever" or something is lame. Buy a better pc. Maybe it'll help you to better understand etnam :]



once again i have 200 stable fps on silent server.as i said at the end of my post its my opinion,and i still think all i have said above.

Et was not made to be realistic,hence the 3 headshots you need to kill somebody with full hp.And last,atleast on other mods you play axis vs allies as was the game released,same outfits etc,as for weapons i never used anything than the 'official' ones even once,still havent used ppsh lol.

@b0rg sure,my bad.

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I dont want to spam etnam mod and its features, just trying to correct some missunderstandings.


Why not bro?






Feel free to use our blogs and show all the features with screenshots. There is nothing at all wrong in showing the features of mod on our forum. The reason, I said blogs, is because you can link your Gallery in Blogs at the end and upload all mod screenshots in the Gallery.


You can make as many blogs as you like..Example: ETnam Visual Changes Part 1, Visual changes part 2, Admin changes, etc.

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I just played this a few days ago. It takes some getting used to, but it's a pretty fun spin on ET. The parachute feature is pretty sweet for launching yourself off of high areas. My only complaint is the downloads. They're pretty large..but worth the wait IMO.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I created a gallery with some captures:



Some info:


The only needed files are: mod's pk3 + binaries PK3 = 24.4 MBs

But we also creted some addons as the texture pack (32.7 MBs) and the Main them pack (4.7 MBs). But as I said before, these two last addons are not needed to run etnam mod.


As based on ETPUB mod, etpub cvars should work on etnam too. Anyways you always may read the Official ETNAM documentation.


Also, some facts who people asks frequantly:


- Default ETNam hitboxes are ETPro like hitboxes. Server admins may set the value to "0" for ET defaults.

- Damage, amount and damage radius of heavy weapons can be managed via server.cfg too

- Server admins can disable second squad, (set it to "0" then Vietcong and Rangers are disabled) to gain a better diferency between teams, using cfg too. Or use any own PK3 changing any of the teams. In example, an addon outside ETNAN dev team was created where all NAN soldiers wear vietcong clothes (black color).


Maybe, in the next upgrade, we should apply default ET hitboxes and disabled second squads as default, due to it seems some admind have troubles with thse features.



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Borg, thanks for the screenshots.


Would it possible to add ETNam mod hitboxes? like the one which I have for Etpub?





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  • 2 weeks later...

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