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Also worth noting that sometimes windows (win10 especially) will stealthily download updates in the background, causing more lag. 

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11 hours ago, JirenTV said:

I use this handy software










See, this is what I was talking about., You don't need to install a program to control Windows updates


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, -=HipKat=- said:

Vedi, questo è quello di cui stavo parlando. Non è necessario installare un programma per controllare gli aggiornamenti di Windows


the convenience of having a connection that with 1 click enable and disable Windows updates is very convenient, I every day when I turn on the computer, enable it, I look for updates and then disable it, I do not have to enter the service system, because already makes the program convenient, I also use this to quickly disable and re-enable Windows Defender


they are all very light, you do not need to install them, and they do not stay in the background, so I do not understand this you insist on warning me
ok we understand, you only use windows, and do not install anything, I'm different from you, I like to try everything, it does not matter if I have to format for some reason.
On the computer I use to play on ET
I installed ET, and nothing else is completely empty

win 10 updates of
ET driver

do you think I'm a noob?
probably my computers work better than yours, which spend their time criticizing

I hate, I get criticism, from envious people or people who believe themselves superior, in conclusion, what you wrote made me understand that you are a person

you had to be a judge



Defender Control v1.4

Windows update blocker v1.1

Easy Service Optimizer v1.2

Edited by JirenTV

Relax guys, I don't think hipkat was repremanding you JirenTV, I think he was merely pointing out that you can switch them off within windows - some people do not trust third party apps so it can be helpful to know you don't need them if you prefer not to use them.

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I am aware of everything he says, but these small utilities do not involve any waste of resources, and are useful for children who do not have the knowledge to disable or activate a windows service

I am calm, it is he who is too intrusive, no one asked his criticism, and as I have posted these useful shortcuts, for people who play at age, without imagining that their lag are due to these little tricks

  • Administrators
35 minutes ago, JirenTV said:

I am aware of everything he says, but these small utilities do not involve any waste of resources, and are useful for children who do not have the knowledge to disable or activate a windows service

I am calm, it is he who is too intrusive, no one asked his criticism, and as I have posted these useful shortcuts, for people who play at age, without imagining that their lag are due to these little tricks


You are asking for help in open topic and everyone is trying to help you. No one is judging you. Stop being delusional. He is suggesting alternative way.  Their is no criticism here.  You are just 'assuming' things. 




  • Like 2

I leave it, so nothing has changed in this forum.
the post was dedicated to latency problems on jay3, the thing that bothers me, is that the answers of hipkat, and Chuckun try to emphasize, that maybe they are so noob, to have forgotten the access updates
or that the cause of the lag is due to external programs that I use

I have not complained about LAG I've never written, if you read the first post I have dedicated my question to the factor of the modem or server, referred to 10 ms or 20 ms in + that I get a few days, and that back to normal latency qundo restart the modem, I did not ask for advice on how to set up my windows, I think after 14 years of age
I know well how to make it turn fluid

Posted (edited)





Connessioni attive

  Proto  Indirizzo locale       Indirizzo esterno       Stato
  TCP    xxx.xxx.x.xxx:49675    ESTABLISHED





I have no other processes or connections active on the internet
only ET






and anyway if we want to put the dots on i

the windows update processes are 2
you must also disable it
Update Orchestrator service



I do not even have wi-fi cards on this pc
therefore, it does not even search for wi-fi networks









Edited by JirenTV
  • Administrators
1 hour ago, JirenTV said:

I leave it, so nothing has changed in this forum.
the post was dedicated to latency problems on jay3, the thing that bothers me, is that the answers of hipkat, and Chuckun try to emphasize, that maybe they are so noob, to have forgotten the access updates
or that the cause of the lag is due to external programs that I use

I have not complained about LAG I've never written, if you read the first post I have dedicated my question to the factor of the modem or server, referred to 10 ms or 20 ms in + that I get a few days, and that back to normal latency qundo restart the modem, I did not ask for advice on how to set up my windows, I think after 14 years of age
I know well how to make it turn fluid


You didn't share that what programs you are using. If you where super pro - you could have figured it our yourself but here you are asking for help. So we try to help you and give you tips. If you don't like tips or anyone on this forum - you can ignore their messages. No one is cursing at you or judging you or telling you noob. They are not emphasizing anything. You are just 'assuming' it - because English is not your first hand language. 


They are not telling you, 'noob' and/or giving your criticism here - you can ask anyone who speaks good English or even your native language.  What you are doing is throwing tantrum's on them. 


In your first post you clearly said - "I think a few days jay3 that is in Germany, has serious problems of lag,"  - So yes you are complaining for LAG and windows update in background - during update process can contribute the lag. So yes, that's a valid advice. Like it or not.  No one cares here how long you are using Windows. No body. You are not bill gates relative. So come down from your high horse attitude.


Go back and read what you wrote in first post. 


Back to your issue - 


Your winMTR shows 40% packet loss on your first hop - until that is fixed - nothing will change for your lag stuff. I clearly shared you my winMTR with 0% packet loss. 


Note = If you keep showing attitude to people helping you, Lenovo - one day people will 100% ignore you and tell you "fuck you" every time because that's what you are doing to them. One day enough will be enough. 



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Wow, last time I try to help you JirenTV! I have no interest in your drama, I'd rather spend my time helping those who don't turn it into an argument.  Happy gaming.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, daredevil said:


Non hai condiviso ciò che programmi stai usando. Se sei un super-professionista, potresti averlo capito da solo ma qui stai chiedendo aiuto. Quindi cerchiamo di aiutarti e darti consigli. Se non ti piacciono i consigli o chiunque su questo forum - puoi ignorare i loro messaggi. Nessuno ti maledice o ti giudica o ti dice noob. Non stanno sottolineando nulla. Lo stai solo ipotizzando - perché l'inglese non è la tua lingua di prima mano. 


Non ti stanno dicendo "noob" e / o stai dando le tue critiche qui - puoi chiedere a chiunque parli bene l'inglese o anche la tua lingua madre. Quello che stai facendo è scoppiare su di loro gli scoppi d'ira. 


Nel tuo primo post hai detto chiaramente: " Penso che alcuni giorni jay3 che è in Germania, abbia seri problemi di lag ". Quindi sì, ti stai lamentando per il GAL e l'aggiornamento di Windows in background - durante il processo di aggiornamento può contribuire al ritardo. Quindi sì, questo è un consiglio valido. Piace o no. A nessuno importa qui da quanto tempo usi Windows. Nessun corpo Non sei un parente di legge. Quindi vieni giù dal tuo atteggiamento da cavallo alto.


Torna indietro e leggi ciò che hai scritto nel primo post. 


Torna al tuo problema - 


Il tuo winMTR mostra una perdita di pacchetti del 40% sul tuo primo hop - finché ciò non viene risolto - non cambierà nulla per il tuo lag. Vi ho chiaramente condiviso il mio winMTR con una perdita di pacchetti pari allo 0%. 


Nota = Se continui a mostrare attitudine verso le persone che ti aiutano, Lenovo - un giorno la gente ti ignorerà al 100% e ti dirà "fanculo" ogni volta perché è quello che stai facendo a loro. Un giorno abbastanza sarà abbastanza. 



ok, ok I exaggerated, but I can best optimize any pc, what bothers me, that after thanking you for the advice to change the modem, this topic was closed, did not need further answers from others, Hipkat had already previously said its about external programs, and I had already made it clear that it is a new win 10 installation, and new ET, so there are no other programs installed, and I had already written that windows updates are disabled, so the other 2 answers by Hipkat and Chuckun, are not helpful, rather annoy.
Actually I did not ask for help, but an explanation because I thought it was the server, since it had never happened before

Edited by JirenTV
  • Administrators
1 hour ago, JirenTV said:

ok, ok I exaggerated, but I can best optimize any pc, what bothers me, that after thanking you for the advice to change the modem, this topic was closed, did not need further answers from others, Hipkat had already previously said its about external programs, and I had already made it clear that it is a new win 10 installation, and new ET, so there are no other programs installed, and I had already written that windows updates are disabled, so the other 2 answers by Hipkat and Chuckun, are not helpful, rather annoy.
Actually I did not ask for help, but an explanation because I thought it was the server, since it had never happened before


Did you asked to close the topic? - No.

Do we read your mind? - No. 


Just because you are NOT expecting any answers doesn't mean no one will post. This is open forum - anyone can post - for this time it was hipkat, chuck, etc .. next time could be other 15 users. 


New or old windows 10 installations - windows update are weekly or monthly - or if you are in beta ring  -add-hock. Their was no explanation from your side.  Even if the windows update was disabled for many users it gets enabled - see this bug report - https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-update/windows-10-windows-update-keeps-turning-it-self/323c832e-119f-4552-8641-474acbd3dcff?messageId=bca1ba59-2753-4168-9f5f-a3dac2b026a4


Stop getting annoyed over stupid reason or your assumptions.  Stop blaming chuck, hipkat, etc in this thread just because you are having bad day. 


By posting here  - yes you asked for help or where indirectly asking for it. This website is not your blogging website where you can create topic and no one will respond to it.  If you didn't ask for help - please create your blogging website and keep blogging their so this way NO USER FROM THIS FORUM - will annoy it. That will resolve your issues. 


Also PLEASE STOP BLAMING SERVER just because your modem/router has PACKET LOSS. You said - "I think jay3 got worse, in the last 6 months" That means fault is on SERVER SIDE while it's CLEARLY NOT.


Note - I am using CAPS because this are key important things which you need to understand for yourself to have pleasant and good experience on our website. CAPS = NOT ALWAYS YELLING.


Note 2 - No one here is to annoy you. In fact by your attitude of throwing tantrums, you are annoying us. We are here to help and play as friends. Thank you.

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2 minutes ago, JirenTV said:

si si

I am noob in your language. Bud, please speak English? si si  is "if if" ? *I am confused* = Thanks!

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