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please forgive me.....?


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I have been unable to play on servers as much as i would like to lately because of a new job that i have, but i still go to forums and play a little bit and it seems like there is always somebody that is a server regular that gets into trouble for breaking the F|A rules by recruiting or some other type of violation and they always say the same thing... " It was my friend" or "I didnt know about that rule...." . " Please unban me--It wasnt my fault". BULLSHIT!


if you are a regular on our servers and forum then you should know the rules. NO EXCUSES!


Everything is posted here that players should know.


"Please cut me some slack....i didnt know...." that lame excuse is so old


i know that sometimes that is what happened, but 95% of the time its just ppl trying to get away with something that they know they should not be doing.


what makes this clan/community so great is that the rules are enforced and the members stand behind the rules and help maintain a "fair for all" gaming environment.


maybe i am just venting because i am tired, but WTF ?


Have any of you heard the old saying "Be part of the problem or be part of the solution--because you cant be both" i think that this applies to anyone interested in F|A and the gaming community that these servers provide.

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