About This File
Download pk3 name: GA_El_Kef.pk3
Map name: ga_el_kef.bsp
El Kef is a city taken over by the Axis forces in order backup and cover the Tunisian coast.
An allied squad is sent over to El Kef to rob a radio transmitter so Axis forces can receive the
crypted messages of Axis defense points.
The map is split in 2 main sections:
- A first section where the aim is to rush for a forward spawn flag and destroy a main entrance
gate. This section is similar to the first part of oasis because the flag and objective are close
and a team door allows an attacking team covert ops to open a direct access to the final objective
- A second section where the aim is to steal an objective and return it to a truck. There are several
ways of reaching this objective, and an important one is a command post which provides an advanced spawn
for the team that sets it up.
Edited by ElEl