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    Wonderful Michigan

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  1. Ok here goes for Hydro.... Real Life! First name: Tony Any sort of Nickname?: Guido Age:45 Ish What country are you from?: USA Are you a Parent?:Yes, 2 Sons How many siblings do you have?:4 What's your shoe size?: 10 What do you do for a living?: I work for a conveyor company, Greatest Fear?: Too many to list Most Exciting thing you've ever done?: Kayak'd Pictured Rocks national Monument (lake Superior, Michigan) Most embarrassing thing you've ever done?: (Don't be shy!) man, my wife might read this, plus it is embarrassing First thing you look for in a new friend?: A good heart, nothing else matters, only that whomever it is I feel is a good person. Farthest you've been from home?: Many thousands of Miles into Europe What brought you to the Fearless Assassins servers/forum?: I knew about FA from my last clan, was kind of the benchmark for a succesful clan, once my old one folded was only natural to come here Cat or Dog?: 2 cats, 1 male, 1 female, love them greatly What are your hobbies?: Playing bass for 31 years, also Like to read What kind of Sports do you like?: NFl Football, USA Baseball, love to golf, (some people do not think it is a sport, I dunno) What's your favorite color?: really depends on my mood How about your favorite type of music?: Rock and Roll, Disco, Funk, anything with a good bassline, does not need to be heavy or fast, just a good bassline Favorite Song?: Too many to list I like a lot of music, but for the sake of this, YYZ by Rush What's your favorite TV show?: Kind og queens, but I do not watch too much TV What kind of movies do you like? (Scary, comedy, drama etc): Sci Fi, and action, Mindless action, where one guy beats the hell out of 16 guys, shoots everything up and never goes to jail Favorite Movie?: War of the worlds, the 1950's version Favorite Book?: The art of war, Read it, it is useful What do you like most about yourself?: My ability to not stay mad, Life is too short for anger What do you hate most about yourself?: That I quickly can get mad, but I can make it go away fast. I live my life seeking and trying to harvest good karma What makes you very happy?: My family, and weekend Bar b Ques with them What makes you very sad?: The news, People suffering on this world of plenty because of greed. Never ceases to amaze me how cruel we can be to each other. What's your favorite beverage?: Crown Royal Reserve, on the rocks, Make mine a double What you're favorite food/snack?: Fried Chicken or Beer battered cod, its a tie, Cantelope and Pinapple are tied for a close second Favorite actor/Actress?:Dont really have any Favorite season? Why?: Winter, for 2 reasons, In Michigan where I live, the terrain is for winter sports, but also, at the end of wnter, everything renews and where I live, it is beautiful to see, in a matter of days you can go from the thaw to green, just like that (hydro snaps his finger) Favorite subject in school?:History, How can I stop the establishment from exploiting myself anf family if I do not reaserch others exploitaion of us Favorite thing to learn about?: Pre Flood civilization, Astronomy, and history If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?: Antarctica. What are your top three games of all time?: Command and cnquer Tiberium wars, Red alert 2 and RTCW game of the year edition Besides shooters, what is your favorite genre of gaming?: Real time strategy Name one game in your collection you'd be embarrassed to tell your friends about: I honestly do not have one. I only have a few and none of them are embarrassing to me. How many games do you own?: like 7 Do you play console?: no just PC What platform do you spend most of your gaming on? (PS, Xbox, Steam, Android etc): My PC What's your favorite internet site (That is not FA ;P):I have a slue of alternative media sites i visit regularly, they are all tied, Try Rense.com
  2. hydro

    I quit smoking

    You go man. Keep it up, if you fall off get back up and on man. Do it. Nothing Changes until you have First a desire, and then a belief that you can do it. BELIEVE in yourself that you can do this. You can do this. I can do this 4 life changing words. I wish you the utmost success. Change is seldom easy. You can do this. Loose regrets concentrate on the change. Guilt entraps you, choosing empowers you.
  3. Man too cool. I would not have sat down. I would have gone to the bar. Those dudes were braver than me and their women too Hydro-out
  4. When one works for others it is hard to feel empowered about yourself and hard TO empower yourself. The very nature of "your job" denotes a pecking order and an authority greater than your own. I have developed my own Thoughts and feelings about work over the years. It is to me a means to an end, it finances the party. I have had this discussion with my current employer who i have worked for for over 10 years. I am fortunate of course. But in a nutshell, I do work for money, and they pay money for work. Nothing more. No power over me when I am not there, no Calling me in the middle of the night. I empower myself thru the act of chosing. Chosing to accept consequences for my decisions and chosing what my decisions are. Work is not mutually exclusive. Your boss does not own you. You can end your employment any time, unless of course there are contractual obligations. If my current job takes a crap on me, I will just find another. And after that another. My kid is grown, college will be done soon and I will not have the respnsibility of being responsible for others. Way I see it, life is getting easier. And for you people i your 20's, trust me, work gets easier as you go along. I have either a double whiskey on the rocks, of a 22oz beer and a 12 oz beer everyday for lunch. Don't work thru your lunch. Enjoy YOUR TIME, its YOURS Warm regards, Hydro
  5. I love the topics they cover. If you are listening to this, then you are most likley more open minded than others. Some whackos on there, but also some real good hardworking and smart researchers. I draw the line at flat earthers tho...
  6. Nice topic. Generally I take it black or with a spot of Half and Half. Depending on if it is columbian, robusto or kona. If it is sweet I will drink Black. As a general rule, the darkest roast I go is Italian Roast, French a little too burnt for my liking, but I can appreciate that coffee lovers enjoy that. To each their own, and enjoy that hot cup of home brew Hydro-out
  7. Just a shout out to FA. I play normally the Jaymod 2 server. This is a cool clan, and I enjoy the gaming, thanks for running such a great spot. To all who know me on the Jaymod 2, if any of you should read this, Hello, your all real cool to game with. Any way, Hide your women and your beer, run for the hills cause Hydro is here....
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