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  • Occupation
    Self contracter

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  • Admin
  • Server
    Hardcore ET
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Besides ET I love fishing, snowboarding, hanging out, food, traveling and just living everyday to the fullest.
  • Location
    Tennessee, usa


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  1. Hey peeps, Been a fews years been having family probs, but i am back for a spell.
  2. Windows 10 Can't get past gl system error. Can anyone assist me?
  3. I have been absent for a number of months due to some life events. But I have returned my brothers and sisters. For now I will only be on forums and spec on ET servers until I get a new mouse. With in a week or two I will be running and gunning with my Fearless Family again. Since my old laptop was stolen I will have my new updated one online to keep up with all you that run desktops. Hope to see you all very soon. Don't be afraid to rage quit. Sincerely your pal =F|A=dRoPdEad
  4. I'm back!!! Should be able to stick around this time. No more moving for a long time. Can't wait to pwn some of yous . Hope to see ya around the servers.
  5. It's not your birthday, but congratulations anyway...for promotion to level 14 :)

    1. dropdead
    2. dropdead


      Even though it was so long ago.

    3. RedBaird


      MY MIStAKE! I thought you were in the Big Batch of Promotions! Sorry for the confusion.

  6. Haya!! Multi aliases Welcome to our Forums! Also welcome to our community! Enjoy your time with =F|A=. Plenty of servers and plenty to do on our forums.
  7. Well, My brother and i have been having some trouble connecting at the same time. As in not being able to play at the same time unless i wait for him to connect then i connect after. But after his map ends it kicks him. Haven't ever had this trouble before. Maybe someone can help. Thanks you =F|A= dRop*D3@D
  8. Congratz Guys...
  9. Happy birthday :)

  10. Haze if you want to join. You will have to apply in the Application section. Its at the bottom of the forums. Didn't notice you already did
  11. Welcome to FA forums. Enjoy the many variety of things it offers.
  12. Welcome to FA forums.
  13. Welcome to =F\A= forums. Enjoy your stayâ•
  14. Hello and welcome to FA forums. Enjoy your stay with FA
  15. Greetings Dirk. Welcome to our forums. Enjoy your stay with FA
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