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The Mangler

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The Mangler last won the day on October 1 2011

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  1. Hello The Manglerrrrr

  2. Happy Birthday The Mangler!

  3. This is what I was thinking. He targeted his own mom and a Kindergarten class. Then the fact that the police found a body in his house? This guy was in severe need of some help. My heart goes out to families that are suffering from this terrible situation.
  4. o: I always enjoyed talking to you in game but now I feel like I know you better and you can be considered a closer friend
  5. They contacted Blizz and told them that I was the one who had hacked the account and they managed to convince them. They changed all the account info then linked their email to mine so when I got the conformation email from Blizz they intercepted the email so I changed email pass about 4 times and unlinked the emails when I found it and then changed my email to a private one that is onnly used for WoW.
  6. Same. I have an email for just Blizzard and a password I changed every week or so. I still do but not as often cause someone guessing the randomly generated number is a bit tricky but after getting hacked I take every precaution available. However it wasnt a total loss, they farmed on my account and I got to keep the over 10k gold they made haha.
  7. Nah, I've never gone to phishing sites or opened emails from anyone saying they are blizzard. Once I got the authenticator it hasn't happened once but I can assure you I never did anything to get hacked. They went in through my email first and saw I had WoW acc and went from there. Not everyone deserves to get hacked or did something wrong. So obviously you have just been lucky.
  8. Honestly the ONLY reason I am playing Diablo3 is because I got it for free when I got the years subscription as a X-mas present. I am a huge Diablo fan but this game was nothing but disappointment from the start. Errors that they were having in beta that were never fixed? Really? Then the getting hacked. I am a WoW player I am used to getting hacked even when you never go to phising sites or enter your pass anywhere but to claim its not their fault? Also wasnt one of the reasons they stated for no offline play that they didnt want people to get hacked? I call bull.
  9. o: Now I'm scared to log on and check. Guess I should before too long.
  10. Same. Feel free to add me on xfire or message me on forums. Would be glad to talk it through.
  11. Only problem is I blew through all my cash already but I might just spam search until I find cheap stuff. I am not for giving other people my gold cause they get WD drops when I only get barb, monk, and demon hunter stuff however getting raped is getting annoying.
  12. As OnionKnight witnessed lol I have a problem with Vampiric monsters in mobs. Other than that I can handle it pretty well.
  13. !slap yoyo don't come in and spam our forum thats what PM or xfire is for D:
  14. I am falling behind on all of this. Damn you real life! So far only boss I've died on was Diablo himself, but on nightmare mode Elite/champions are destroying me left and right. I refuse to buy armor so I need to get serious updates by luck and its not happening D:
  15. The raters are the ones that spam the most. The Spam protection is way to strict. I agree that there needs to be a limit on Jay2 but its insane the way it is now. I hate the spam and do my best to get it under control when I see it getting out of hand. Plus like others said just turn of vsays and its quiet. First 2 yrs I played Jay2 I didnt know what any of them sounded like due to me having them off.
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