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mr. Drunky

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    Silent #1
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    TV, xbox, winter and water sports


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  1. tom hanks hello GIF

    1. Larysa


      COME BACK :(

      chips monster is waiting for u on s1

      sterling k brown crying GIF by This Is Us

  2. Hey all, As a regular on silent i have few sugestions: 1) teammate bots detonating tripmines, its a bit frustrating 2) disable double jump on basrace map- it makes much players just run over the map, map lost tactic aspect 3) maybe we change Gold rush map to GA version, its way better balanced 4) there is an option that when You pick up weapon U take full ammo from dead enemy/ally, not only left in weapon Plz say what You think of it Cheers Drunky/NooBeer
  3. Weekend trip to Crakow

    1. Krusnik87


      Awesome town, have fun ;)

    2. mr. Drunky

      mr. Drunky

      Thx man, was really nice trip :)

  4. 65" Panasonic LED, or 55 LG OLED, that is the question....

    1. Anton Chigurh

      Anton Chigurh

      49" or 50" Sony 4k and you save 1000$ Same goes for Samsung or Philips or ...

    2. L3ftY.


      LG is better quality product than panasonic, and will probably last longer

    3. mr. Drunky

      mr. Drunky

      Hehe as they say: every1 has their preferences :)

      Basing on my work experience Panasonic last long as LG, i have bad exp with Sony, dont even want to say any thing anout Philips or made after 2010 Sharp TVs...

      I have LG and Panasonic atm, no problems with them since they were made in 2008-2010... hope will have same luck with new1 :P

  5. R.I.P. R.A.T. 5 :(

  6. Happy Easter everyone :)

  7. Sick... But at least have more time to play :P

    1. schNee


      could be worse :D

  8. Sick... But at least have more time to play :P

  9. hey, What about changing Goldrush version to GA on silent? Looks better balanced then others
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QVYpRdb2l0
  11. Don't need more XP, appologise accepted.
  12. exacly
  13. Hey all, Today my lvl was taken adn my xp was reseted. As i heared from Ure member "U dont need me any more as admin" or such. As a reason why i heared "we dont trust Sky-e". Ok, 1 behave bad, but still i doesnt say anything about my clan or its members. 2nd: ok wanna take my lvl? ok, we discust it on forum, but why U reseted my xp? Cheers Drunky
  14. i was thinking about Ure headset, bass is more important for music so i think it would be a nice decision, U agreee?
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