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    COD4 #3
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  1. Yay! Server has friendly fire on, lots of dead Kami's - whoops
  2. I have no idea why you felt the need to spam the forum about the same thing over and over. (Fyi I have hidden your other spam.) I understand that you want a new rotation for abner, but speedturtle has said many times why it hasn't happened yet, and is trying to fix it. If you have any more problems feel free to pm me, but please stop with the spam, you are not a robot Thanks Locked.
  3. Grats to iGun with a kdr last month of 21 The rules for the KDR award: - 50 Kill minimum - Screenshots must be from an F|A server - in the case of a tie the person with a higher amount of kills wins. Example, 100-20 beats 50-10 - Map must be played in full. Start to Finish. - Screenshots submitted must be of the final score screen - From now on the person who wants the award has to be the submitter.
  4. Grats to Panth3r for last months win with 3 C4s. Rules: -Must be on =F|A= server -Must be submitted in SS format with full console showing -Must be killed using only C4 -In case of tie, the one who post first will be given the win (suggestion: highlight the kills you want us to see)
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  5. Congrats to Alex again for last months assists with 13. Rules: -Must be on =F|A= server -Must submit SS at end of game -In case of tie, the one with highest kills wins
  6. Congrats to Krosan for last months highest kills with 151! Rules: Has to be on =F|A= server, highest score wins and in case of tie kdr will be the deciding factor.
  7. Congrats to Panth3r for last months win with 3. Rules: -only allowed to use 1 rpg -must be on FA server -highest amount of kills with a single rpg wins -in case of tie the victory goes to the one who posted first -self kills do not count as kills
  8. Congrats to Dak for last months win, with a 27 killstreak. Rules: -Must be on =F|A= server -Must submit a SS of the console say "streak ended:..." or show the console saying "___ streak" (recommend open console) -In case of tie, the one who post first will be given the win (suggestion: highlight the kills you want us to see)
  9. Grats to SiLv3rfang for last months win with 12! Rules: -Must be on =F|A= server -Must be submitted in SS format with full console showing (the whole airstrike must show in SS) -Can only show one airstrike attempt (cant submit multiple airstrikes) -In case of tie, the one who posts first will be given the win (suggestion: highlight the kills you want us to see)
  10. No one won last months pistol award! Rules: -Must be on =F|A= server -Must be submitted in SS format with full console showing or in demo format -Must use pistol the whole time (meanin it must be consistent) -Must be a kill streak. Once you die, streak is over -In case of tie, the one who post first will be given the win (suggestion: highlight the kills you want us to see)
  11. No one won Januarys claymore award. Rules: -Must be on =F|A= server -Must be submitted in SS format with full console showing -Must be killed with one claymore (meaning you cannot use more than one clay and submit the ss) -In case of tie, the one who post first will be given the win (suggestion: highlight the kills you want us to see)
  12. Last month no one won again Rules: -Must be on =F|A= server -Must be submitted in SS format with full console showing or in demo format -Must use knife the whole time, must be a kill streak. Once you die, streak is over. -In case of tie, the one who post first will be given the win (suggestion: highlight the kills you want us to see)
  13. Congrats to last months winner, Krosan with a kdr of 12. The rules for the KDR award: - 50 Kill minimum - Screenshots must be from an F|A server - in the case of a tie the person with a higher amount of kills wins. Example, 100-20 beats 50-10 - Map must be played in full. Start to Finish. - Screenshots submitted must be of the final score screen - From now on the person who wants the award has to be the submitter.
  14. Congrats again to Warning for last months win with 9. Rules: -Must be on =F|A= server -Must be submitted in SS format with full console showing (the whole airstrike must show in SS) -Can only show one airstrike attempt (cant submit multiple airstrikes) -In case of tie, the one who post first will be given the win (suggestion: highlight the kills you want us to see)
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