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    Student in biomedicine

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  1. As all of this happened in the city that I live in, was born in and feel personally connected to, I would like to share my opinion about this. Here in Rotterdam, the Turkish people have been getting more and more respect and places in the city to do their thing and practice their religion: think of mosques, tea houses etc. etc. In all those places, the Turkish flag is everywhere. This is no problem imho and everything was okay until a few days ago. But, the president of Turkey wants to campaign in Europe about this referendum in Turkey giving Erdogan more rights. Also in the Netherlands, where he calls Dutch citizens with a Turkish backgrond "Turkish citizens". The Dutch government knows that this campaign is going to cause riots here in Holland, so he does not want the Turkish minister to campaign here. Nevertheless, he wants to go. So, the dutch government cancels the landing rights of this minister. To make things worse, the Turkish send another minister by car via Germany. This minister gets declared "unwanted illegal" and gets deported back to Germany and the Turkish people here in Holland start protesting, putting lives at risk. And again waving the Turkish flag and shouting "Allah is great". This is the point where things get crazy in my opinion. Because a befriended NATO country asks you (= Erdogan) not to come, while Erdogan calls citizens of this befreinded country "his citizens" and calls the befriended country Nazi's. While Rotterdam, where this is all happening, has been completely destroyed in WOII by Nazi's. And to top this off, this Erdogan sends someone to force his will. This is inappropriate and disrespectful if you ask me.
  2. I tend to like Sia.
  3. Welcome
  4. Hello and welcome
  5. Welcome
  6. For in the maybe not-so-distant future: http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/03/dna-could-store-all-worlds-data-one-room
  7. Welcome!
  8. Welcome to the forums
  9. Welcome to the forums man!
  10. Hey man, welcome to the forums
  11. Welcome to the forums Hope to see you around.
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