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  1. E3 2019 is about to hit California, and now one of the biggest publishers out there, Nintendo, has confirmed all the Switch games it's taking to the show this year. We already knew about a few of them, but there are still some surprising titles (and a notable omission) we didn't know about. In a press release, Nintendo confirmed it's bringing Pokemon Sword and Shield to the E3 show floor. That was to be expected, after the recent Pokemon Nintendo Direct stream, in which we discovered Sword and Shield's release date, story details, and more. In addition, the platform holder stated Luigi's Mansion 3, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order will all be playable on Nintendo Switch. There's no mention of the upcoming Animal Crossing for Switch, which is yet to be properly revealed, but Nintendo does say "other games" not listed in its press release will be playable at its booth. Other Switch games we already knew to be attending E3 include Doom Eternal, FIFA 20, and Fortnite. We may well see more revealed during Nintendo's E3 Direct presentation, though the company's E3 plans span more than just that press conference. While Nintendo is playing its cards close to its chest for now, many other publishers and developers have confirmed lots more. For more E3 coverage, be sure to check out the full E3 conference schedule and our running list of every single game confirmed to appear at E3 2019. Source https://www.gamespot.com/articles/nintendo-announce-the-playable-e3-2019-switch-game/1100-6467426/
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  2. does any1 got a Nintendo Switch?? so yes do u like it, and what games u have on it. my girlfriend wanne have 1 and im thinking about buying it. Boduko
  3. Against all odds, this year has turned out to be an exciting one for the industry when it comes to hardware launches- though the last major round of console and handheld launches was less than three years ago, it seems we are already primed for major new hardware this year. This includes the three new VR headsets that launched this year, of course – the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR are all major new game platforms for the industry that launched, or will launch, in 2016 – but it seems we are also getting new consoles this year. One of them, at the very least, was expected- Nintendo’s NX, which is primed to be the successor to the disappointing Wii U, has long been marked as a 2016 launch. However, what was unexpected was the rumblings of new hardware launches from Sony and Microsoft, too- both of whom look to be launching new PlayStation and Xbox systems. Effectively, then, the launch of new consoles by all three companies leads to a mid generation reset– an all new generation, so to speak. What Microsoft is planning is as yet unknown- they were among the first companies to raise the idea of iterative consoles, but they went back on that notion shortly afterwards. Nevertheless, enough indications exist that we know they are working on something new, and Xbox head Phil Spencer himself has hinted at an announcement of something beyond the Xbox One coming soon. What that something is, however, is as yet unknown. "Xbox head Phil Spencer himself has hinted at an announcement of something beyond the Xbox One coming soon." On the other hand, the PS4K and the Nintendo NX, while both equally enigmatic and unannounced, are far clearer to us- the PS4K appears to be a highly incremental revision of the PS4, enhancing the base console’s specs somewhat to lead to better performing and looking games. The Nintendo NX is Nintendo’s brand new console, and is, according to the consensus found in most rumors and leaks, pegged to be at least a bit more powerful than the current PS4 (where it would stand with respect to the PS4K is unknown for now). So we have two new consoles coming this year that could conceivably lay claim to being the most powerful console ever released. The question is, will that be enough to sell them to the masses? Remember, the current console generation is only now hitting its stride after almost three years of wallowing in the shadow of the previous generation. Most customers have, within the last year or so, spent a few hundred dollars on new hardware- why would they buy either the NX or the PS4K? Both the NX and the PS4K will have to make a compelling case for their existence- however, equally important to their ultimate appeal to the mass market will be their value proposition. In other words, how much the machines cost could single handedly make or break their fortunes on the market. Sony must surely realize that- the reason the PS4 has done as well as it has is because of its consumer friendly pricing. When Sony announced the price of the system, it was just $399- a full $100 cheaper than the Xbox One, and it delivered on this cheaper price while being a more powerful and capable console as well. This good pricing for the PS4 is just the most notable incidence of good pricing moves by Sony in the last few years, which have all lent them a measure of success- the PS Vita was similarly well priced at $249, and the PlayStation VR is priced at an extremely low and attractive $399. Sony, it seems, understands the value of pricing their hardware just right. "Sony, it seems, understands the value of pricing their hardware just right." How much, then, should the PS4K be priced at? This is an interesting question that needs to be approached with the full context of the picture in mind: the PS4K, while a new and more powerful machine, is not meant to replace the current PS4 model. Rather, all indications are that the two models will exist side by side on the market- much like how Nintendo sells multiple variants of its handhelds at the same time. Given, then, that the PS4K is not meant to replace the current PS4, but simply complement it, Sony have a lot more breathing room with how they can price the system. Since the PS4K will not be the primary PS4 SKU on the market, but just a premium, high end addition to the PS4 line, Sony can conceivably price it higher than they would have been able to a regular mid cycle refresh, while keeping the regular PS4 model as their cheaper entry into the PlayStation ecosystem. All of which is to say, the PS4K could be pricy- it will at the very least be $399, a full $50 more expensive than the PS4 currently is (though that difference could go as high as $100, if Sony drops the price of the current PS4 to $299 permanently- as they should), but we could conceivably see it go as high as $449 as well. It would be a high margin SKU sold at the higher end of the market, to those that are willing to spend a little extra money to get the very best that their money can buy. At the same time, Sony will not risk alienating their mass market base either, since the current PS4 will continue to be sold at a lower price. They get to, essentially, have their cake and eat it too. With that said, a $449 price for the PS4K honestly seems unlikely- $399 seems to be what Sony will target, as that seems to be the magic price point for them. If they drop the price of the base SKU to $299 in this period, then they have a healthy price difference- if not, however, then Sony can make a compelling, implicit case for all would be buyers of the base PS4 SKU to spend just $50 more and get the best PS4 SKU on the market. Given all of these competing factors, we would argue that Sony will end up pricing the PS4K at $399- with the price for the base PS4 SKU probably being kept as is at $349. "Nintendo’s strongest market, traditionally, has been the family market- the family market is not looking at spending a lot of money." Nintendo is a far more interesting case to argue. Like Sony, they, too, have learned the importance of price- but because of the opposite reasons. The Nintendo 3DS and Wii U both launched at historic high prices of $249 and $349 respectively- and both did poorly on the market, until Nintendo dropped their prices, and managed to reverse their performance somewhat. Generally, in the past, Nintendo have done the best when they have kept their prices low- appealing to the mass market with their products, as it were. This is particularly important, because Nintendo’s strongest market, traditionally, has been the family market- the family market is not looking at spending a lot of money. But any discussion on the failure of the 3DS and Wii U at higher price points must be tempered with the realization that Nintendo were essentially trying to sell what was outdated tech at premium prices- while yes, the 3DS and the Wii U had state of the art autostereoscopy and low latency streaming tech to them respectively, they were essentially half a decade old tech being sold at shockingly high prices. The market did not perceive them to be good value at those price points, and it responded appropriately. The NX, by all accounts, appears to be different- while Nintendo is likely to skip out on the extraneous media functionality that both the Xbox One and the PS4 seem to espouse, it is rumored to be a capable machine- at the very least more powerful than the PS4, and, depending on how it ultimately pans out, possibly more powerful than the PS4K too- at the very least, it would be in the same general vicinity of hardware power as the PS4K. Then, too, is the fact that Nintendo has now understood the value of selling their systems at a loss should the need for it come- they did it with both, the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U when it was necessary. Nintendo will probably not balk at selling the NX for a loss upfront as much as they would have done before. "Any discussion on the failure of the 3DS and Wii U at higher price points must be tempered with the realization that Nintendo were essentially trying to sell what was outdated tech at premium prices." Given all of this, then, how much should the NX be priced at? If we assume that Nintendo will still want to appeal to their traditional family market, but that the NX is a capable, powerful machine, somewhere between the PS4 and the PS4K in terms of power, meaning that it will not be perceived to be outdated, out of value tech, and that they are willing to take a loss on their systems now, then the best price point for Nintendo to sell the NX at will probably be $349- at that price point, the NX will appear to be good value to most families, and avoid the ‘premium’ pricing label associated with prices $399 and above, they will be able to make a good value proposition (a very powerful machine being sold at a cheaper price than the PS4K’s projected $399), and probably not make enough of a loss for it to put a serious dent in their balance books- in fact, depending on how the NX is designed, they may even break even or make a small, tidy profit for themselves. Of course, these are all just predictions and projections- the final pricing may vary. Sony may decide to be competitive and go in for the kill with the PS4K’s pricing, and try to undercut Nintendo, a strategy they have tried with the competition in the past with the PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR. Nintendo may decide to change their strategy, and rebrand and reposition themselves as a ‘premium’ alternative for the console market. The Xbox One Elite may throw a wrench in Sony and Nintendo’s plans by being a far more powerful machine than either, sold at just $299- right now, it is naturally impossible to know. But given what we do know right now, or think we know, at any rate, we feel comfortable with predicting the price points for the two systems that we have predicted above. Whether or not Nintendo and Sony go for these prices remains to be seen- and that, among other reasons, is why we are so excited for E3 this year, when the gauntlet for the next round of the console wars will probably be thrown into the ring in earnest. Source http://gamingbolt.com/how-much-should-the-ps4k-neo-and-nintendo-nx-cost#HRUP6s2o3fdpztmS.99
  4. Nintendo's NES classic Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! was released 29 years ago, so you might have thought all of the game's secrets had been discovered already. Not so, apparently. Reddit user midwesternhousewives (via Polygon) recently discovered an Easter egg involving a bearded character in the stands who gives you a visual cue for when to fire a punch at Piston Honda and Bald Bull to take them down. It was already known that they could be defeated with one hit, but this newly discovered Easter egg lets you know exactly when to unload. Check it out in the video below. Of course, it's possible someone else had already discovered this visual cue. But the fact that it exists has remained in large part a mystery until now. Pretty cool. Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! was released in 1987 for the NES. A new version of the game was released for Wii in 2009. In other news about Punch Out!!, you can watch someone beat the game blindfolded here while this video shows the real-life Mike Tyson fighting virtual Mike Tyson in the game. Tyson previously admitted to being so bad at Punch-Out!! that he couldn't even beat Glass Joe, believed to be the easiest opponent in the game. Source http://www.gamespot.com/articles/29-years-later-someone-found-a-new-punch-out-secre/1100-6438687/
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  5. The Nintendo 3DS is now a PC, sort of, so please look forward to article after article about Monster Hunter 4. The 3DS is now a PC, sort of, because an enterprising individual by the name of shutterbug2000 has convinced it to run Windows 95. (That's my definition of a PC: can it run Windows?) Specifically, it's the New Nintendo 3DS that shutterbug has wrangled Windows 95 onto (the older, less powerful version of the hardware doesn't seem to have enough RAM.) Here's a video of the ancient OS starting up on a New 3DS, the footage annoyingly stopping short of showing the desktop or file browser in action. Source http://www.pcgamer.com/hacker-gets-windows-95-running-on-a-nintendo-3ds/
  6. The astonishing admission was made on Twitter by a gaming fan desperate to keep his progress on a 1994 game release A computer gamer has revealed that he was so keen to preserve a game he's been playing that he's kept his console turned on for 20 YEARS. Nowadays, with consoles like PS4s and Xbox One, gaming fans are used to saving not just one game, but many stages in lots of different games. But back in the 1990s, the Super Nintendo didn't offer such technological advancements, as the batteries keeping saved progress eventually died and the game was lost. So when Twitter user Wanikun wanted to keep on playing Japanese game Umihara Kawase, he decided just to leave it on. He shared an image of his Super Famicom - the Japanese name for the Super Nintendo, also known as SNES - which has been on for more than two decades to keep his progress. He tweeted that the machine had been constantly on for 180,000 hours - or 20 years, six months, two weeks, three days, eight hours and 39 minutes. "Incidentally, I’m pretty sure my first generation Umihara Kawase, which has been on in the SNES for over 20 years, has been in operation for over 180,000 hours. If the power is tuned off, I’ll lose all my replay data. Probably." According to Rocket News 24 , Umihara Kawase - which stars a 19-year-old Japanese school girl, Kawase Umihara who is lost in a world of mutated creatures - was released in December, 1994. Wanikun reveals that he did unplug the machine once only - to move house - but the battery stayed alive long enough to keep his progress saved. Source http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/nintendo-gamer-leaves-console-more-7101362
  7. 1959-2015. Satoru Iwata, president of Nintendo, passed away on Saturday due to ongoing health complications. He was 55 years old. Nintendo announced that the widely respected chief executive died on July 11 "due to a bile duct growth." Two representative directors remain at the company: Genyo Takeda and Shigeru Miyamoto. Iwata was first appointed as the director of Nintendo in June 2000. He was promoted to the position of president and representative director of Nintendo in 2002, following the resignation of Hiroshi Yamauchi. He also assumed responsibilities as chief executive of Nintendo of America in 2013. In related matters: Shigeru Miyamoto has issued a statement: “I am surprised at this sudden news and overcome with sadness.” Tributes have poured in from across the industry, with leaders at Sony, Microsoft, and the development community paying their respects. Nintendo of Europe President Satoru Shibata released a statement addressing the passing of his colleague. "It is difficult to put into words the sadness we feel at this time," he said. "He was a visionary in every sense of the word and we will miss him dearly. Just as Mr. Iwata challenged us to always push forward, we will ensure his legacy lives on through our ongoing work to always surprise and delight our fans." In the wake of Iwata's shock death, Nintendo must begin a new search for its next chief executive. The corporation has told GameSpot that succession plans have "not been decided at this point." But it adds that the two acting representative directors, Genyo Takeda and Shigeru Miyamoto, have already taken on the task of managing the business, and as such is hoping for a smooth transition. The company states: "Other than Mr. Iwata, we have two representative directors (Mr. Takeda and Mr. Miyamoto). Even by now, these representative directors have been together discussing and managing to operate the company, so we anticipate no issue in the near future." Iwata was absent from E3 last year due to health issues, later revealed to be a bile duct growth which was removed via surgery. He resumed his regular work schedule in October last year, although there were concerns about his rapid weight loss following treatment. Iwata was not present at this year's E3, staying in Japan in order to focus on Nintendo's "other areas of business." Prior to joining Nintendo, Iwata worked at HAL Laboratory as a programmer and designer. During his time there he worked on several games including the Kirby, Earthbound, and Balloon Fight series. He would go on to become president of HAL in 1993. Iwata garnered the adoration of fans and the industry as a whole through his candid demeanor and willingness to embody the playful nature of Nintendo's games, even as CEO of the company. Last year he took a 50 percent pay cut to apologise for the company's disappointing financial results, following lower Wii U sales than was projected. In addition to his regular Iwata Asks column, in which he would interview key members of various upcoming games, Iwata was also the face of the company's Nintendo Direct events. These streams, while primarily designed to make game announcements and provide updates on ongoing projects, became something more thanks to weird and wonderful skits, many of which Iwata would participate in. "On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." Satoru Iwata, 1959-2015 Source http://www.gamespot.com/
  8. Nintendo just recently released the remastered version of Zelda Majora's Mask for the 3DS. A game that I have been long awaiting. I've been playing the remastered version of Ocarina of time for the 3DS, and I can't wait to dive into MM. If anyone has played it already let me know how it holds up to the original, and let me know how amazing it looks. You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
  9. $107 - $200 USD (I paid about $140 CAD shipping and taxes included.) http://www.amazon.ca/The-Legend-Zelda-Box-Set/dp/0804161380 http://www.amazon.com/The-Legend-Zelda-Box-Set/dp/0804161380/ref=pd_sim_b_6?ie=UTF8&refRID=1YD0FXACCF6QKJMS844B Pros: Great for collectors. hardcover books. Gold plated bookmark. Awesome box. Great collection of guides by Prima. Cons: Expensive. No Majora's Mask guide. The books on their own range about $30 each, as is the bookmark. You end up savinf about $100 buying the collection as a whole. PICS:
  10. Alright, last Arcade Block I'll be doing for a bit. Maybe try them again in the future, or a different type of mystery package. www.nerdblock.com $13.99-$19.99 + shipping and handling. Pros: Nice collection of goodies. Price is decent for what you receive. Cons: Could get things cheaper, but it would involve a lot of price comparisons. I would recommend this at least once.
  11. www.nerdblock.com $13.99-$19.99 + shipping and handling. Pros: Nice collection of goodies. Price is decent for what you receive. Cons: Could get things cheaper, but it would involve a lot of price comparisons. I would recommend this at least once.
  12. www.nerdblock.com $13.99-$19.99 + shipping and handling. Pros: Nice collection of goodies. Price is decent for what you receive. Cons: Could get things cheaper, but it would involve a lot of price comparisons. I would recommend this at least once.
  13. So a while back I bought a bundle through Groupees and it included a discount coupon for Nerd Block. I decided to try it out for a month and this is what I ended up getting. It's a cool little idea. www.nerdblock.com $13.99-$19.99 + shipping and handling. Pros: Nice collection of goodies. Price is decent for what you receive. Cons: Could get things cheaper, but it would involve a lot of price comparisons. I would recommend this at least once. I paid about $25 in total (with my coupon) and I received roughly $40-50 worth of goodies.
  14. Nvidia's given its gaming-focused Shield tablet a connectivity boost in the form of 4G LTE, as well as bumping the storage capability. And you'll have it in time for Christmas. The graphics company has put the 32GB 4G version of its 7-inch tablet up for pre-order today at the not-unreasonable price of £299.99. It'll land in your sweaty gaming hands on September 30. Unfortunately, that price doesn't include the Shield Wireless Controller, which will set you back a further £50. Living the stream The original Shield slate dropped back in July, complete with Nvidia's 192-core Tegra K1 processor and the ability to stream PC games directly from the desktop. Like its predecessor, the 4G model carries the same home-grown processor, backed by 2GB of RAM, and will also let you use the integrated Twitch support to broadcast your virtual exploits online. You'll need to hook yourself up to a data tariff to take advantage of the new connectivity. But since Nvidia's LTE Shield ships unlocked, you've got your choice of carrier. via: http://www.in.techradar.com/news/mobile-computing/tablets/Nvidia-opens-pre-orders-for-its-LTE-Shield-gaming-tablet/articleshow/42711458.cms (sorry about the topic prefix)
  15. As part of a Japanese Nintendo Direct today, Nintendo revealed the New Nintendo 3DS -- a new version of its 3DS hardware that comes with a second stick built in, and new shoulder buttons. The New Nintendo 3DS and New Nintendo 3DS LL have a small analogue "nub" just above the existing A, B, X and Y button, while the existing buttons have been colored to match the classic SNES controller colors. The new hardware also comes with new shoulder buttons, XL and XR, that are situated on the top of the device, just next to the existing L and R buttons. The New Nintendo 3DS comes with a beefier CPU than previous models, says Nintendo, allowing for faster eShop browsing and downloading. Plus, it comes with a built-in NFC on the bottom touchscreen, ready for the upcoming launch of the amiibo NFC models. And this new model also allows for sliding custom covers in and out of the device, allowing players to customize the 3DS to look however they want. Finally, Nintendo claims that the stereoscopic 3D effect of the new pair of devices is better than in previous models. Both models are due for launch in Japan on October 11. While Nintendo has not yet confirmed a launch for the U.S., it seems likely this will be announced soon. Notably, Monolith Soft's Xenoblade Chronicles, originally a 2010 Nintendo Wii game, is coming to the New Nintendo 3DS next year. It will apparently not be playable on any previous 3DS model, as the game requires the added CPU power to function. via: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/224476/Nintendo_reveals_the_New_Nintendo_3DS.php
  16. Did anyone here know how to resolve the Banner Brick??? I unintentionally installed a channel corrupted (using wad manager) and now my Wii cannot enter to the main menu (it can enter to the Security Message....press A, and it can access to Recovery mode too). I already bought a modchip (Wasabi DX) which is needed to run backups discs and autoboots. Unfortunatelly, i could have not run any autoboot program and i dont know why. Any advice or help are very welcome. Thanks in advance.
  17. Hello, Abobo's Big Adventure is a parody game which pays tribute to the 8-bit glory days of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Abobo's Big Adventure
  18. hahah mario bros rocks , di di di di di di di
  19. So I have a Wii, which is pretty much a useless console (except at parties.) The only games I really play are Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros Brawl and Mario Party 8. I got Wii Party a few months ago (not expecting much) and was really disappointed. It features a billion new mini games and I hated most of them. So Mario Party 9 has come out recently and I'm thinking of buying it: http://www.nintendo....p2_v6rwsLPpbEEw Has anyone played it yet? Thoughts? My fear is that it looks too "fancy," like they're trying to introduce new features and things that just end up being complicated and not as fun. I like Mario Party because it's a board game and a video game combined, but this new one looks less like a classic board game and more just like a video game. Would you buy Mario Party 9? Or do you know of any other fun Wii games? Edit: this is also in the wrong section. My apologies. This is a PC game? Haha
  20. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword has release date 20 November 2011 Source According with the comments of Shigeru Miyamoto, this game is going to be the greatest Zelda game ever created, BUT i wont made any comments until know more about the story and gameplay. Here is a video of the game for those who never watch it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJiE1EMGcyo
  21. From the press release - Myst will be back in March 2012 for the Nintendo 3DS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CfhCjTUDxE&feature=channel_video_title
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFhitIpY-jw I think I'm going to be dropping the whopping $250 to pre-order/buy one of these. Personally I can't wait until next month when it comes out. It's no longer the same DS. This is like an upgrade from an N64 to a GameCube.. or GameCube to Wii. It's an entirely new system. Is anybody else anticipating this release? What are your thoughts on it?
  23. For some reason my Wii Controllers won't even turn on. There not damaged or nothing. They were sitting around for awhile not being used then all of a sudden they won't turn on. I've replaced the Batteries, Reset the controller, and looked inside, can't find anything wrong with it.
  24. Launches:2012 Specs Size: Approximately 1.8 inches tall, 6.8 inches wide and 10.5 inches long. New Controller: The new controller incorporates a 6.2-inch, 16:9 touch screen and traditional button controls, including two analog Circle Pads. This combination removes the traditional barriers between games, players and the TV by creating a second window into the video game world. The rechargeable controller includes a Power button, Home button, +Control Pad, A/B/X/Y buttons, L/R buttons and ZL/ZR buttons. It includes a built-in accelerometer and gyroscope, rumble feature, camera, a microphone, stereo speakers, a sensor strip and a stylus. Other Controls: Up to four Wii Remote™ (or Wii Remote Plus) controllers can be connected at once. The new console supports all Wii™ controllers and input devices, including the Nunchuk™ controller, Classic Controller™, Classic Controller Pro™ and Wii Balance Board™. Media: A single self-loading media bay will play 12-centimeter proprietary high-density optical discs for the new console, as well as 12-centimeter Wii optical discs. Video Output: Supports 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p and 480i. Compatible cables include HDMI, component, S-video and composite. Audio Output: Uses AV Multi Out connector. Six-channel PCM linear output through HDMI. Storage: The console will have internal flash memory, as well as the option to expand its memory using either an SD memory card or an external USB hard disk drive. CPU: IBM Power®-based multi-core microprocessor. GPU: AMD Radeon™-based High Definition GPU. Other: Four USB 2.0 connector slots are included. The new console is backward compatible with Wii games and Wii accessories. More Info @ http://e3.nintendo.com/hw/#/introduction
  25. Does anyone know were I can get my hands on a super nintendo? I loved playing the super nintendo as a kid! Especially Super Metroid that was the shit! Anyways thanks in advance!
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