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Last week we reported that Diablo 3's patch 2.4 would bring with it a new zone for Adventure mode: Greyhollow Island. This being Diablo and all, new challenges mean new loot. Fountains of the stuff. Blizzard's follow-up blog post has unveiled some of the fifty legendary items and powers that will be arriving with 2.4. As ever, there's a great big disclaimer saying that this is test realm footage and therefore likely to change, but as this season goes live January 15 (5:00pm PST, CET or KST, depending on where you live), I wouldn't expect a drastic departure from what's on display. Source
A couple of months ago, Tom Senior took a look at Diablo 3's fulsome 2.3 update, then asked "what's next?" Well, update 2.4 is next, and it adds a new zone, extra areas, and lots of the other stuff to help keep the action RPG alive and kicking. The update was detailed at BlizzCon this weekend, and soon elaborated on over at the Diablog. The headline addition is that new zone, Greyhollow Island, which will be bolted onto Act V. Exclusive to Adventure Zone, the "mysterious forested locale is steeped in intrigue, and rumors abound that those who visit are doomed to never return". Until they respawn and head back, anyway. It does look pretty mysterious: Meanwhile, Sanctuary has been expanded with a couple of new areas: The Eternal Woods and Royal Quarters. Basically, spooky woods, and Leoric's inner chambers, the latter located behind a blockade that will soon be cleared. The update will also see players getting more stash space, a revised buff interface, rejiggered set items, and additional legendaries. The other headline features are the new Set Dungeons, non-randomised dungeons dedicated to specific sets. "Once you complete and don the full six pieces of any given class set, you’ll receive a clue to track down an ancient dungeon designed just for you and your set," Blizzard says. "Mastering a set dungeon comes with cosmetic rewards unique to each set, but the truly dedicated can earn even more exclusive rewards by mastering all the sets from one class or even all 24 of them!" Patch 2.4.0 will hit the PTR "in the weeks following BlizzCon", and there are many more details on the Diablo blog. Source
Anybody play Diablo 3? I've been diggin' going solo for a while but it isn't as fun to murder satan if you don't have someone to share it with I figured, who better to slaughter the prince of darkness with than my =F|A=mily! add me on! Taborham#1261
Anyone play Diablo 3 here and want join up sometime and play some seasons together?
Posting this for Diablo fans. Trailer for the new Reaper of Souls expansions for D3 A lot of big changes to be expected. Real Money and gold auction house is being removed New Class New Difficulty levels New Paragon system New Buff system New loot 2.0 mechanics I played D3 last night and some of the changes have been implemented, and it's so much better than what I played in 2012 lol
Here is it: nZar0#1701 See you in game !
Hey guys, seems that the 1.05 Patch is coming soon. So my question is: Do you still play? If yes, can you help a sweeping wind monk a bit out to get his head on a3 farming? Here is my D3 Profile. Feel free to post also yours ;D
Somebody gif me one?
You can download America's Army 3 from stream for free. Download Link for America's Army 3.
If anyone is MP farming for keys, paragon, gold, legendaries or whatever feel free to add me raider#1891. I speed farm mp1-3 as tempest monk or mp 5+ as tornado. We got a group of et players that started playing and range from 50-120k dps; bape, Icon, Slick, and myself.
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Somebody finished Diablo 3 in 12 hours We wonder – when someone finishes an epic, sprawling title such as Diablo 3 in a matter of hours, does he experience the years of excitement, adrenaline and joy had by unrushed players as a super-compressed ball of electric hype? And if so, how does his heart not explode? ......... for more info visit our RPG and MMORPG forum
My D3 account have been hacked a week ago...... im trying to get the recuperation. I suggest every person having D3 check theyr account a few time (even if you dont play) to make sure it wont happen to you. I dont play often but when i do, i like playing on my account and not trying to get it back.
Hello, im sure many of you gonna buy Diablo3, i would like to know wich class and type of build are you gonna seek/try? For my part, i liked the witch doctor and barbarian from the beta, probably gonna start barbarian/tank for easier adventuring with friends
- So I watched the gameplay movie, and now I'm kinda worried. Diablos gameplay looks exactly like Titan quests. Same kind of third person view, same kind of enviroment (For example the gameplay movie of diablo i posted has the same scenery ad TQ immortal throne), the characters are the same (for example the barbarian is a conqueror (sword + shield masteries), the witch doctor is a necromancer (i think it's called that way, rogue + spirit masteries)), the chests have the same function, trap triggers. Even the interface is the same. It really isn't that much of a problem, skills are different and the like, but since it's the same gameplay as TQ, I'm scared of getting bored of it too quickly, I finished TQ 6 times after all. I know Diablo existed before TQ but still, this much resemblance? When I first watched the gameplay trailer, I thought I was watching a sequel of Titan quest instead of a sequel of Diablo. What do you guys think?
Just saying. Probably one of the worst endings I have ever seen D= and the last act seemed rushed. There is Act 1, Act 2, Act 3(that stairway down takes forever. Copy paste level design for half the act), FINAL BOSS LEVEL (aka what is suppose to be act 4, but instead is just one level). Thanks to all the holes in the plot, blizzard will definitely get enough content for 2 expansions D=. Nevertheless it still felt like a decent game with lots of fun to be had. I just wish the ending and the rushed last act didn't make me have an onion rage D= (I could have written a better story). EDIT: I also had a terrible experience with a team that wiped and i had to solo diablo, while they sat in the room watching =(. Thankfully monks are like the old paladins of wow. 3 second invunerability ftw.
How big of a massacre have you guys gotten so far? Or how about Objects destroyed record? I just did the jar of souls event and got an 81 kill massacre I'll try to upload a screenie if the game keeps record of these stats. Objects.. a measly 14 so far xD
So, alot of Diablo3 players got theyr account ``hacked``. All items removed, beginning at normal first quest for every character, all stash (except gems) wiped out, and of course, all gear and cash removed. A rumor goes that it was a easy command in Diablo3 files to steal wich did that. Imma try to get more info and get you back on that. (My brother got all character wiped of gear , quest/difficulty and cash)
In about a week or two, I want to start Diablo hardcore runs for anyone interested. Will be FA hosted, but players don't necessarily have to be FA. Just server regulars and the such These runs are meant to be for FUN. No worrying about dying, just simple smash and grab runs. See how far we can make it with a little coordination! Anyone interested, give me a shout via this thread, or a PM. I know we can only have 4 to a game, but I'm willing to make multiple HC characters for those that can't get a full group Same with those that die, I'm willing to help level you up to where your last character died off. This will be a once a week thing, for maybe 2-5 hours (spending on schedules) at a time to play together with a difficulty that would be amusing and rewarding. \\I'm still fleshing out the details, but opinions, sign ups and suggestions would be great!
Hello. i wanna shared a psychedelic story. So today, i was playing with my 3 friends back in Montreal, they wanted to do the Secret Cow level. 2 of my friends gathered the unique items from arounds the acts, the recipe cost 50k so each of us had to pay 10k. He craft this wierd staff and look upon internet to seek a certain cow cadaver where he need to cas the portal. The cow king from D2 appear and start a very silly dialog, and then a RAINBOW portal appear from a fissure next to the cadaver. We enter the ``Secret Cow Level`` and we were speechless. My friend, the cow level doesnt exist, now its the HAPPY TIME LEVEL! Uploaded with Yes, now you slain unicorn, cuddle bears, flowers. You now loot mushrooms, smily clouds, pot of gold. This was a blast , i strongly recommend doing this in party and be geared properly. You need to finish the game in normal first of course. We were lvl 42 wizard, 44 monk, 38 barbarian and me 37 monk. Strongly recommend Skype/ventrilo, just some good coordination
G-day fellas. America's Army 3, not a bad game to say the least. Yes there are a few bugs but sice the latest patch most have been fixed. The graphics look nice and they play style is also good. The game is a little broken. If you got the downlaods give this ago. I think the lot is 5gb. But hey the game is FREE Hope to see some of you playing it soon. Read a review here. I think you be supriesed. Good game 7.5/10
from the press release
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