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Everything posted by Armagedonyx

  1. Armagedonyx

    ET Server Suggestion Jay1 map rotation suggestions

    Maybe it would be nice in the future to add Saberpeak as well as the egypt map with the boat you have to bring to a temple. I tried both of these and they are big maps with the potential of offering good gameplay. At least that's what I think. Saberpeak is also a very pretty map.
  2. Nevermind, that's not Snatch ! 😅
  3. Never played any GTA game before but I've seen it's a really loved franchise. Maybe one day I'll play this game to try. For now, I'll just stick with ET I guess and other small games from my phone.
  4. Joyeux anniversaire Luck' ! Quel âge ça te fait ?
  5. Armagedonyx

    ET Server Suggestion Jay1 map rotation suggestions

    I'm not sure if people would agree with you as Minas has been extremely downvoted by the Jay1 community. I think that UJE 00 is a good map, it is very open for both the offensive and defensive team. In Minas, it's very linear and there are almost no way for axis to get through the different gates, it lacks of passages to sneak into the allies side of the map. In overall, I don't think it's a good idea, but that's just my opinion. You do you.
  6. Yes I already knew about that but, thanks anyway !
  7. Je te dirais ça ce soir. Et oui je vais essayer de le streamer pour que vous voyez où je veux en venir.
  8. My key was in ETmain folder, yes, but after trying to play the game, it still did not let me join any server. What did I do wrong ?
  9. But where do i locate the key after installation ? And how do I proceed to backup my main etkey ?
  10. I have another issue have installing the vanilla W:ET, I need a "key" to play on ETPro, so where do I find it ?
  11. Does it work with the Steam version of ET ?
  12. Hey guys, today once again, I need help with something. I would like to play on Hirntot server that uses the ETPro mod but for that, I need Punkbuster. However I checked, and Punkbuster no longer works on this game. So what do I do now ?
  13. Called "Sauron's lair"
  14. Hi everyone, since i'm a big addict of knowing my performances as you guys now know, I'd like to report an issue about Trackbase. So basically, it doesn't give me any more rate points. I've been doing full game sessions and it should work so what's the issue, is it because the website thinks I'm still an admin ? If so, then can ou remove the FA tag of my trackbase username ? I really want to see my progression so if you guys solve the issue, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance. Regards. Tristan
  15. Waow that's unique, I've never seen that on ET !
  16. Armagedonyx

    ET Server Suggestion Jay1 map rotation suggestions

    If you add Frostbite to Jay1, the biggest issue would be when the server is full. At this point, it would be practicly unwinnable if you play in allies team. Goldrush had that problem too, very frustrating if you tried to win as an ally. Axis camps a lot on this map, even the room with the gold crates.
  17. C'est vrai que c'est incompréhensible... c'est un polonais qui parle français ?
  18. Armagedonyx is a character I've made back in 2015 in my imaginary world that's also displayed on my profile picture. It's some sort of alien god being with the power of causing the end of the world by creating multiple natural disasters and the "onyx" part is because he has an onyx on his chest that negates any reality altering abilities but that's less relevant. I've made it a suitcase word and it became "Armagedonyx". By the way, I realised later that I've misspelled "Armageddon" so instead of two d I've only added one ! 😅 But then I chose to keep this spelling because I like it and the name is already very long to type and pronounce.
  19. Hello guys, what do you guys think so far of me ? Lately, I've been a bit grumpier than usual in the game. I play a lot on Jay1 and I've noticed that this server is really really hard, there's tons of good players there and I can't help but whine in the chat saying that I suck, that my aiming is bad etc... I'd like some tips from veteran players in order to improve greately in every aspects possible in gameplay. People say I should learn by myself but I really can't. 

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  20. Ok you pay the forum, website and servers which are costly okay. But if no one payed, FA would be gone ?
  21. What are you using the money for ?
  22. Yes, as I said in today's topic (come check it out) I've recently tried going to other servers like Jay2 today, Nq1 and Beg2 or 1 and even Silent1. I like small servers too sometimes but when you play axis in those, it's usually harder because there is mostly bots to defend and more newbies so they don't always know what to do in each map. I try guiding them sometimes.
  23. I have found my sensibility, it's 1.76 : not too high, not too low, just perfect and I can do a 180° rotation fairly easely as well as aiming with enough accuracy. I've recently thought to myself, that, I usually play too much as a rusher and this playstyle doesn't suit me. Hiding/shooting is a wiser way of doing kills. Someone said : "play smarter", I guess he was right. I should paly smarter more often, and use hideouts at my advantage on the battlefield. Anyway, as for aiming practice, I have Aimlbas, but I've only used it once, not sure if I want to learn that way. I just want to keep playing ET until I get to a point that my skill level is good enough for me.
  24. I'm obsessed with getting better, I hate losing all of the time but you are right, being in the game that many years may have an impact like that. Still, it amaze me how good someone can be after so many years of playing. I don't even know when I'll get to that level. I play the game since last November, that's why I still have gaps, right ?
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