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Everything posted by Outlaw23

  1. Congratulations Mraw & Lt Steiner! 😄
  2. 1) Remove programs you don't need + edit what starts when you turn on your computer - Remove programs that you don't need. Double check that your antivirus + other programs do not conflict with your game. After removing programs/double-checking that your programs are fine..open the start menu & type "msconfig" and open the option > system configuration. Go through every single tab carefully, do not skip any part*. Disable programs/services/etc. that do not* need to be started when your PC starts. 2) Use task manager (control + shift + escape / CTRL + SHIFT + ESC) and go through every tab carefully to give you an understanding of what is running & what isn't. Disable/delete what you don't need. 3) Edit your graphics settings & update your software/drivers. - Update all of your software & drivers. You may need to buy a software for this if you prefer, I use driver booster & it has always kept my PC drivers up-to-date + I've never had any serious PC issue while using this software on a once a week basis (I check driver & software updates once a week). For software updates, I recommend PatchMyPC. It is free & works very well. Depending on which graphics card/driver you have - it can be NVIDIA, Intel, etc. - you have to navigate to the correct graphics settings and try changing to high/maximum performance mode (I've done this with my Intel graphics settings+ RTX 3060 Ti graphics settings), and it never disappoints. You can press start and type in "graphics" and analyze/go through all the options carefully. You will find the respective graphics settings available to you, which you need to look through and edit. 4) Consider re-installing your OS + ET. Yes, this is the most annoying option...but if absolutely nothing helps...this is the last resort. Backup all of your files/folders/software/etc. and re-install everything*. This should surely boost your FPS. Let us know what happens, we are always here to help.
  3. The last movie I watched was titled, A Man Apart, starring Vin Diesel & others. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0266465/ Despite the ratings, I actually liked it and I felt that the story was not simple to predict.
  4. Happy Birthday! 😄
  5. I think this season we will see the Bruins & Golden Knights going very far. These two teams, albeit Vegas being a relatively new franchise, have done very well & their goals-for versus goals-against ratios are amazing. In addition, they are not only top ranked in their divisions; they are #1. Yes, Bruins flopped in the playoffs last season - but they lost to the team that made the final. To add to that, they still beat them multiple times - it's not like they got swept. Moreover, they got nearly 70 wins in the regular season last season. In today's hockey - this is unheard of. The final had Vegas defeating Florida 4-1. I thought the series would be closer to be honest; but it is what it is. The NHL playoffs comes with tons of surprises & a lot of top-tier teams end up getting eliminated early, or the finals end up being completely one-sided like it was last season. There is also the magical factor called "luck" involved, so we'll see what happens.
  6. Hey, I remember you. Welcome back to the forums & servers.
  7. Outlaw23


    Sounds good, thanks for clarifying.
  8. Outlaw23


    I enjoyed playing on the Hardcore server in the past. But, for some reason, I lost all of my xp on hardcore & NQ. I never went back after. My xp stayed the same on Jay1 & Silent. Thus, I'm not sure what really happened. I will, however, try coming back & hope to see you on there :D.
  9. Hi & welcome! see you on the server(s)! 😄
  10. As all others have said; congrats & welcome!
  11. Hi and welcome to the forums and server(s)!
  12. Hey, welcome. I'm curious; have you ever played Crazybob's Cops and Robbers Servers from the past? just wondering.
  13. Good topic. I'll add a few, as adding a detailed list would be endless & take forever xD. So there you have it. These are 10 songs (of many, many more) that I regularly like to listen to. If you notice carefully, there are several different genres as that's the type of person I am too - I like diversity and variety.
  14. I have ET on Windows 11 & it works perfectly. I've never had an issue. I've even had to re-install ET a few times & transfer over my etkey & everything worked perfectly.
  15. I highly, highly recommend G2A. In-fact, I've used G2A to buy Windows keys, Microsoft Office, and much more. 100% reliable & safe.
  16. Good to see you again & welcome :D.
  17. Pineapple on Pizza? personally, for me, = hell no. The reason I don't like it is because it has some overpowering taste that completely changes the entire pizza.
  18. Sadly; I lost all of my xp on hardcore and NQ1. Idk why. Regardless, I will be popping in & hope to see you guys there. Cheers.
  19. The last I saw in theaters was John Wick 4. 10/10.
  20. Hey everyone; thought I'd share a montage I made for COD: MWII. Enjoy! :D.
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  22. Outlaw23


    Welcome & hope to see you on the Jay1/Silent :D.
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