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    Drawing, Skate Boarding, Drinking, and gaming.
  • Location
    Milwaukee, WI


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    COD: 4-1

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  1. I completely forgot who it was that i was talking too on the FA beginners server about a computer. My step brother moved out and that was the source of my friendships with you guise and i am now lost. BUT! someone said they have comps sitting around and offered to give me one. My mushy brain can't, for the life of me, remember who that was. maybe Normancorn? idk. but i need your assistance in letting THAT GUY know to contact me. ~Google+ ~GoogleMaps ~infctd mshrm
  2. SummerSet Music festival in 7 days! so stoked!

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  3. have been in the stone age for a while. working, no computer, music festivals, and no phone.

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  4. been away due to family issues

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  5. Stuart Broad! My little Stub! I'm planning a trip to Canada! What to know where you live so I can come skate and rage with the local females!

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  6. I wanna know who is into EDM amongst my CoD FAmily members. I personally like it to a certain limit, and the reason I say that is cause there has always been ONE group that's entranced me: Infected Mushroom. Their style is just so unique. Could be that they're Israeli and their middle eastern music, which they induct in their songs, are what's entrancing me. Idk, but when I play and listen to them, I rage!
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  7. who here that is part of the CoD4 community, interested in Festivals?! festivals as in Electric forest
  8. the Russian Yeti is real guise...

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  9. word's cannot describe the night i had last night.

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    1. Jhonny/Shinobi


      ok waiting for your pics . . . :P

  10. M40A3 less recoil, in my opinion. pretty accurate. the R700 does more damage but it's too sloppy.
  11. the light at the end of the tunnel, is not heaven or hell. it is the light in the birthing room, on your way to your next life.

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  12. just saw the trailer for Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare, and i personally am not interested. Main reason is that i haven't really been into the futuristic FPS games. except TitanFall, but that's besides the point. Yes, i may check it out, and maybe my opinion will change, but we'll see. i want to hear about some of your opinions about this. ~Google+
  13. i personally think the scorpian is way better. no recoil, perfect accuracy, and great at close quarters. only downfall is the small magazine.
  14. been kinda rusty. guess that's what happens when you miss 5-6 days in a row.

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  15. We'll see what I decide on. Wouldn't mind keeping it, but also wouldn't mind changing.
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