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Hi guys,


I'm currently configuring a JayMod 2.2.0 server but there are a few things I'd like to do, but I don't know how to,  so I thought maybe you could help me.


When I go on ETPro publics, the number of panzers/rifles/mines are dependant on the number of players connected to the server. Basically when 12 or less players are connected, panzers and rifles are disabled, and when it's 12+, only 1 panzer/rifle per team is allowed. The same goes for mines. The more players on the server, the more mines available for the engineers of each team. So basically I'd like to know if there is a way to have the same thing configured in JayMod 2.2.0, 


Also, on a JayMod server I was playing some time ago, there was a script/lua/whatever that allowed us to counter the panzer rockets by shooting at it! I thought it was cool, but I have no idea how to implement it. Also, I'd like to see some kind of punishment for "kamikaze" panzers who get kills by vaporizing themselves and the enemy every freaking time. If something could be implemented to deal with that, it would be cool too, tho I don't know if it exists, so thats why I'm asking.


Thanks you for reading

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- You can % calculation for putting on panzers on silEnT mod. Jaymod doesn't have much options like that. You can't configure jaymod has ETPRO. You should try silEnT Mod. 


There is no such thing available i.e. punishment for kamikaze panzers. It's available in silEnT mod. 

  • Administrators

Enhance mod - No. It doesn't support LUA. 


Jaymod doesn't support Lua, But there is option to shoot down rockets:


g_vulnerableWeapons — set bitflags to enable missile-type weapon vulnerability
g_vulnerableWeapons [flags]
Table 13.35. g_vulnerableWeapons Flags
1 panzer projectiles
2 grenades (both mid-air and grounded)
4 airstrike canisters (mid-air and grounded)
8 satchels (mid-air and grounded)
g_vulnerableWeapons 0
g_vulnerableWeapons sets bitflags to enable missile-type weapons vulnerability. When enabled,
the projectile (or equivalent) to become vulnerable to bullet fire or splash damage.


You add the numbers You want enabled, Example: set g_vulnerableWeapons 15


I thought et adminmod had a way to limit heavy weapons.. been a long time since I set up a JM server


This is what I found in the ETadmin mod documentation




# forceclass_balance
# ------------------
# With forceclass_balance, you can restrict
# the amount of players per class.
# If you activate this setting, then you can
# set the amount of players in the 
# class_restrictions section and
# can define rules (how many players must be 
# on the server to make a class or group available)
# see [class_restricions] and [rules] sections
forceclass_balance = 1

# class_restrictions

# How many players / class are allowed. Admin's can choose,
# whatever they want (-1 unlimited)
# if the limit is exceeded, then the player gets 
# put into spec and has to use a different class.
# -1 = Unlimited(standard)
# 0 = Class deactivated
# >0 = Player limit for that class


# Soldier (0):
0 = 1
# Medic (1):
1 = -1
# Engi (2):
2 = 2
# Field Ops (3):
3 = 2
# covert ops (4):
4 = 2

# rules (addition of forceclass_balance)

# How many players have to be on the server, before
# this classes become available:
# 0 deactivates a rule.
# Please be aware, that you get a announcement for each rule every <rule_announce_time> 
# time. So try to keep the amount of rules low.


# This is just for panzer:
player_minimum_panzer = 12

# This is for mortar only.
player_minimum_mortar = 12

# Sniper are coverts with a scoped weapon (FG42, Garand and K43)
# Coverts with a sten are still allowed then..
player_minimum_sniper = 12

# Includes Mortar, Flamer, MG42 and of course Panzer
player_minimum_heavyweapons = 12

# Engineers with rifles (Garand, K43)
player_minimum_rifleengi = 12

# Complete Covert Class
player_minimum_covert = 0


Could it theoritically be implented to a JayMod 2.2.0 server ?

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A simple but complete admin mod working on every mod that support lua,


It's a Lua script, Not supported by Jaymod.


Etadmin works partially with jaymod, I have tried it few years ago, but it is pretty useless and would need punkbuster to be on for more options. I dont recommend to bother using this.


How come some of you say it's working with JayMod, and some of you say the contrary ? Also I came across other forums where ppl were running a JayMod serv with ETadmin mod, so I don't know what to think anymore ? The only feature that actually intrerests me is the class_restriction one,


Trust me, you'd have to configure many configs and if the heavy weapons is the only thing you want to tweak, it is not worth it. As I said it works partially, not full with all features.


ET Admin works with Jaymod. The first servers I owned were JM and we used et adminmod on them but yeah, you need PB to fully use it


I asked a friend at thewolfteam.org for help with QMM Q3 MultiMod.


He's going to search His old CDs for the files needed.

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  • Administrators

Q3 mod is BS. It used to crash my old clan servers like crazy. Jaymod is old and has shit load of issues. Go with silEnT mod and you will not be disappointed.

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