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Champ Mohammed Ali dead


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"Courage" by Jean Jaurès..

But first, before all, we must break the circle of fate, the iron circle, the circle of hatred where the righteous claims themselves provoke retaliation which pride themselves of being, where the war turns after the war in a hopeless and endless movement where the right and violence, under the same bloody livery, will hardly discern from one another, and where humanity torn cries of victory of justice almost as much as his defeat.
Above all, we will accuse us of lower point or excited courage. Humanity is cursed, so to be brave she is condemned to kill forever.
Courage, today is not maintained on the cloud world of war, terrible cloud dormant but which can still boast that explode on others.
Courage is not left to the hands of the force resolving conflicts that reason can solve; for courage is the exaltation of man, and this is abdication.
Courage to all of you, courage every hour, is to bear unflinchingly events of all kinds, physical and moral, that prodigal life.
Courage is not to deliver its commitment random impressions and strength; is to keep the inevitable weariness in the habit of work and action.
Courage in the infinite chaos of life that bombard us everywhere, is to choose a job and do it well, whatever it is: it is not to put off the painstaking detail or monotonous; is to become, as far as we can, an accomplished technician; is to accept and understand this law of specialization of labor which is the condition of useful action, and yet to spare his eyes, to his mind, a few glimpses into the wide world and wider perspectives.
Courage is to be all together and whatever the profession, a physician and philosopher.
Courage is to understand his own life, to clarify it, deepen it, to establish and coordinate, however, the general life.
Courage is exactly monitor his machine spinning or weaving, for no wire breaks, and yet prepare a broader social and fraternal where the machine will be the common servant of the released workers.
Courage is to accept the new conditions that life is science and art, to welcome, to explore the almost infinite complexity of the facts and details, yet to clarify this huge reality and confused by general ideas, organize and raise the sacred beauty of forms and rhythms.
Courage is to dominate his own faults, to suffer, but do not be overwhelmed and go his way.
Courage is to enjoy life and watch the death of a quiet look; is to go to the ideal and to understand the real; is to act and to give great causes without knowing what reward our effort to reserve the deep universe, nor is it provided him a reward.
Courage is to seek the truth and say; it is not to be the law of the triumphant lie that passes and does not echo, of our soul, of our mouths and our hands to applause fools and fanatics boos.
Ah! really, as our conception of life is poor, as our science of life is short, so we believe that the war abolished, opportunities missed men to exercise and test their courage, and must extend drumming that in high schools of the first Empire blew hearts! They then rang his heroic; in our twentieth century, they would sound hollow.
And you young people, you want your life to be alive, sincere and full. That's why I said, as men, some of the things I was carrying within me."
Speech by Jean Jaures to youth pronounced in Albi in 1903.
R.I.P. Mohamed Ali.
Edited by Ann!b@l
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For what? Stopping the spread of that evil communism?


Guess what? Communism is still alive and well over there- And VN is a pretty damn peaceful place. In fact it ranked higher on the Global Peace Index than the US.


But hey I guess it was his duty to jump into a pointless war, spread chemicals like Agent Orange, or maybe massacre and rape natives for shits'n'giggles (My Lai Massacre)?


Your priorities are f***ed if you think duty to your country rises above common sense.

A little history lesson...


1965- Clay converts to Islam and identifies as Ali.


1967- Clay gets called for service, but refuses citing his religious beliefs.


NOTE... he did not site his unwillingness based on his race or any civil rights arguments. Much later he would bring his race and civil rights into his arguments.


NOW... Ali had aligned himself with the Nation of Islam. Peaceful and anti-violent? Far from it, yet this is what he was basing his refusal to serve on.


My Lai- took place in '68 so has no bearing in his refusal. Vietnam was a war we should have never been involved with. However, in those times Communism was a great evil. Still is. Do you personally know anyone who grew up under Communism? I do. The atrocities carried out against my friends family & friends are horrendous to say the least.


Back to Ali...


Do you REALLY think they would send a high profile sports figure to the front lines? No, me either.


Whether you like it or not, there is a price for living in this country and that is your duty to to serve in the armed forces if called upon.

Edited by docwarren
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A little history lesson...


1965- Clay converts to Islam and identifies as Ali.


1967- Clay gets called for service, but refuses citing his religious beliefs.


NOTE... he did not site his unwillingness based on his race or any civil rights arguments. Much later he would bring his race and civil rights into his arguments.


NOW... Ali had aligned himself with the Nation of Islam. Peaceful and anti-violent? Far from it, yet this is what he was basing his refusal to serve on.


My Lai- took place in '68 so has no bearing in his refusal. Vietnam was a war we should have never been involved with. However, in those times Communism was a great evil. Still is. Do you personally know anyone who grew up under Communism? I do. The atrocities carried out against my friends family & friends are horrendous to say the least.


Back to Ali...


Do you REALLY think they would send a high profile sports figure to the front lines? No, me either.


Whether you like it or not, there is a price for living in this country and that is your duty to to serve in the armed forces if called upon.

Black people were treated as third rate civilians back then, Blacks were the first sended to death, what did America even in Vietnam? Or Korea? It was a war against communism, a war they should never have been fought... Thank god he didn't go to the Front line. It's sad that even a single American had to go there... A pointless war that should never happen.


This man got a legacy that will live for ages. R.I.P Legend, you will be remembered.


You talk like the Blacks were the ones who started violence, I don't blame them, I blame the white people , and I am white myself, sometimes just speaking and speeches won't help. Black people were treated as shit. Theire way of fighting back had all the reasons. EQUAL rights, I know after a time the Nation of Islam became a corrupt movement... But they threated black people more fair. There is a reason I respected Malcolm X or Martin Luther King. They stood up for something that others didn't.


Also how is communism evil compared to capitalism or democratic, it's only evil because it had been said so, but evil compared to what? Ofcourse I rather live under the system I live under now, I think both are doomed to fail, America is in trillions in debt... I don't hate America, I just don't like the political system, but hey, Europe is the same.


Maybe listen more to Bernie Saunders and less to Trump. Hes one of the realest at the moment.

Edited by equaLz
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A little history lesson...

1965- Clay converts to Islam and identifies as Ali.

1967- Clay gets called for service, but refuses citing his religious beliefs.

NOTE... he did not site his unwillingness based on his race or any civil rights arguments. Much later he would bring his race and civil rights into his arguments.

Converted in 1964.. And shortcut.. Nowhere in the Coran, Vietnam war, conditions or even the history of black people in US are mentionned imho. That has more its roots in what US society had produced with time. And afaik, most part of US citizens who were against this war and had refused to serve weren't muslims.


"I ain't got no quarrel with them Vietcong."


Muhammad Ali - Feb. 17, 1966

 “Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go ten thousand miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights?

No, I am not going ten thousand miles from home to help murder and burn another poor nation simply to continue the domination of white slave masters of the darker people the world over. This is the day when such evils must come to an end. I have been warned that to take such a stand would put my prestige in jeopardy and could cause me to lose millions of dollars which should accrue to me as the champion.
But I have said it once and I will say it again. The real enemy of my people is right here. I will not disgrace my religion, my people or myself by becoming a tool to enslave those who are fighting for their own justice, freedom and equality…
If I thought the war was going to bring freedom and equality to 22 million of my people they wouldn’t have to draft me, I’d join tomorrow. But I either have to obey the laws of the land or the laws of Allah. I have nothing to lose by standing up for my beliefs. So I’ll go to jail. We’ve been in jail for four hundred years.”
Muhammad Ali - March\April 1967




NOW... Ali had aligned himself with the Nation of Islam. Peaceful and anti-violent?

As the US society was if not worse towards some of its minorities after hundreds years of such treatments and still at that time.



However, in those times Communism was a great evil. Still is. Do you personally know anyone who grew up under Communism? I do. The atrocities carried out against my friends family & friends are horrendous to say the least.

Was part of the US fantasies created by leaders decided on keeping a leadership in the world I guess. Still is?!? Anyway, this has more to do with human being\personal ambitions rather than political itself. People suffers and dies, and this whatever the political regime at the power.



Whether you like it or not, there is a price for living in this country and that is your duty to to serve in the armed forces if called upon.

 "We’ve been in jail for four hundred years.”

Edited by Ann!b@l
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  • Platinum VIP


Do you REALLY think they would send a high profile sports figure to the front lines? No, me either.

Umnmm, Pat Tillman.....

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Also how is communism evil compared to capitalism or democratic, it's only evil because it had been said so, but evil compared to what? Ofcourse I rather live under the system I live under now, I think both are doomed to fail, America is in trillions in debt... I don't hate America, I just don't like the political system, but hey, Europe is the same.


Maybe listen more to Bernie Saunders and less to Trump. Hes one of the realest at the moment.

Communism = Bigger Government and that is considered evil compared to the capitalist democracy that we have in the U.S.

For the most part, the U.S. do not want a bigger government, everyone is literally preaching a limited government where they do not have total control over us.

In a communist society, governent has control over property and business.

Communism has led to many people dying and less production, mass poverty. I assume this might be a motive in the cold war.

Bernie wants to promote a socialist society. What I presume he doesn't understand is that he's creating a bigger government where he doesn't have absolute control over money flow. Money=power

That means, YOU don't really know where your money/power is going.



Umnmm, Pat Tillman.....

He chose to be an Army Ranger, they are literally the first in.


Ali was a tremendous boxer, and his actions are admired.

But I don't think Ali is a hero, the 58,000 that stopped the spread will always be #1.


I wouldn't say the vietnam war was pointless. That's a slap in the face to people who died.

It stopped the spread of comm. to other asian countries that became our trading partners.

The cold war willfully established superpowers and more capitalist societies/trading partners.

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and also RIP  Kimbo Slice [*] who passed away yesterday


D: D: D: omg didnt know. RIP Kimbo. Dang so young...

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  • Platinum VIP

Communism = Bigger Government and that is considered evil compared to the capitalist democracy that we have in the U.S.

For the most part, the U.S. do not want a bigger government, everyone is literally preaching a limited government where they do not have total control over us.

In a communist society, governent has control over property and business.

Communism has led to many people dying and less production, mass poverty. I assume this might be a motive in the cold war.

Bernie wants to promote a socialist society. What I presume he doesn't understand is that he's creating a bigger government where he doesn't have absolute control over money flow. Money=power

That means, YOU don't really know where your money/power is going.



He chose to be an Army Ranger, they are literally the first in.


Ali was a tremendous boxer, and his actions are admired.

But I don't think Ali is a hero, the 58,000 that stopped the spread will always be #1.


I wouldn't say the vietnam war was pointless. That's a slap in the face to people who died.

It stopped the spread of comm. to other asian countries that became our trading partners.

The cold war willfully established superpowers and more capitalist societies/trading partners.

Socialism is a word made evil by right wing rhetoric. We are a socialist society already. Wall Street capitalist lobbyists have spent a lot of money trying to make socialism look like a bad thing Ave the media has done a good job brain washing people into believing it. Edited by -=HipKat=-
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