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YouTube Presence for FA?


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I noticed the FA channel on Youtube is pretty inactive. Around 3 years ago is the last posted Video. This is a crowded space on YouTube I know. Views are hard to come by.


BUT....I'm making Videos about the ET servers for FA and I wanted to know if you guys minded before I go crazy with all this work.




*The quality of the videos is lacking. I have made COD vids that are crispy clear. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why I cannot clean up the ET vids I record.

*You won't be impressed by them, at least YET. I only have my traveling laptop with me. My desktop PC is still in storage in Florida. I'm stuck up here in New Jersey for the moment.

*The editing is also lacking because of this incessantly slow laptop I have to use. It also doesn't help that I am recording and playing from the same crappy laptop.

*These will improve over time in terms of content and quality but I am tied up in timewise several buisinesses and making these YouTube channels for my kids to exploit. My time to do this is very limited and I'll try to get at least one or two vids a day. I'm already stretched very thin.


Please if you don't mind my efforts*** I know nearly everyone here watches YouTube. I ask that you at the very least subscribe to the channel, and like the videos, even if you do some bounce backs(Clicking the video, liking and immediately turning them off lol). This liking and subscribing will raise the channel and the videos in the suggestions and related video queue. This will raise the visibility of these videos greatly and in turn also the server existence as well. And no, I am not a youtube partner or monetization platform, so you can do these things with a clear conscious :)


Other than populating the server with my mediocre gameplay, this will be my contribution to this community and a thanks for keeping this game alive with good servers and players.


You can connect with me on Facebook

This is my YouTube Channel

This is the Official FA YouTube Channel


P.S... YES, the pure frag videos are coming! The time it takes to cut these up and render is not in my reality atm. But soon, yes soon. Thnx

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 I ask that you at the very least subscribe to the channel, and like the videos, even if you do some bounce backs(Clicking the video, liking and immediately turning them off lol). This liking and subscribing will raise the channel and the videos in the suggestions and related video queue. This will raise the visibility of these videos greatly and in turn also the server existence as well


You should realize, we're talking about a Google platform here. Clicking the video, liking it and turning it off isn't going to be very convincing. Using an adblocker, I can quite clearly see the counter (of ads/scripts) being blocked get higher whenever I watch something on youtube, sometimes I'll have 200 or even 500+ blocked on one single YouTube page after a couple of hours. Point here being is that as can be expected YouTube does actually keep track - so if you want it to be convincing and actually make a difference people can't immediately turn the videos off (they could however let them run whilst they go for a shower or whatever).


You mentioned monetization - I'm not sure how this works with YouTube - but perhaps this could be a way for F|A to gain extra income to pay for the servers/websites, etc?


Finally, you mention your already stretched very thin - don't do it (not yet anyway) you yourself should come first and whilst I think everyone would appreciate your effort no-one would like to see you getting burnt out because you have way too much to do and to little time to do it.


Anyway, just my $0.02'

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Thanks my man. I get what you are saying. However, viewing subscribing, as opposed to not viewing... and not subscribing, you'll have an intense uphill battle(I'm thinking Hamburger Hill) trying to convince me that this is going to be a negative action. I tend to have a "Do" attitude! Procrastination is a plague... So I stay busy even when I'm busy. If I adopt an adverse mentality I would be like those who live by, "For every Solution... I'll find a Problem." Sorry can't live like that. I appreciate your comments wholeheartedly. The monetization idea, FA has their own channel for this option. YouTube has a bunch of ridiculous requirements for monetization, and quite frankly, it's about $2.50 per thousand views. That's on actual users with great view counts. It's laughable. This isn't really about the cash for me. Thanks for responding.


P.S. I just ask to do what we all can, with relatively the least amount of effort one has to spare. Just like and subscribe dammit!

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Not raining on your parade. My point in the first alinea was that in order for YouTube to actually be convinced video's actually need to be played - they keep track of those actions; and I'm fairly sure they use algorithms to determine whether or not a channel and/or video is going to 'rise' in trends. Ergo, what I'm saying is - subscribing is good - watching the video's itself (or at least letting them play and finish playing) is better than merely opening them - and closing them directly. A combination of video's having "lot's of views", "subscribers" & "comments to said video's on YT" would probably be even better.


In regards to the monetization, $2.50 per thousand views does seem ridiculous; though I suppose for Google/YouTube that's a lot of money they'll need to pay out over time - and I realized it wasn't about cash; I just figured there might be another upside to your idea (besides increasing popularity and giving everyone a great time) unfortunately it seems the requirements are indeed laughable.


I do think this idea is great - and the only reason I advised you to not-stretch yourself to thin is because I've seen people getting burnt out before (heck, I've been burnt out before) and it's not pretty. If you can do this and everything else you do without getting burnt out, I'd say go for it!


Good luck!

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Not raining on your parade. My point in the first alinea was that in order for YouTube to actually be convinced video's actually need to be played - they keep track of those actions; and I'm fairly sure they use algorithms to determine whether or not a channel and/or video is going to 'rise' in trends. Ergo, what I'm saying is - subscribing is good - watching the video's itself (or at least letting them play and finish playing) is better than merely opening them - and closing them directly. A combination of video's having "lot's of views", "subscribers" & "comments to said video's on YT" would probably be even better.


In regards to the monetization, $2.50 per thousand views does seem ridiculous; though I suppose for Google/YouTube that's a lot of money they'll need to pay out over time - and I realized it wasn't about cash; I just figured there might be another upside to your idea (besides increasing popularity and giving everyone a great time) unfortunately it seems the requirements are indeed laughable.


I do think this idea is great - and the only reason I advised you to not-stretch yourself to thin is because I've seen people getting burnt out before (heck, I've been burnt out before) and it's not pretty. If you can do this and everything else you do without getting burnt out, I'd say go for it!


Good luck!



Yep, we're on the same page. They do track bounces and click backs. I have several channels and I look at the analytics they play a huge role.I do appreciate what you meant to say. I thank you again. I didn't mean to sound a certain way if that is the way my response came off. The avg payout per 1K views is based on what users click when they move on to the adds during/after watching. It isn't actually YouTube that pays, it's the advertisers through a Google Adsense account. That's about as redundant and frivolous as making blogs hoping to produce ad revenue. It's a horribly atrcious endeavour. I do stretch myself, but it's a choice. This is my relaxation when I get away from my real work. So that is what I meant, it's like judt do it :) Becuase it's fun.

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Okay so I did this one. It is a Frag vid... lol. It was easier than I expected. I'll keep improving. This is source video from last night's gameplay after I came home from work. Late night indulgence.

Not sure how to embed the video in this post. I see it done. But don't see it in the tool bar above the text box. Maybe I've been staring at my screen for too long editing but here is the URL.



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how can you manage to get kills while playing at 20fps? to me even 40 is unplayable.


I know what you mean but I nhave to tune everything down as much as possible so I can play/record from the one laptop I have available. This will change soon but for now.... ugh.

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how can you manage to get kills while playing at 20fps? to me even 40 is unplayable.


On some Larger maps I play around 20fps, and still dominate. You learn to cope with it. When I get a new computer, I'll probably have no idea how to play. lol.

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  • Clan Friend

I know what you mean but I nhave to tune everything down as much as possible so I can play/record from the one laptop I have available. This will change soon but for now.... ugh.

You have to record a demo from the game (/autorecord and similar commands), so you can play with as many fps as you want. A demo is just the stream of data incoming from the server, so it doesn't slow it down at all.


later, you replay the demo with the game, and you record the video. This way even if it goes to 20fps it doesn't matter anymore.


still dominate



well, on Jaymod who lags more wins, so it could be :P

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You have to record a demo from the game (/autorecord and similar commands), so you can play with as many fps as you want. A demo is just the stream of data incoming from the server, so it doesn't slow it down at all.


later, you replay the demo with the game, and you record the video. This way even if it goes to 20fps it doesn't matter anymore.





well, on Jaymod who lags more wins, so it could be :P


I have done the demo thing with FRAPs and the like some years ago. I wasn't impressed. I may try it. But it won't be HD quality video especially since I have this crappy video card. Am I missing anything? I got this ElgatoHD60 thingy and I prefer it to other recording options. It would really set itself apart if I had my other/better desktop here to supplement my efforts.

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Depends on his defenition of dominating :P



Right Lol! Although this unconventional wisdom doesn't work for my. My ping is usually  around 60 and everyone else around 100-200+, probably why I die A LOT!

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Nitpicking about microseconds, here I go. So, essentially - having a lower ping means you'll receive information from the server faster which means lower ping = advantage. So you receiving information faster than other isn't the reason why you die a lot. The FPS however might have something to do with it.

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  • Clan Friend

I have done the demo thing with FRAPs and the like some years ago. I wasn't impressed.

Maybe there was a misunderstanding. After you record a demo you can use whichever software you want to record the video.


#1 recording a demo (what I'm suggesting) = using *only* Enemy Territory itself - and no other external tool - you type a command in the game console (/record demoname), and you will record the data incoming from the server. You will get a small file that is *not* a video, and it can be replayed only using the game itself.


When you replay it you can change resolution, brightness, whatever setting you want, you can use a game config with more details than the one you use in game, or enable things like explosions, which usually players disable when they play.


You will see yourself playing in the demo replay, and at this point (not while you were playing) you can either capture it with an external software of your choice (not necessarily fraps) or - using the game itself - you can output the raw audio and the individual uncompressed video frames (that's the way all 'pro' gaming videos are done, and it takes much more time and work) and then make a movie out of them.


#2 capturing a video in real time (what you did) = using some software you capture and encode the game video while you are playing


I suggested #1 not #2


Almost nobody does #2, unless they are doing some casual recording.


Even if demos have some drawbacks (there is no client prediction, so you will appear to be aiming slightly behind the target if you have a high ping - unless you replay the demo with tools like image-et, and you cannot demo the main menu or the class selection menu - but nobody cares about those anyway) it's still the best way to go.


Right Lol! Although this unconventional wisdom doesn't work for my. My ping is usually  around 60 and everyone else around 100-200+, probably why I die A LOT!

It's the other way round with low ping you shoot first, and you also have less prediction errors when you are under fire.  It's an advantage not a disadvantage.


As regards the low fps, the whole mouse movement and gaming experience is less smooth, so it's harder to control your aim.

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