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ET sound gone


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Check if any of the below settings helps

seta s_volume                                   "1"
seta s_khz                                      "44"

Scroll down at bottom, under the sounds settings, u have entire list of available settings for it.




Also does your volume work outside ET, does it work at other games?

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Just to clarify.... are you just not getting vsay sounds and hearing all other sounds (guns firing, footsteps, air strikes, etc) or is it no sound at all?

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Just to clarify.... are you just not getting vsay sounds and hearing all other sounds (guns firing, footsteps, air strikes, etc) or is it no sound at all?

no sound at all

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Maybe your windows sound Mixer has disabled sound for ET? Please check that out so we can cross out possible problem factors.



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Has there been any changes recently at ET around settings or have u tried any of new CFG's ? Also tested at ESC > Option at sound settings if both sound bars are to the max?


Did u try to exec default CFG and test if it works like that?


Also dont forget when u are changing sound settings, use "snd_restart" for restart the cvars u changed.

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Perhaps useful to know - do you use Windows or Linux? If Linux - try the et-sdl-sound patch http://nullkey.kapsi.fi/et-sdl-sound/- if you use PulseAudio (default on Ubuntu and many other distro's) change the et-sdl-audio script to say: 


If Windows, I haven't got a clue.

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thanks guys for help, problem was with windows, had to update that crappy win 8 to win 8.1 -.- believe me this is one crappy thingy


well now u can upgrade to Windows 10 for free

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I'm glad an update fixed it. I understand that most people don't want to update something sometimes - but I really do hope you'll always do the security updates and the likes?


Either way, according to http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/lifecycle you still have a few years to remain with Win 8. As for Win 10; instead of guessing you could always download a preview ISO and run it in a virtual machine (say via VirtualBox) and make up your mind that way? The news reports I've seen so far are reasonable even though some do mention quite a few bugs - but even then, still positive. Try to keep an open mind eh ;-)


Good luck!


edit: forgot a space!

Edited by w00tw00t
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