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I know what a negative proof is, thanks. I didn't use a fallacy in seriousness, I was merely articulating the banality of your (Spanish) inquisition. I realize sarcasm is not text-friendly, my bad. Perhaps before you berate someone about their "beliefs" though, do some investigative research on your own first, with your brain. It's called 'Thinking'. I was trying to be nice when I said for you to "extrapolate". That would be more rational and analytical, dare I say "scientific", than saying 'prove it to me', and then you yourself could more accurately determine what is "true or even likely". You could develop a belief all on your own. All by yourself. No faith in me necessary. Wait, are we talking about God again?... Here is a great, albeit dated, paper on retrocausality by Hawking called Chronology protection conjecture. I read this in 2001, you could read it now if you haven't. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1992PhRvD..46..603H If and when you make it through that, I have more. There's a compendium for you to learn before you could rationally make the determination of what is plausible and implausible. Well, at least before I took you seriously, anyway.

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I know what a negative proof is, thanks. I didn't use a fallacy in seriousness, I was merely articulating the banality of your (Spanish) inquisition. I realize sarcasm is not text-friendly, my bad. Perhaps before you berate someone about their "beliefs" though, do some investigative research on your own first, with your brain. It's called 'Thinking'. I was trying to be nice when I said for you to "extrapolate". That would be more rational and analytical, dare I say "scientific", than saying 'prove it to me', and then you yourself could more accurately determine what is "true or even likely". You could develop a belief all on your own. All by yourself. No faith in me necessary. Wait, are we talking about God again?... Here is a great, albeit dated, paper on retrocausality by Hawking called Chronology protection conjecture. I read this in 2001, you could read it now if you haven't. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1992PhRvD..46..603H If and when you make it through that, I have more. There's a compendium for you to learn before you could rationally make the determination of what is plausible and implausible. Well, at least before I took you seriously, anyway.


Edited by gibson66
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EDIT: I have something written but honestly, you're last sentence confirms that you're just a snarky shit with an opinion. Dime a dozen on the internet. You want to believe that there's some military base in the arctic where time-traveling goes on, go right the f*** ahead.


It means that I think you're a troll, trolling me. Dime a dozen on the internet. ;)


EDIT: Never asked you to believe anything I said at all.


Double EDIT: CERN is in Switzerland.

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It means that I think you're a troll, trolling me. Dime a dozen on the internet. ;)


EDIT: Never asked you to believe anything I said at all.


Edited by gibson66
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So tell me, do they keep hitler's zombie in the antarctic time-travel base? 


You've been reduced to total baiting nonsense so easily. I have stuff to do, cya. :)

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  • Clan Friend

In the military/private sector, technologies are 500 years ahead of consumer-level possibility.

That 500 years gap must be a recent achievement, otherwise we would have to guess in 1500 they were secretly using smartphones :D


Have you seen Bina 48?

Well, this is more like a well done trick rather than the real thing. My cat doesn't talk but he's smarter than that ^^


Maybe in the future they will make them smart enough that you can't tell If you're talking with a human or a robot in a real conversation (and perhaps they will acheve this ability in a way that totally differs from the way our brain does it, like, a car moves, but it moves in a different way than a horse does).


But I'm afraid I won't be there to see it...

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In the military/private sector, technologies are 500 years ahead of consumer-level possibility.

Can't wait until we all have our personal atom bomb...


Maybe in the future they will make them smart enough that you can't tell If you're talking with a human or a robot in a real conversation (and perhaps they will acheve this ability in a way that totally differs from the way our brain does it, like, a car moves, but it moves in a different way than a horse does).


But I'm afraid I won't be there to see it...

I'm actually pretty glad I won't be there to see it. For as long, I can naively believe in the uniqueness of conscience. Although, now that I think of it... Nothing will be able to proof the conscience of such an android. At last, no one can proof the non-conscience of a rock.

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I wouldn't of messed up my first love. lol.


Didn't mess it up but sacrificed the long hair and guitar playing for it right at a time when I was in the zone.

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