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cod4 scrim possibility


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ok i really wanna scrim. me and malo were talking about it. would anyone be interested in doing either a 5v5 promod snd a 5v5 hc snd or a 6v6 hc tdm? i would really like to scrim because i am getting sick of bs in pub servers and i would like to actually play in a competitive envirement. ik we dont have a cod4 server rite now but if we can get enough people we can worry about that later. please respond with either a yes and gametypes youd be interested in or a no.

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Also, don't be afraid of joining. Regardless of whether you think you're good enough for a scrim match, in scrim practice ANYBODY can help, even if it's just recommending a strategy, or filling an empty team slot.


Help is nice during practice, as a scrim team of 5 people can practice very little by themselves. A full team including replacements and casual assistants can be around 10 - 20 people, which is more than enough people to practice team strategy, face varying play styles and strengths, and have a wider level of input on strategies.


Also, Fred and me have discussed a sort of formula for determining who would scrim for a match. Goes like such:


2-3 players picked by captains

50% vote by team (excluding captains) necessary to override. Reasoning and alternate player preferable.

One of these 2-3 will be the match captain, should no scrim team captains be on the team. Establishes round strategy, and replacements for half-time if necessary. Decided by vote from match's scrim team.

Remaining players chosen by democratic vote, excluding captains.

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ok i really wanna scrim.


Assemble the team. If you need practice server let me know. I can ask few clans around.

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K, Fred, Caboose, and me all tried promod yesterday.


Have to say, you need to get used to it.


In a nutshell, the graphics are deliberatly turned down, there's no stun, no lmgs, firing doesnt create smoke, cant cook grenades, sniper zooms in insanely fast, sniper's crosshair is tiny, no need to hold breath, jump higher, 3 smgs per team, 1 sniper per team, no red dot sight, acog, gl, little to no recoil, bouncing, lots of spawn nading and spawn sniping, and only deag. Probably a few other things I haven't discovered yet.

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so who would be arranging the team


If you mean who decides who plays during a scrim, then it's a somewhat simple process.


Depending on the ladder we join, our scrim captains on TWL will pick 2 members for a 5v5 ladder, or 3 members for a 6v6 ladder. These decisions can be overrided by the team if they believe the captains are playing favorites, or if there's a better player available. This requires a 50% opposing vote along with a recommended replacement. This vote excludes captains. One of these 2 / 3 will also be the team captain during the match, should no scrim captains be on the team. This player will assign round strategy to the team, and make any replacements during half-time if necessary.


The remaining team will be picked by a democratic vote amongst the team, captains included. Each team member will recommend 3 players in an order of 1 to 3, 3 being most recommended. Players with the highest recommendations will be picked.



This is to prevent captain bias, and also divert the blame amongst the whole team :P If the team loses, everyone had a hand in it.




If you mean arranging the team for TWL, that has to be decided. I personally wouldn't want to set up everything for TWL, but if necessary I could. Though I believe Fred wouldn't mind managing the team, but it's best to have more than 1 person as captain. Just in case he can't come on and we need to reply to a challenge.










Also should mention this.


The 1.7 Patch is needed to scrim on TWL.


So use the tutorial on how to setup 1.6 and 1.7 on the same computer so you can still play on Killbox and such.

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