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cod4 scrim possibility


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I'd like to give this a shot, I can make most practices if they are arranged in advance. I like the smg's or assault, but i can use a shotty or sniper if i have to.

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question, sorry if you answered this already but i guess im slow.


can i change my knife bind from "V" to middle mouse wheel? and i have my frag grenade set to "E"


is that shtuff ok?

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question, sorry if you answered this already but i guess im slow.


can i change my knife bind from "V" to middle mouse wheel? and i have my frag grenade set to "E"


is that shtuff ok?


Knife is not sped up by binding it to middle mouse wheel, and it is just reassigning a default bind, so it is allowed.


I would reassign your frag to something else, as Q and E being used for lean can be immensly beneficial. Though if E works for you, go for it.

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I forgot what is allowed and what isn't, but I'm pretty sure that we have specialized skills in our favorite weapons. So this being said I must conclude that my best weapon of choice for sniping would be a M1911 or the Desert Eagle as for assault...yeah same thing. Smg...Ak-74, shotgun is the first one I forgot the name. Don't mess with the pistol...it will kill you before you get a shot off.

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I forgot what is allowed and what isn't, but I'm pretty sure that we have specialized skills in our favorite weapons. So this being said I must conclude that my best weapon of choice for sniping would be a M1911 or the Desert Eagle as for assault...yeah same thing. Smg...Ak-74, shotgun is the first one I forgot the name. Don't mess with the pistol...it will kill you before you get a shot off.


I meant which class you'd prefer to use if given the choice, not which weapons you'd use for the class :P



Also, all skills are the same in ProMod, and PAM4 offers small variations for customization.

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ok me and malo were thinking of starting it this week or next week after we set up the server. IT IS MANDITORY TO COME TO THE FIRST PRACTICE OR TELL ME U ARENT GONNA BE THERE. the reason for this is we are going to test drive pam4 and promod and decide what mod we are going to scrim on. so please comment back on what days and what tunes are best for you. please use eastern time.


1 more thing we will also decide what our team name will be so be there :).



ps. i will let you know date of first practice when we decide.

Edited by fred
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Fred, or Malo, has a date been set for the scrim practice? I keep looking over the tutorial to swtich between 1.6 and 1.7 but there are no pictures, and I dont really want to lose all my stuff. Anyways, was just wondering when the first practice will be, hopefully I havent missed it already lol.

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Fred, or Malo, has a date been set for the scrim practice? I keep looking over the tutorial to swtich between 1.6 and 1.7 but there are no pictures, and I dont really want to lose all my stuff. Anyways, was just wondering when the first practice will be, hopefully I havent missed it already lol.

To get 1.7, just copy your cod4 folder that is inside the activision folder and paste it there inside the activision folder along side your current cod4 folder and rename it and apply the 1.7 patch to it. Thats it.

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Try to get a hold of me for practice if you see me around, I'm interested in seeing how it goes.


This week might be busy for me but after about 10 days I'll be completely done with college, having all the time in the world.

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