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can any body tell me how can i become in to a pro et player or just playing relly good ??????

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With practice. Try to maximalize all of te classes as soon as possible, and use them as they should be used. I mean try not to rush with the covert ops, try to explore all the mines with it (with binocular) and us the stealth. Try the sharpshooting.


Rush with the soldier, it has no other point for me, just the kill them all type of game.


But in generally, if you want nice scores at the end, "use" your mates; dont fight alone, follow someone, because 2v1 is always better. 

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example: 1vs3    i win........ where can i learn that???

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There is nothing to learn about it, just follow your teammates; there will be always too much enemy if you go alone.

But if thats not an answer for you question then i misundesrtood you, sorry. 

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just tell me if there is enything where i can learn play better

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With enormous luck.


It's called skill, not luck.


just tell me if there is enything where i can learn play better

Just practice.... that's all you really need, sort out your sensitivity, make sure you find something that you feel really comfortable with, get yourself a gaming mouse, that also helps pinpoint accuracy and play a little bit on the FA hardcore/stopwatch servers, playing against better players than you will help you improve faster, you get to see how they strafe, what they do, the way they play, and you just adapt to it. but if it gets too stressful, then take a break, and play somewhere else..



  • Like 9

ok i will try

there's a bunch of aiming tutorials on these forums, do a quick search and you will find some helpful stuff, I recommend Blade's Tutorial and BossHK's

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Posted (edited)

Urby, to acquire better accuracy, you must aim (most of the time) with your keyboard and avoid using your mouse as much as possible. The keyboard smooths your aim while your mouse snaps to the target. The reasoning behind this is because many players are becoming more random in their movements. For instance, a good «pro» doesn't do the same side-to-side movements. Instead, this player will start deviating his movements so he could become a harder target. Basically, if you use your mouse to aim (meaning that you move your mouse a lot), then your aim is exposed for a lot of misses. For example, if your mouse snapped to the left, you are in a dangerous position since your opponent can strafe right throwing your aim completely off. However, if you guide your aim with your keyboard movements, then the position of your aim is much more consistent (and smoother) because for any random movements your opponent does, your aim is much closer to the target. 

Edited by Ben22
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can any body tell me how can i become in to a pro et player or just playing relly good ??????

1st thing you do is get yourself a decent mouse.. (core essential for any fps game)

customize your sense on the mouse so your able to do a 180 spin with the maximum movement from left to right (or right to left however you prefer) but your aiming for comfortable 180 turn, this i have been told by a few seriously good gamers that this is the optimal game sense.

HIGH SENSE IS BAD! - why u may ask because you leave yourself open to to much OVER AIM when you track, most ppl in a gun fight tend to strafe left then right (or right then left) less then 1% or so actually strafe really wide (but once again its completely on the user if you find when your tracking someone in an smg fight that your OVER Aiming then bring your sense down, and if you falling short when they strafe bring the sense up TRIAL AND ERROR till you get it perfect is the best way to go

MPITCH - the dirty word in competition ET, MPITCH (imo) is pretty useful it limits the upward and downward movement of your mouse LIMITING YOUR ERROR and rewards you with headshots!! HOWEVER its a double edged sword bring your mpitch to low and you wont be able to look up in time to shoot that nagging player in a tower or on a roof. "0.0151" WAS the minimum you were aloud ( back in comp day) and im sure FA servers have a limit that would be roughly that as well

LEARN TO AIM WITH YOUR STRAFING AND LESS WITH YOUR MOUSE - may sound a bit weird but its the best way to go.. spec anyone just about is relatively new to the game, then spec a pro, like a really really good smgr and the 1st thing you will notice is that the pro has no unnecessary movements when they are in a gun fight  and there mouse does nothing but VERY LIMITED movement while they strafe vigorously totally eliminates the error off over and under tracking.

GET YOURSELF A CONFIG! - some ppl reckon its a cop out.. i reckon get on board!!! a decent config was the best thing i ever did to improve at this game...changing your xhair to something more precise is the 1st thing to do

bloodsplatter and bloodfash need to be get rid of asap... and that headbob thing (cant remember the config command think its bobroll or something like that) is just a real pain in the ass lol.. there are thousands out there try some out until you know what does what... then you can customize it to how u like :>

and i suppose lastly PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!! learn to smg!!!! its the absolute KEY to this game, once u can smg u can do anything, sound is also important, you should be able to hear footsteps like 10ft from you and instantly know where they are coming from

o0o0o and dont be that fool that jumps around everywhere! STAMINA is seriously important DONT WASTE IT ON USELESS MOVEMENT, i honestly suggest don't even use it till your in a gunfight  

here is a little something ill give you to add to your configs.. one of the most useful scripts u can have in this game

---Sprint + Fire---
set attackon "+attack; +sprint"
set attackoff "-attack; -sprint"
bind MOUSE1 "+vstr attackon attackoff"
very useful in game (means i don't have to hold shift in a gunfight i can just strafe and shoot)
and i reckon im done dribbling crap haha 
hope this was helpful to you or atleast someone lol
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  • Clan Friend

- make sure your game is setup in the best way (especially mouse setup). Playing with a random config or setup would be like a guitar player who starts playing without even tuning his instrument.

- but also don't change config or mouse sens without reason just because you lost or you had a bad day.

I am bad but if I can give a piece of advice, you can get the same results both with highsens and lowsens, and same thing for many other settings. If you are skilled you are skilled, if you are not you are not.

But consistency is important, so pick a setting that is comfortable for you and then practice practice practice.

Don't copy other players settings. There are pro players with highsens and pro players with low, etc. it's *your* settings, there is no magic value.


- always play the same mod (and with the same ping) especially if you are  a beginner, because if you want to learn how to hit and you play always in different conditions you won't learn quickly.


- *** never play against players who are worse than you, or equal *** never join the winning team, never use easy weapons, etc.

- bad players will not punish you if you make a mistake, so you learn to make mistakes. If you really want to play vs bad players you can practice doing things you can't do versus good players (e.g. spawnkilling, playing with weapons you are bad at, etc.).


- If you really want to improve, don't play randomly or when you are tired or while listening to music, set a goal and try to achieve it. Less quantity, more quality.


- don't play in random situations (e.g. a server with few, good players and no lag is a better way to improve your aiming skills than 50+ players where most are beginners and there is more spam and lotto, but surviving that is also a different skill set). Remember: you improve when you manage to do something difficult, not when you do what you are already able to do.


- every now and then re-watch your games, or watch someone who is better than you.

- every time you die, ask yourself why. Bad aim? Stupid idea or tactic? etc. try to focus on what happened when you lost a fight and when you won, and you will see what you are doing right and what wrong (but only if you don't play vs bad players, again)




If you do all this for a while then - if you are the average person (no talent, but not even hopeless) - you will reach what etpro players call low/low+ skill

if you have some talent you will reach medskill, if you have an outstanding talent you will reach highskill but only few ppl have that talent, which is obvious because average people are, well... average in everything they do.


In other words you can reach at most your potential, not more. And your skill can go up but also down, depending on many situations.

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