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Pushing people!


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To do that is a violation of our rules, if you see them do that give them a quick warning and put them in spec, if they continue give them a kick, if they reconnect and do it then

its a ban.


And to push is default = F- Dont use it for a bad way

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Pushing by default is the F key.


It is nice to have to push someone out of a doorway or to move someone to get out of spawn. It is not supposed to be used to irritate or hinder people sniping or otherwise playing any other class. If you have admin warn once or twice, kick as a last resort if the guy is just intent on being an ass.

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Pushing should be used as much as possible especially when people are trying to snipe from a window. A small push so they can no longer see out the window is always well received.. If it isn't, just say you saw a sniper about to shoot.

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Pushing should be used as much as possible especially when people are trying to snipe from a window. A small push so they can no longer see out the window is always well received.. If it isn't, just say you saw a sniper about to shoot.

I'd rather have the sniper hit me.............. at least then I know exactly where he's at, and I can usually pull up scope and hit them before they get another shot off.


Pushing teammates to kill or hinder them=bad.

Pushing enemies to kill or hinder them=good, and extremely funny.


My fav thing to do as axis on etbeach is snipe the far left side of the base by the cp. If I'm reloading and someone comes up the ladder the only thing I concentrate on is pushing them off the edge, as usually they fall to their death. If I'm sniping on a ledge and the other team comes and pushes me off, then I compliment them. My own team, not so much.

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Yesterday I kicked (I mean the +kick on NQ) someone to death whilst in disguise on etbeach (it was in fact the edge Kronos was talking about). 2 axis were nearby and didn't notice, I was laughing all the time lol.

Edited by Pepperonipizza
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  • 2 weeks later...

Pushing is a great tactic if you're in a fire fight with another player and close enough to push them, like in hallways or other confined areas as it will throw their aim off enough for you to finish them (push and shoot). Also sneaking up on enemies and pushing them off of tall cliffs/ledges etc. is fun when they fall to their death, although you don't get credit for the kill. And pushing enemy engis into their own land mines is great but you will prob die to as the dmg radius from the mine will prob get you.


Pushing people on your own team should only be done if the players are blocking a passage way or they are afk and not responding, like pushing them into a safe place from incoming fire. Also if a player has connection issues and cannot respond it's fun to push that person around and see what kind of unusual body contortions he/she can be "pushed" into.

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  • Administrators

The ones I hate are teammates pushing me into landmines or off position when I run a mortar. Unfortunately, I don't have admin to boot them...


Be active on server and someone will give you admin. You can always submit your GUID in forums profile. :)

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