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Spawn Times Of #Silent 1


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I think the spawn times in silent 1# is quite log 15 second ,sometimes 18 seconds ...'

I think it should be 8 or 10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Having a lot of players and doing

objective becomes difficult in these types of situations .................Now its upon the 
















                                                                       Thanks fr your help.....

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Low spawn timers make ppl just rush and do stupid stuff because they dont have to wait to respawn . + as stated above , it makes attacking impossible AND removes the option of going spawnway which is important in alot of maps. Try to play braundorf or supply depot with the whole team spawning in your face each time you try to cap flag ..

Sklent is perfect as it is :D

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I re-installed ET last Sunday after not playing for a little over 2 years and now when I play I also play on Silent One, The spawns are way to low. Its really hurts the game play in numerous ways including depending on what map its impossible nearly to play any map on the server playing to complete the map by doing the objective since the spawns are way to low and the defending team just auto spawns after dying pretty much. Only way to really win maps objective wise on the server is to stack teams badly usually, which is turn just makes playing there boring and angers the unskilled players in the process. Also spawn shield when players re-spawn are beyond way to high also. The low spawn times also ruin the game due to people trolling because they know they will die and pretty much auto re-spawn few secs later. Another huge problem with spawn times being so low is XP doesn't reset so all maps are always spammed out wth arty/cans, and no medics/R-nade class limits. Maybe we could reset every players's XP every week on Silent one server at least  and maybe even Hardcore server, limit the classes to a decent fair number and change charge times especially on panzers which is just beyond dumb atm. I mean these two servers from what i know are meant to be more ET-pro like/ Obj based for the higher skilled players to play on instead of the jaymod/nitmod etc servers where every crazy thing is enabled just about on them. I know I'm not a FA member anymore since I resigned along time ago, but almost all players that play on silent all complain about most or all these problems.on these two servers. Also one last thing, I know alot of people want this gone more than anything else maybe of all the current problems, and that is to get rid of the pssh-41 gun its called I think. AT the very least it should only b allowed to engineers only, not F ops etc imo.

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Silent 1 chanfed alot when max slots was changed to 32 . Now its mostly a cross between jay servers and hardcore.

Still better than jay but best server for vanilla objective playing lovers is hardcore now.

Oh an stopwatch server when we get pol on it is is the best one.

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Silent 1 chanfed alot when max slots was changed to 32 . Now its mostly a cross between jay servers and hardcore.

Still better than jay but best server for vanilla objective playing lovers is hardcore now.

Oh an stopwatch server when we get pol on it is is the best one.


This, but it's always empty. Was playing on SW sometimes, there were never more than 3 people online at a time.

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ive waited as long as 28 seconds for a re-spawn on sil 1. it makes defenders not able to DEFUSE. i agree about timer being to low, people rush...

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Since I have played here, its taken awhile to get used to the long spawntime on silent 1, 18 seconds, wasn't used to it after 8 yrs of pub servers at my old clan home which was 8 secs spawntime.


I understand what sunlight said about making it harder but maybe considering the competitive nature we have on silent 1 we might wanna go that direction of making it harder to complete. All we need to do as Admins is to keep it more balanced.


I don't have an issue with low times considering to me it makes the map go fast and its more fun. I have played Quake for years and the spawntime has been 8 secs, makes the game more appealing when you don't sit there waiting to respawn.

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  • Clan Friend

Since I have played here, its taken awhile to get used to the long spawntime on silent 1, 18 seconds, wasn't used to it after 8 yrs of pub servers at my old clan home which was 8 secs spawntime.

You call 18 'long' but the standard spawntime in Enemy territory for Axis is 30 seconds.


I played for years in servers with 30-20 and I never found it to be a problem.


When I started to play in servers with short spawntimes for the first time, I found it annoying because it kills one of the few tactical aspects of the game (i.e. trying to kill enemies on full spawn, and avoiding getting a full spawn yourself)


The rare times when I play etpro now (non etpro 'standard' servers nowadays are quite rare, and anyway when I don't play etpro I play only in FA servers) I get a lot of fulls because I'm not used to paying attention to the timer anymore. So it's a matter of habit.

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Tactical aspect? Ooook.


I don't think tactically while playing FPS..


Obviously we view playing the game from two different ways.

I play the way  most of you call it the run a gun theory, i call it playing Quake to long, lol. I don't look to a video game for tactical advantage considering its a game, I just show up and have fun.


A friend introduced me to et game because Quake was on the downside, the way we had things setup on the servers it was close to it ( need more panzers here )lol. There is not a tatical advantage in Quake you just hope you don't get a rocket to the face.

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A friend introduced me to et game because Quake was on the downside, the way we had things setup on the servers it was close to it ( need more panzers here )lol. There is not a tatical advantage in Quake you just hope you don't get a rocket to the face.

What? Then you played Quake FFA only I guess? A Duel or TDM game without tactics and timing is a lost game.


And also ET lives up to his full potential with the 20/30 spawntimes only, it makes the game much more exciting than basically spawn -> run like a chicken to the next opponent -> frag -> die -> repeat. You should try it, it's really worth the thrill :)

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I think a possible solution to the problem that could work for both sides of the argument is keeping the slightly shorter spawns but with the same spawn time ratios.  Having the same exact spawn lengths for every map is the problem here.


Spawn times are not the same for axis and allies from map to map by default because of how the map is designed.  The times are based around giving the teams the same equal chance of winning.  A lot goes into deciding these times such as map layout, distant from spawn to obj for allies -vs- axis, passing through spawn, how much distance a player can cover when putting the other team out full, etc...


Using Goldrush for example with the 30 axis / 20 allied spawn times.  If axis spawn times are too short compared to allied spawns it makes it near impossible to get the gold.  It allows almost no spawn passing, which is a must on that map, and lets axis set up their crossfire too easily.  Allies already have to funnel into a small area with a large amount of camping/crossfire spots and taking away a route such as the spawn severely cripples the allies.  Next if you do happen to push through those that you have killed on the axis have already respawned by the time your at obj and now have full health and ammo.


For a map with 30/20 spawntimes try 18/12 instead of 18/14 or change both times and make them 21/14 which keeps the same 3/2 spawn ratio.   This should allow for quicker spawn times making the maps slightly faster paced and more enjoyable for the average pubber with out taking too much away from how the map was designed to play and obj oriented gameplay.

Edited by LEWLER
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