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Medic/ammo packs (NQ3)

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Medic / Field ops package range on NQ3


The range of throwing medic/ammo packs on NQ3 is quite low. The other player has to almost stand next to you in order to receive the package.


So is it possible to increase the range of throwing medic/ammo packs on NQ3  to the same range as it is on Jay1?


( similar but for jay : http://fearless-assassins.com/topic/78-adjustment-of-medpack-distance/?hl=medic )

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Dear Administrator,

I have made this suggestion several days ago, which you approved.

I would like to know when, the suggestion that has been approved, will be implemented (= meaning in the game itself). So far nothing has changed. The medic packs/ ammo packs still have the same range as before the suggestion.

Question 1: Could you share when will it be implemented ? (This week, next week, . . .)
Question 2: Could it be possible that this also would be implemented on NQ1 or is better to post a new topic on it to be sure that the others want the same thing ?



With regards,

Jhonny/ Shinobi

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  • 1 month later...

Is not implemented on NQ3? I thought i had changed the values on NQ3. 

Just checked and compared Jay1, Jay2 and NQ3. NQ3 is still the same throw range and is not nearly the same as the other two Jay's.

Also compared NQ1 and NQ3: IMO the range on NQ3 is just slightly "longer" than NQ1.


:thanks for the update/feedback !

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Is not implemented on NQ3? I thought i had changed the values on NQ3. 

you did dd but it seems like no change took place same distance as before:)

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  • 11 months later...

Dear Administrator,


I have made this suggestion several days ago, which you approved.

I would like to know when, the suggestion that has been approved, will be implemented (= meaning in the game itself). So far nothing has changed. The medic packs/ ammo packs still have the same range as before the suggestion.


Question 1: Could you share when will it be implemented ? (This week, next week, . . .)

Question 2: Could it be possible that this also would be implemented on NQ1 or is better to post a new topic on it to be sure that the others want the same thing ?



With regards,


Jhonny/ Shinobi



Is not implemented on NQ3? I thought i had changed the values on NQ3. 



you did dd but it seems like no change took place same distance as before:)





Could you take another look at this suggestion ? The throwing distance for medic packs is still to "short" on all the 3 NQ servers compared to their jaymod counterparts :)

Edited by Jhonny/Shinobi
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Can u please report on tracker? I have hardcore server to fix and will fix NQ too at that time,


Sorry, since it was an old topic . . .already reported on the tracker in the past. I'll bump it up and report another thing regarding NQ asap.

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