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M777 Howitzer

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Hello =FA=, Been playing on your server for awhile now and thought I should prob introduce myself. M777 Howitzer "at your service" ;) I live in Omaha, Nebraska (yes, we have internet in Nebraska) I used to be in {KT} clan years ago and we used to be very active in TWL. Of course most of our old members have since moved-on to some of the newer games. Me? I'm old-school. Actually I'm prob the MOST computer illiterate person on here and COD4 is the only game I know how to play. LOL Truth be told...my son turned me onto this game (it was his christmas present back in 2007 when it came out) Speaking of my son, he's the reason for my screenname(M777 Howitzer) he is currently in South Korea, he is US Army Field Artillery (Camp Casey-6 miles south of the DMZ) He still has 9 months left on his tour but when he gets back I'll get him on your server to play(btw, he's WAY better than I am ;) Anyway just wanted to say hi and I enjoy playing with you guys.GO ARMY!

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hello howitzer and glad you made it over to the forums! you are a good player and always fun to game with! see you in game!

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 I live in Omaha, Nebraska (yes, we have internet in Nebraska) 



hey mate, welcome, have fun, enjoy the game and be cool!, bless!

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