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Introduction !


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Ingame Name (Gaming Alias):
well ... call me (herr)cromy

Your Past Gaming Alias:
cromevalium , cfsenne

Your Past clans if any: /
Xfire : /

Location :



Im gonna be 20 in 3 months. so thats fun B)
How often do you play:
Normally everyday but im a still student so there will be some days that i will have to pass on ET
Have you submited your last 8 character of GUID in your profile:
Yes , yess i have...
Do you use TS3 ( Yes / No (If not why not?)): 
nope no teamspeak .. wy ? euum because my parents are old Nazi zombies who start killing when they hear other languages.

(true story...) .


No i just never tried it actually.

=F|A= Server you play on most :

Silent #1 is my top server


Your expertise ( Coding, moder, Photoshop, etc) :

Well i have had basic photoshop lessons but i was stoned soooo

But i have experience with illustrator and indesign and basic dreamweaver .

I can put a computer together :D

Do you have VIP membership:

no , should i ?

Have you donated:
I just got here , and you're already asking for money ? :blink:


Will you be able to help in recruiting?:

Sure ...

What you will be able to offer to community, if you join us:
well.. lets first start with respect , second i would say amusement (were all here to have a good time , right ?) third well there is no third one i can think of ..  :app_2:


Referral (Which member referred you):

=F|A=Wolf_081 (hope the name is correctly spelled , plz let me know if not... )

Do you have 40,000 XP (Provide Ingame Screenshot):
i do !!!


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Hey and welcome to the forum / good luck with ur apply  :hi

Edited by Long
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haha hello cromy :)


You are in the right section to introduce yourself, but you basically filled out the application form which as katon said is supposed to go here  http://fearless-assassins.com/forums/184-applications-join-us/




If you could just copy all of that information and start a new topic in the link above we can start the process of your application :)



Thanks for introducing yourself though!

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