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Father and son build cannabis cave 12ft beneath their garden

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it should be legal. cigarettes and alcohol as they are. people should decide for themselves because they have to by law. much confusion because the politicians are doing for the people to decide.

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I agree, for me alcohol causes much more problems for health than the weed.When somebody is really drunk he have not all his conscience of what he do, his mind is really changed (I think that everyone agree to say that we all did stupidities when we get drunk) whereas (by experiment) when we are under the influence of the weed, we are much more lucid and we knows what we do.

I never regretted after having smoke a join as “crap I would not have had to kiss this girl” or “I did not think what I told you”. I think that we have stuck a label on the face of the smoker of join and that now as soon as someone speaks about weed we see the delinquency directly there.


Moreover do u knew that sugar, chocolate and more other things are much more addictive than the weed, it does not have there a problem of dependence when smokes weed (or you smoke 40 joint per day) the weed is a “soft” drug what wants to say that it has not problems of addiction (contrary has the idea “soft” drug or "hard" drug are not base on the importance of the effects but of the problem of addiction which drugs can created to us


Moreover in my case the weed helps me much has to reflect, I already took much good decision “with” the effect of a joint, the only points negative which i see it is that when you smoke a join u becomes “lazy” and of course it is bad for our health, but lot's of things are , if we stop doing all that is bad for our health we would stop everythings .

And i think that if we legalize the marijuana, we will decreased the delinquency cause people wouldn't have to sell it to others and i'm sure that if weed will be legalize lot's of people will stop to smoke cause lot's of people smoke weed only to doing like the other guys.... and not like me cause we think weed is only a way to don't stress and have good time with friend and be philosophic :D

I found this discussion very interesting. and you know my point of view now :D.


I agree, for me alcohol causes much more problems for health than the weed.When somebody is really drunk he have not all his conscience of what he do, his mind is really changed (I think that everyone agree to say that we all did stupidities when we get drunk) whereas (by experiment) when we are under the influence of the weed, we are much more lucid and we knows what we do.

I never regretted after having smoke a join as “crap I would not have had to kiss this girl” or “I did not think what I told you”. I think that we have stuck a label on the face of the smoker of join and that now as soon as someone speaks about weed we see the delinquency directly there.


Moreover do u knew that sugar, chocolate and more other things are much more addictive than the weed, it does not have there a problem of dependence when smokes weed (or you smoke 40 joint per day) the weed is a “soft” drug what wants to say that it has not problems of addiction (contrary has the idea “soft” drug or "hard" drug are not base on the importance of the effects but of the problem of addiction which drugs can created to us


Moreover in my case the weed helps me much has to reflect, I already took much good decision “with” the effect of a joint, the only points negative which i see it is that when you smoke a join u becomes “lazy” and of course it is bad for our health, but lot's of things are , if we stop doing all that is bad for our health we would stop everythings .

And i think that if we legalize the marijuana, we will decreased the delinquency cause people wouldn't have to sell it to others and i'm sure that if weed will be legalize lot's of people will stop to smoke cause lot's of people smoke weed only to doing like the other guys.... and not like me cause we think weed is only a way to don't stress and have good time with friend and be philosophic :D

I found this discussion very interesting. and you know my point of view now :D.

Cannabis wouldn't be forbidden if it would really always make you more lucid,etc, it's not always the case. Concentration decreases, reflexes and behavior is modified. Drive while being under cannabis effects is harmful for you and for others. And it may affect your brain really badly (I think that it can be worse than tobacco or alcohol depending on the individual). Decrease the delinquency, don't think so, since there are other drugs, and when people will see that smoking cannabis is relaxing, etc, some of them (the younger I think) may try sth harder. And I still see some problems, the main is people aren't responsible . A quick example : look at children nowadays....they start smoking and drinking alcohol more and more young, because their parents don't give a shit and smoking and drinking is soooooooo cool. And now, cannabis? Hahahahaha we really need a generation of unhealthy-retarded-lazy children (yeah cannabis + child = very bad mixing). No thanks.


Cannabis wouldn't be forbidden if it would really always make you more lucid,etc, it's not always the case. Concentration decreases, reflexes and behavior is modified. Drive while being under cannabis effects is harmful for you and for others. And it may affect your brain really badly (I think that it can be worse than tobacco or alcohol depending on the individual). Decrease the delinquency, don't think so, since there are other drugs, and when people will see that smoking cannabis is relaxing, etc, some of them (the younger I think) may try sth harder. And I still see some problems, the main is people aren't responsible . A quick example : look at children nowadays....they start smoking and drinking alcohol more and more young, because their parents don't give a shit and smoking and drinking is soooooooo cool. And now, cannabis? Hahahahaha we really need a generation of unhealthy-retarded-lazy children (yeah cannabis + child = very bad mixing). No thanks.


- Same with driving under alcohol and guess what we have laws forbidden driving when drunk (that 0.5‰ I referred to in my earlier post, is for example the Belgian law => less than 2x 25cl beers...)

- Eating hamburgers everyday always f***s up your body, so make everything unhealthy illegal and force people to eat salads everyday...


The teens will get involved with Cannabis no worries :P

I don't know anybody who hasn't come in contact with it (either smoked it or just saw it)

=> I was 14 when I first came in contact with it, I was 18 when I smoked and guess what I'm far from addicted to it (lol I smoke less than twice a year, unless I ran our chemical painkillers)



-Gateway drugs? Last time I checked that has never been confirmed by studies (I know wikipedia, but feel free to check other sources and proof wikipedia wrong ^^):


Since the 1950s, United States drug policies have been guided by the assumption that trying cannabis increases the probability that users will eventually use "harder" drugs.[80] This hypothesis has been one of the central pillars of anti-cannabis drug policy in the United States,[81] though the validity and implications of this hypothesis are hotly debated.[80] Studies have shown that tobacco smoking is a better predictor of concurrent illicit hard drug use than smoking cannabis.[82]

No widely accepted study has ever demonstrated a cause-and-effect relationship between the use of cannabis and the later use of harder drugs like heroin and cocaine. However, the prevalence of tobacco cigarette advertising and the practice of mixing tobacco and cannabis together in a single large joint, common in Europe, are believed to be cofactors in promoting nicotine dependency among young people trying cannabis.[83]

A 2005 comprehensive review of the literature on the cannabis gateway hypothesis found that pre-existing traits may predispose users to addiction in general, the availability of multiple drugs in a given setting confounds predictive patterns in their usage, and drug sub-cultures are more influential than cannabis itself. The study called for further research on "social context, individual characteristics, and drug effects" to discover the actual relationships between cannabis and the use of other drugs.[84]

Some studies state that while there is no proof for this gateway hypothesis, young cannabis users should still be considered as a risk group for intervention programs.[85] Other findings indicate that hard drug users are likely to be "poly-drug" users, and that interventions must address the use of multiple drugs instead of a single hard drug.[86]

Another gateway hypothesis is that a gateway effect may be detected as a result of the "common factors" involved with using any illegal drug. Because of its illegal status, cannabis users are more likely to be in situations which allow them to become acquainted with people who use and sell other illegal drugs.[87][88] By this argument, some studies have shown that alcohol and tobacco may be regarded as gateway drugs.[82] However, a more parsimonious explanation could be that cannabis is simply more readily available (and at an earlier age) than illegal hard drugs, and alcohol/tobacco are in turn easier to obtain earlier than cannabis (though the reverse may be true in some areas), thus leading to the "gateway sequence" in those people who are most likely to experiment with any drug offered.[80]

A 2010 study published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior found that the main factors in users moving on to other drugs were age, wealth, unemployment status, and psychological stress. The study found there is no "gateway theory" and that drug use is more closely tied to a person's life situation, although cannabis users are more likely to use other drugs.[89]



Ah, the education argument again. Parents f*** up the education of their children. BAN EVERYTHING :facepalm:

=> Serious, bad education of children should not mean everything should can banned lolz...


This discussion reminds me of the story I saw a few months ago about a lady in Canada getting a ticket for leaving her window down and car unlocked while she went inside a store.


The act of leaving the window down and car unlocked was an invitation to crime apparently.


Soon so there will be laws about untied shoe laces, and all the destruction they cause.


- Same with driving under alcohol and guess what we have laws forbidden driving when drunk (that 0.5‰ I referred to in my earlier post, is for example the Belgian law => less than 2x 25cl beers...)

- Eating hamburgers everyday always f***s up your body, so make everything unhealthy illegal and force people to eat salads everyday...


The teens will get involved with Cannabis no worries :P

I don't know anybody who hasn't come in contact with it (either smoked it or just saw it)

=> I was 14 when I first came in contact with it, I was 18 when I smoked and guess what I'm far from addicted to it (lol I smoke less than twice a year, unless I ran our chemical painkillers)



-Gateway drugs? Last time I checked that has never been confirmed by studies (I know wikipedia, but feel free to check other sources and proof wikipedia wrong ^^):





Ah, the education argument again. Parents f*** up the education of their children. BAN EVERYTHING :facepalm:

=> Serious, bad education of children should not mean everything should can banned lolz...

The problem isn't addiction, the problem is problems caused by consumption of cannabis. Laws about alcohol and driving are not alwaysrespected => see the amount of deaths due to alcohol + driving every year. You chose a bad example with your hamburgers...I don't think the amount of people who eat hamburgers everyday is that high, excepted in USA (jk, even if it's not so wrong). About your wikipedia article, I don't understand its aim and I can't be more explicit about it than I was in my previous post :) To end, yeah, I think you can blame irresponsible parents for being irresponsible. And no, not everything should be banned because of that, even if I think that the world would have been better without alcohol and cigarettes. But its way to late for that, just deal with it. Anyways, drugs are still forbidden (and I hope it will always be the case, not sure about that), and people way more intelligent and informed than me would have more reasons to give about why it's shit, since even if I tried to inform myself about the subject through internet and my lessons and my logic, I don't have any experience with drugs. This discussion won't end, unless someone stops it, and as I'm alone (however not running out of arguments) and as I don't want to spend all my evening to reply to all the pro-cannabis of the forum, I think it's time for me to stop the debate I started :P


Cannabis wouldn't be forbidden if it would really always make you more lucid,etc, it's not always the case. Concentration decreases, reflexes and behavior is modified. Drive while being under cannabis effects is harmful for you and for others. And it may affect your brain really badly (I think that it can be worse than tobacco or alcohol depending on the individual). Decrease the delinquency, don't think so, since there are other drugs, and when people will see that smoking cannabis is relaxing, etc, some of them (the younger I think) may try sth harder. And I still see some problems, the main is people aren't responsible . A quick example : look at children nowadays....they start smoking and drinking alcohol more and more young, because their parents don't give a shit and smoking and drinking is soooooooo cool. And now, cannabis? Hahahahaha we really need a generation of unhealthy-retarded-lazy children (yeah cannabis + child = very bad mixing). No thanks.

it's sure that as alcohol u musn't drive after smoke a join, and ofc you shouldn't abuse of cannabis but for me the weed is the same as alcohol but with other effect, do you see what i mean?

For me it's the same to drink 2/3 beer than smoking a join, depending of people as u said, but really the same, i can't understand why there is a law forbiden the cannabis and not the alcool? ofc alcohol have always been allowed, but why the governement don't tolerate it? not allowe it but tolerate it( it's a shame to see 3 cops come in your house, believe me i'm knowing what i'm talking about, cause u have 0.5 g of canabis , what is not enought to make you 1 join and in the law , normally u CAN have less than 2g on your pockets but i won't stay on that subject)

you say that child + cannabis = bad mixing but it's the same thing with alcohol or with junk food sugar, tabacoo, even video games it's happened that people ( more in the US) killed someone because they play too much videogames, should we ban videogames too? should we banned sugar? junkffood? films? if you think that's a bad mixing then it can be with everythings that a human tuch...,

(People must step back on their action, think about it, but it's not ready to arrive...)

i think on this point the law is fack, they still continu to sell smoke and alcohol to highter price hiding the effect of those prods, but still continu to say that cannabis is the worse thing... just think that's sad..

lot's of people who have make success on they life was taking drugs: stefen king, cameron diazz, jessica alba, all of them had smoke join, is it for that that they don't have success?? No

they just make cannabis as the worse thing ever exist, and people believe that.

For me it's open your mind on the world, ( for myself before smoking join i was a fighting guy, i fack up school and now i'm more sociable, i'll have my exam and i'm sure i'll win it)

there isn't the same mentality between guys who smoke join and guys who don't as there isn't same mentality between an alcolic and a sportiv man.

And for me the problem is that people who have an idea in they mind can't understand something else.. and it's really sad.


The problem isn't addiction, the problem is problems caused by consumption of cannabis. Laws about alcohol and driving are not alwaysrespected => see the amount of deaths due to alcohol + driving every year. You chose a bad example with your hamburgers...I don't think the amount of people who eat hamburgers everyday is that high, excepted in USA (jk, even if it's not so wrong). About your wikipedia article, I don't understand its aim and I can't be more explicit about it than I was in my previous post :) To end, yeah, I think you can blame irresponsible parents for being irresponsible. And no, not everything should be banned because of that, even if I think that the world would have been better without alcohol and cigarettes. But its way to late for that, just deal with it. Anyways, drugs are still forbidden (and I hope it will always be the case, not sure about that), and people way more intelligent and informed than me would have more reasons to give about why it's shit, since even if I tried to inform myself about the subject through internet and my lessons and my logic, I don't have any experience with drugs. This discussion won't end, unless someone stops it, and as I'm alone (however not running out of arguments) and as I don't want to spend all my evening to reply to all the pro-cannabis of the forum, I think it's time for me to stop the debate I started :P

The problem isn't addiction, the problem is problems caused by consumption of cannabis. Laws about alcohol and driving are not alwaysrespected => see the amount of deaths due to alcohol + driving every year. You chose a bad example with your hamburgers...I don't think the amount of people who eat hamburgers everyday is that high, excepted in USA (jk, even if it's not so wrong). About your wikipedia article, I don't understand its aim and I can't be more explicit about it than I was in my previous post :) To end, yeah, I think you can blame irresponsible parents for being irresponsible. And no, not everything should be banned because of that, even if I think that the world would have been better without alcohol and cigarettes. But its way to late for that, just deal with it. Anyways, drugs are still forbidden (and I hope it will always be the case, not sure about that), and people way more intelligent and informed than me would have more reasons to give about why it's shit, since even if I tried to inform myself about the subject through internet and my lessons and my logic, I don't have any experience with drugs. This discussion won't end, unless someone stops it, and as I'm alone (however not running out of arguments) and as I don't want to spend all my evening to reply to all the pro-cannabis of the forum, I think it's time for me to stop the debate I started :P

agree with u, this conversation will never have a end, agree to stop it too ^^ we'll never convince ourself x)


CBA to read all comment but WOW lol.. yh obviously a snake in the grass somewhere in the circle !! , Its a common FACT if u don't smoke cannabis and u have 1 joint a year it releases something in your brain and does some good if ya'll don't belive then google it im not googling im smoking a fat j atm tbh lol !!! I don't think its good to smoke it but it cAN be a destresser to SOME and it can also be harmfull to lots but come on remember every1 is different I only smoke cannabis its better than doing coke or mdma n other shit what every1 seems to be doing nwdays ive never tried none of tht shit only hash , for all u non smokers its jus like a friend and its more of a hobby like holding something in your hand and when your bored u got something to do I still from this day dnt understand y people smoke to get high its bs jus smoke to relax dudes!!! u guys smoking to get high STOP please u give weed a bad name yes its bad but at the same time its a spiritual healer to millions !!! and helps millions threw cancer and hard times! the government made this SKUNK shit up so its on them it was jus weed intill they started experimenting


I need to talk to Samson!


Natural but illegal and harmful. Moreover they were selling this shit to others, so maybe they're not criminal, still delinquents I'd say, but some months of jail would be still deserved.

i've seen more harm done by booze than weed
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well for all of you out there that are mistaken , let me correct you. i use a significant amount of weed daily. i have a prescription for it and my life would be torturous without it . my alternatives would be to take hi powered narcotics with serious side effects . due to an injury i will suffer from extreme pain for the rest of my life , the medications i have to take make me intensely nauseous to the point of incapacitation . the medications i have to counter the nausea do not work well and make me sick in other ways , as well as damaging my liver and pancreas . weed relieves the nausea almost completely , allowing me to eat and function without misery . i have been smoking weed for over a decade and i have no lung or circulation problems , as well i exercise everyday and i have no shortness of breath . alcohol and cigarettes are far more harmful yet are legal. if you check your history you will find that safety is not the reason for its banning, but instead it was motivated by money. the paper and cotton industries mounted a smear campaign to eliminate the competition with their products , this is sad considering that it is far more costly to the environment to produce paper products than hemp , not to mention stupid to use artificial medications that are ineffective and have many undesirable side effects when a natural and extremely effective alternative exists . besides , i have never heard of someone getting stoned and beating the hell out of their wife , i hear about alcohol related violence almost every day. if you know a stonner that is lazy and apathetic , they are either smoking swag low quality weed or they were lazy and apathetic to begin with . i am very productive and active both physically and mentally and i am baked almost 24/7 . to all of you who criticize and condemn , quit being ignorant , did your ancestors burn witches and think the world was flat?

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